Nos publications

Mise à jour août 2024

Title Authors Year Trier par ordre croissant Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Direct comparison of two extended half-life PEGylated recombinant FVIII products: a randomized, crossover pharmacokinetic study in patients with severe hemophilia A Solms A, Shah A, Berntorp E, Tiede A, Iorio A, Linardi C, Ahsman M, Mancuso ME, Zhivkov T, Lissitchkov T 2020 Ann Hematol Researchers Clinical research
Haemolytic diseases Armstrong B, Smart E, Reviewer for Second Edition: Bodnar M and Clarke G 2020 ISBT Science Series Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Management of major bleeds in patients with immune thrombocytopenia Mithoowani S, Cervi A, Shah N, Ejaz R, Sirotich E, Barty R, Li N, Nazy I, Arnold DM 2020 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research
The Impact of Bacterial Biofilms in Transfusion Medicine Ramirez-Arcos S 2020 Racing for the Surface Researchers Basic research
Optimizing the supply of whole blood-derived bioproducts through the combined implementation of cryopreservation and pathogen reduction technologies and practices: An overview Bohonek M, Kutac D, Acker JP, Seghatchian J 2020 Transfus Apher Sci Researchers New or improved product or process
Cardiac donation after circulatory determination of death: protocol for a mixed-methods study of healthcare provider and public perceptions in Canada Honarmand K, Ball I, Weiss M, Slessarev M, Sibbald R, Sarti A, Meade M, D'Aragon F, Chasse M, Basmaji J, Parsons Leigh J 2020 BMJ Open Researchers New or improved product or process
Control of ice recrystallization in liver tissues using small molecule carbohydrate derivatives William N, Acker JP 2020 Cryobiology Researchers Basic research
Épreuves prétransfusionnelles Duncan J 2020 Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Improved access to better HLA-matched hematopoietic cells for allogeneic transplant: analysis of donors and cord blood units selected for Canadian patients in 2018 Greco-Stewart V, Elmoazzen H, Morris G, Guo Y, Langdon C, Mercer D, Dibdin N, Allan DS 2020 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Opportunities for standardization of cold stored, low-titre group O WB products Acker JP, Seghatchian J 2020 Transfus Apher Sci Researchers New or improved product or process
ResearchUnit: Donating blood before pregnancy is safe for mothers and babies Chassé M 2020 website Researchers Clinical research
Transfusion-transmitted and community-acquired cytomegalovirus infection in seronegative solid organ transplant recipients receiving seronegative donor organs Mabilangan C, Burton C, Nahirniak S, O'Brien S, Preiksaitis J 2020 Am J Transplant Health care providers Clinical research
Portrayal of umbilical cord blood research in the North American popular press: promise or hype? Marcon AR, Allan D, Barber M, Murdosh B, Caulfield T 2020 Regen Med Researchers Other
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma as a posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder in a renal transplant patient: A case report Alabdulbaqi M, Toupin M, Berardi P, McCurdy A 2020 eJHaem Health care providers Clinical research
Current techniques and the future of lung preservation Lautner LJ, Freed DH, Nagendran J, Acker JP 2020 Cryobiology Researchers Basic research
Extension of platelet shelf life with an improved bacterial testing algorithm Ramirez-Arcos S, Evans S, McIntyre T, Pang C, Yi Q-L, DiFranco C, Goldman M 2020 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
ISTH DIC subcommittee communication on anticoagulation in COVID-19 Thachil J, Juffermans NP, Ranucci M, Connors JM, Warkentin TE, Ortel TL, Levi M, Iba T, Levy JH 2020 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Platelet transfusion practice and platelet refractoriness for a cohort of pediatric oncology patients: A single-center study Lieberman L, Liu Y, Barty R, Heddle NM 2020 Pediatr Blood Cancer Health care providers Clinical research
Using blood donors and solid organ transplant donors and recipients to estimate the seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus and Epstein–Barr virus in Canada: A cross-sectional study Mabilangan C, Burton C, O'Brien S, Plitt S, Eurich DT, Preiksaitis J 2020 JAMMI Researchers Clinical research
Concentré de recherche: Concentré de fibrinogène vs cryoprécipité pour réduire les saignements après une chirurgie cardiaque Karkouti K 2020 website Health care providers Clinical research
Blood collection Armstrong B, Reviewer for Second Edition: Goldman M 2020 ISBT Sci Ser Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Half a Century of Wilson & Jungner: Reflections on the Governance of Population Screening Sturdy S, Miller F, Hogarth S, Armstrong N, Chakraborty P, Cressman C, Dobrow M, Flitcroft K, Grossman D, Harris R, Hoebee B, Holloway K, Kinsinger L, Krag M, Löblová O, Löwy I, Mackie A, Marshall J, O'Hallahan J, Rabeneck L, Raffle A, Reid L, Shortland G, Steele R, Tarini B, Taylor-Phillips S, Towler B, van der Veen N, Zappa M 2020 Wellcome Open Res Researchers Other
