Nos publications

Mise à jour août 2024

Title Authors Year Trier par ordre croissant Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Multimerin 1 supports platelet function in vivo and binds to specific GPAGPOGPX motifs in fibrillar collagens that enhance platelet adhesion Leatherdale A, Parker DA, Tasneem S, Wang Y, Bihan D, Bonna A, Hamaia SW, Gross PL, Ni H, Doble BW, Lillicrap D, Farndale RW, Hayward CPM 2021 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Research initiatives of blood services worldwide in response to the covid-19 pandemic O'Brien SF, Lieshout-Krikke RW, Lewin A, Erikstrup C, Steele WR, Uzicanin S, Custer B, the Surveillance RA, Policy Sub-group of the ISBT Transfusion Transmitted Infectious Diseases Working Party 2021 Vox Sang Researchers Clinical research
Systematic review and meta-analysis of outcomes in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism Patel P, Patel P, Bhatt M, Braun C, Begum H, Nieuwlaat R, Khatib R, Martins CC, Zhang Y, Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta I, Varghese J, Alturkmani H, Bahaj W, Baig M, Kehar R, Mustafa A, Ponnapureddy R, Sethi A, Thomas M, Wooldridge D, Lim W, Bates SM, Lang E, Le Gal G, Haramati LB, Kline J, Righini M, Wiercioch W, Schünemann H, Mustafa RA 2021 Blood Adv Researchers Clinical research
In vitro assessment and phase I randomized clinical trial of anfibatide a snake venom derived anti-thrombotic agent targeting human platelet GPIb? Li BX, Dai X, Xu XR, Adili R, Neves MAD, Lei X, Shen C, Zhu G, Wang Y, Zhou H, Hou Y, Ni T, Pasman Y, Yang Z, Qian F, Zhao Y, Gao Y, Liu J, Teng M, Marshall AH, Cerenzia EG, Li ML, Ni H 2021 Sci Rep Researchers Clinical research
Characteristics of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Recovered COVID-19 Subjects Huynh A, Arnold DM, Smith JW, Moore JC, Zhang A, Chagla Z, Harvey BJ, Stacey HD, Ang JC, Clare R, Ivetic N, Chetty VT, Bowdish DME, Miller MS, Kelton JG, Nazy I 2021 Viruses Researchers Clinical research
An international comparison of HIV prevalence and incidence in blood donors and general population: a BEST Collaborative study Germain M, Grégoire Y, Custer BS, Goldman M, Bravo M, Kamel H, Davison K, Field S, van den Hurk K, van de Laar TJW, Irving DO, Jones A, Liumbruno G, Morley S, O’Brien SF, Pillonel J, Steinsvåg CT, Takanashi M, Tsuno NH, Vesga Carasa MA, Wendel S, Vassallo RR, Tiberghien P, for the BEST Collaborative 2021 Vox Sang Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Concentré de recherche: L’administration d’albumine par voie intraveineuse ne conduit pas à de meilleurs résultats chez les personnes subissant des opérations cardiaques Bartoszko J 2021 website Health care providers Clinical research
Buffy coat platelets coming to America: Are we ready? Gammon RR, Devine D, Katz LM, Quinley E, Wu Y, Rowe K, Razatos A, Min K, Reichenberg S, Smith R 2021 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
International Forum on Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Faint and Pre-faint Adverse Reactions in Whole Blood Donors: Responses Goldman M, Townsend M, Magnussen K, Lozano M, Nissen-Meyer LSH, Lee CK, Leung JN, Takanashi M, McKay J, Kvist M, Robitaille N, Deschênes J, Di Angelantonio E, McMahon A, Roberts D, Maghsudlu M, Castrén J, Tiberghien P, Woimant G, Morel P, Kamel H, Bravo M, Shinar E, Gendelman V, Raz H, Wendel S, Fachini R, Quee F, van den Hurk K, Wiersum J, Grima KM, Speedy J, Bruun MT, Dunbar NM 2021 Vox Sang Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Psychometric Evaluation of ITP Life Quality Index (ILQI) in a Global Survey of Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia Viana R, D'Alessio D, Grant L, Cooper N, Arnold D, Morgan M, Provan D, Cuker A, Hill QA, Tomiyama Y, Ghanima W 2021 Adv Ther Researchers Clinical research
Definition of a critical bleed in patients with immune thrombocytopenia: Communication from the ISTH SSC Subcommittee on Platelet Immunology Sirotich E, Guyatt G, Gabe C, Ye Z, Beck CE, Breakey V, Cooper N, Cuker A, Charness J, de Wit K, DiRaimo J, Fein SG, Grace RF, Hassan Z, Jamula E, Kang M, Manski CF, O'Connor C, Pai M, Paynter D, Porter SC, Pruitt B, Strachan G, Webert KE, Yan JW, Kelton JG, Bakchoul T, Arnold DM 2021 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Risk of transfusion-transmitted Babesia microti in Canada O'Brien SF, Drews SJ, Yi Q-L, Bloch EM, Ogden NH, Koffi JK, Lindsay LR, Gregoire Y, Delage G 2021 Transfusion Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Réactions transfusionnelles anaphylactiques et déficit en IgA Khandelwal A, Clarke G, Goldman M 2021 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Factors associated with wrong blood in tube errors: An international case series - The BEST collaborative study Dunbar NM, Kaufman RM 2021 Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Monocyte monolayer assay predictions of clinical outcome for serologically incompatible red blood cells is all about timing Branch DR, Sandhu G, Raos M 2021 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Lessons learned in the collection of convalescent plasma during the COVID-19 pandemic Wendel S, Land K, Devine DV, Daly J, Bazin R, Tiberghien P, Lee C-K, Arora S, Patidar GK, Khillan K, Smid WM, Vrielink H, Oreh A, Al-Riyami AZ, Hindawi S, Vermeulen M, Louw V, Burnouf T, Bloch EM, Goel R, Townsend M, So-Osman C 2021 Vox Sang Blood operators New or improved product or process
Chapter 11: Massive hemorrhage and emergency transfusion Trudeau J, Dawe P, Shih A 2021 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Current challenges of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) seroprevalence studies among blood donors: A scoping review Saeed S, Uzicanin S, Lewin A, Lieshout-Krikke R, Faddy H, Erikstrup C, Osiowy C, Seed C, Steele W, Davidson K, Custer B, O’Brien S, Assessment ObotSR, Policy sub-group of the Transfusion Transmitted Infectious Diseases Working Party of the International Society of Blood Transfusion 2021 medRxiv Researchers Basic research
International Forum on Walking Blood Bank Programmes: Summary Martinaud C, Scorer T, Lozano M, Miles A, Fitchett G, Ba A, Wikman A, Nimberger-Hansson P, Enbuske S, Bohon?k M, Devine D, Beckett AN, Mbanya D, T'Sas F, Degueldre J, Chueca M, Dedome E, Apelseth T, Strandenes G, Wendel S, Fachini R, Olszewski A, Dupont C, Glassberg E, Shinar E, Taylor AL, Corley JB, Sekaran Nadarajan V, Dunbar N 2021 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
CD248 enhances tissue factor procoagulant function, promoting arterial and venous thrombosis in mouse models Kapopara PR, Safikhan NS, Huang JL, Meixner SC, Gonzalez K, Loghmani H, Ruf W, Mast AE, Lei V, Pryzdial ELG, Conway EM 2021 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Rethinking platelet transfusion practices Devine DV 2021 Blood Health care providers New or improved product or process
Convalescent plasma for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and the effect of plasma antibodies: a randomized controlled, open-label trial Bégin P, Callum J, Jamula E, Cook R, Heddle NM, Tinmouth A, Zeller MP, Beaudoin-Bussières G, Amorim L, Bazin R, Loftsgard KC, Carl R, Chassé M, Cushing MM, Daneman N, Devine DV, Dumaresq J, Fergusson DA, Gabe C, Glesby MJ, Li N, Liu Y, McGeer A, Robitaille N, Sachais BS, Scales DC, Schwartz L, Shehata N, Turgeon AF, Wood H, Zarychanski R, Finzi A, Arnold DM, for The CONCOR-1 Study Group 2021 medRxiv Health care providers Clinical research
The efficacy of ice recrystallization inhibitors in rat lung cryopreservation using a low cost technique for ex vivo subnormothermic lung perfusion Lautner L, Himmat S, Acker JP, Nagendran J 2020 Cryobiology Researchers Basic research
Illustrated State-of-the-Art Capsules of the ISTH 2020 Congress Ariens R, Becattini C, Bender M, Bergmeier W, Castoldi E, Devreese K, Ellis M, Gailani D, Ignjatovic V, James PD, Kerrigan S, Lambert M, Lee LH, Levi M, Maugeri N, Meijers J, Melero-Martin J, Michelson AD, Mingozzi F, Neeves K, Ni H, Olsson A-K, Prohászka Z, Ranson M, Riva N, Senis Y, van Ommen CH, Vaughan DE, Weisel J 2020 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
New insights into IVIg mechanisms and alternatives in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases Norris PAA, Kaur G, Lazarus AH 2020 Curr Opin Hematol Researchers Basic research
Research Unit: Estimating hemophilia prevalence and life expectancy Iorio A 2020 website Health care providers Clinical research
Transfusion of blood components containing ABO-incompatible plasma does not lead to higher mortality in civilian trauma patients Seheult JN, Dunbar NM, Hess JR, Tuott EE, Bahmanyar M, Campbell J, Fontaine M, Khan J, Ko A, Mi J, Murphy MF, Nykoluk T, Poisson J, Raval JS, Shih A, Sperry JL, Staves J, Wong M, Yan MTS, Ziman A, Yazer MH, Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion (BEST) Collaborative 2020 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Variations in hemoglobin measurement and eligibility criteria across blood donation services are associated with differing low-hemoglobin deferral rates: a BEST Collaborative study Zalpuri S, Romeijn B, Allara E, Goldman M, Kamel H, Gorlin J, Vassallo R, Grégoire Y, Goto N, Flanagan P, Speedy J, Buser A, Kutner JM, Magnussen K, Castrén J, Culler L, Sussmann H, Prinsze FJ, Belanger K, Compernolle V, Tiberghien P, Cardenas JM, Gandhi MJ, West KA, Lee CK, James S, Wells D, Sutor LJ, Wendel S, Coleman M, Seltsam A, Roden K, Steele WR, Bohonek M, Alcantara R, Di Angelantonio E, van den Hurk K, BEST Collaborative 2020 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
A call for caution in use of pertussis vaccine effectiveness studies to estimate waning immunity: A Canadian Immunization Research Network Study Crowcroft NS, Schwartz KL, Savage RD, Chen C, Johnson C, Li Y, Marchand-Austin A, Bolotin S, Deeks SL, Jamieson FB, Drews SJ, Russell ML, Svenson LW, Simmonds K, Righolt CH, Bell C, Mahmud SM, Kwong JC 2020 Clin Infect Dis Researchers Clinical research
Concentré de recherche: Protéger les patients atteints d’anémie falciforme contre le risque d’allo-immunisation?: avantages du génotypage Shih AW 2020 website Health care providers Clinical research
Platelet autoantibodies in the bone marrow of patients with immune thrombocytopenia Shrestha S, Nazy I, Smith JW, Kelton JG, Arnold DM 2020 Blood Adv Health care providers Clinical research
SARS in Canada: Lessons learned for the blood operator Devine DV 2020 Transfus Med Blood operators Other
Update on newer approaches to prevent or treat COVID-19 infection: What we all need the most right now!! Seghatchian J, Acker JP, Putter JS 2020 Transfus Apher Sci Researchers New or improved product or process
A case series of inactivated Japanese encephalitis virus vaccination associated with positive West Nile virus blood donor screening nucleic acid tests Drews SJ, Makowski K, Wood H, Dimitrova K, Yan MTS, Young D, Skeate R, Ng M, Hawes G, Fearon M, Bigham M 2020 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Aging, chronic inflammation, and platelet hyperactivity Ma W, Karakas D, Chen ZY, Ni H 2020 Ann Blood Researchers Basic research
Circulaire d'information utilisation de composants sanguins humains: Cellules progénitrices hématopoïétiques de sang de cordon ombilical Jenkins C 2020 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
A crosswalk tabular review on methods and outcomes from randomized clinical trials using pathogen reduced platelets Rebulla P, Garban F, van der Meer PF, Heddle NM, McCullough J 2020 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Guidance for the procurement of COVID-19 convalescent plasma: differences between high- and low-middle-income countries Bloch EM, Goel R, Wendel S, Burnouf T, Al-Riyami AZ, Ang AL, DeAngelis V, Dumont LJ, Land K, Lee CK, Oreh A, Patidar G, Spitalnik SL, Vermeulen M, Hindawi S, Van den Berg K, Tiberghien P, Vrielink H, Young P, Devine D, So-Osman C 2020 Vox Sang Health care providers Clinical research
Limitations of the particle immunofiltration assay test for diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Warkentin TE, Cook RJ, Greinacher A 2020 Am J Hematol Health care providers New or improved product or process
TACO-BEL-3: a feasibility study and a retrospective audit of diuretics for patients receiving blood transfusion at ten hospitals Khandelwal A, Lin Y, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Al Moosawi M, Armali C, Arnold D, Callum J, Dallas KL, Lieberman L, Pavenski K, Rioux-Massé B, Shehata N, Shih AW, Pendergrast J 2020 Vox Sang Health care providers Clinical research
Barriers and enablers to source plasma donation by gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men under revised eligibility criteria: protocol for a multiple stakeholder feasibility study Vesnaver E, Goldman M, O’Brien S, MacPherson P, Butler-Foster T, Lapierre D, Otis J, Devine DV, Germain M, Rosser A, MacDonagh R, Randall T, Osbourne-Sorrell W, Clement-Thorne B, Al-Bakri TB, Rubini KA, Hill NE, Presseau J 2020 Health Res Policy Syst Researchers MSM research
Colloid Transfusion, Natural Anticoagulant Depletion, and Symmetric Peripheral Gangrene Warkentin TE, Ning S, Lim W 2020 N Engl J Med Health care providers Clinical research
Emerging use of machine learning and advanced technologies to assess red cell quality Sebastian JA, Kolios MC, Acker JP 2020 Transfus Apher Sci Researchers New or improved product or process
Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in adults: Second-line and subsequent therapies George J, Arnold D 2020 UptoDate Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Objective assessment of stored blood quality by deep learning Doan M, Sebastian JA, Caicedo JC, Siegert S, Roch A, Turner TR, Mykhailova O, Pinto RN, McQuin C, Goodman A, Parsons MJ, Wolkenhauer O, Hennig H, Singh S, Wilson A, Acker JP, Rees P, Kolios MC, Carpenter AE 2020 PLoS Pathog Researchers New or improved product or process
Research Unit: Machine learning throws away the buckets to better understand red blood cell quality Acker JP 2020 website Researchers Basic research
Transfusion septic reactions involving platelet concentrates contaminated with Citrobacter koseri Ramirez-Arcos S 2020 Ann Blood Researchers Clinical research
Defocused Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy in Media of Different Optical Properties for Biomedical Applications Using a Commercial Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy Device Vardaki MZ, Devine DV, Serrano K, Simantiris N, Blades MW, Piret JM, Turner RFB 2020 Appl Spectrosc Researchers New or improved product or process
IgG3 anti-Kell allotypic variation results in differential antigen binding and phagocytosis Cen SY, Holton MB, Binnington B, Denomme GA, Howie HL, Lebedev JN, Zimring JC, Branch DR 2020 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Venous limb gangrene and pulseless electrical activity (PEA) cardiac arrest during management of deep-vein thrombosis and progressive limb ischemic necrosis following vascular surgery Avram AT, Blostein MD, Hirsch AM, Warkentin TE 2020 Am J Hematol Health care providers Clinical research