Maximum 24-hour platelet count fall: Metric for improving the diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia among patients with intermediate probability 4Ts scores Lefler DS, Cuker A, Linkins LA, Warkentin TE, Pishko AM 2020 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers New or improved product or process
Public Goods, or Goods for the Public? The Commercialization of Academic Health Research Holloway K, Herder M 2020 Health Matters: Evidence, Critical Social Science, and Health Care in Canada Researchers Ethical, legal and social implications research
Targeted recruitment of optimal donors for unrelated hematopoietic cell transplantation: The Stem Cell Club process Fingrut W, Messner HA, Allan D 2020 Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Ther Researchers New or improved product or process
Sources of viral respiratory infections in Canadian acute care hospital healthcare personnel Buckrell S, Coleman BL, McNeil SA, Katz K, Muller MP, Simor A, Loeb M, Powis J, Kuster SP, Di Bella JM, Coleman KKL, Drews SJ, Kohler P, McGeer A, Hatchette T, Holness L, Raboud J, Langley J, Mazzulli T, Nichol K, Genesove L, Oudyk J, McCaskell L, Johnson N 2020 J Hosp Infect Health care providers Clinical research
The 14-3-3ζ–c-Src–integrin-?3 complex is vital for platelet activation Shen C, Liu M, Xu R, Wang G, Li J, Chen P, Ma W, Mwangi J, Lu Q, Duan Z, Zhang Z, Dahmani FZ, Mackeigan DT, Ni H, Lai R 2020 Blood Researchers Basic research
Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome refractory to high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin responsive to therapeutic plasma exchange James TE, Martin LJ, Warkentin TE, Crowther MA 2020 Platelets Health care providers Clinical research
Establishment of Transfusion-Relevant Bacteria Reference Strains for Red Blood Cells Prax M, Spindler-Raffel E, McDonald CP, Bearne J, Satake M, Kozakai M, Rojo J, Hanschmann K-MO, Lambrecht B, Grundmann U, O’Flaherty N, Klimek A, Bekeredjian-Ding I, Gathof BS, Störmer M, Süßner S, Renke C, Lee C-k, Knabbe C, Vollmer T, Keil SD, Shipps ME, Wagner SJ, Jentsch U, Mpumlwana X, Cloutier M, Bringmann P, Lu T, Ramirez-Arcos S, Kou Y, Krut O, ISBT Transfusion-Transmitted Infectious Diseases Working Party SoB 2020 Vox Sang Researchers New or improved product or process
Transient loss of membrane integrity following intracellular ice formation in dimethyl sulfoxide-treated hepatocyte and endothelial cell monolayers William N, Acker JP 2020 Cryobiology Researchers Basic research
Circular of information for the use of human blood components: Hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC), cord blood Jenkins C 2020 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Isoagglutinin-reduced immunoglobulin retains efficacy in mouse models of immune thrombocytopenia and rheumatoid arthritis and is less likely to cause intravenous immunoglobulin–associated hemolysis Cen SY, Branch DR 2020 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Daudi cell stroma: An alternative to dithiothreitol to resolve daratumumab interference in pretransfusion testing Tremblay T, Branch DR, Loubaki L 2020 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
ISTH guidelines for the diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, Coppo P, Geldziler B, Iorio A, Matsumoto M, Mustafa RA, Pai M, Rock G, Russell L, Tarawneh R, Valdes J, Peyvandi F 2020 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Utilising red cell antigen genotyping and serological phenotyping in sickle cell disease patients to risk-stratify patients for alloimmunisation risk Shih AW, Yan MTS, Elahie AL, Barty RL, Liu Y, Berardi P, Azzam M, Siddiqui R, Parvizian MK, Mcdougall T, Heddle NM, Al-Habsi KS, Goldman M, Cote J, Athale U, Verhovsek MM 2020 Transfus Med Health care providers Clinical research
GRADE Guidelines 28: Use of GRADE for the assessment of evidence about prognostic factors: rating certainty in identification of groups of patients with different absolute risks Foroutan F, Guyatt G, Zuk V, Vandvik PO, Alba AC, Mustafa R, Vernooij R, Arevalo-Rodriguez I, Munn Z, Roshanov P, Riley R, Schandelmaier S, Kuijpers T, Siemieniuk R, Canelo-Aybar C, Schunemann H, Iorio A 2020 J Clin Epidemiol Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
ResearchUnit: Improving quality testing of stem cells for patients Pineault N 2020 website Researchers New or improved product or process
Trehalose-Based Polyethers for Cryopreservation and Three-Dimensional Cell Scaffolds Diaz-Dussan D, Peng YY, Sengupta J, Zabludowski R, Adam MK, Acker JP, Ben RN, Kumar P, Narain R 2020 Biomacromolecules Researchers Basic research
Blood Components Gupta A, Bigham M 2020 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
A comparison of methods for prediction of pharmacokinetics when switching to extended half-life products in hemophilia A patients Yu JK, Iorio A, Edginton AN 2020 Thromb Res Researchers Clinical research
Donor-dependent aging of young and old red blood cell subpopulations: Metabolic and functional heterogeneity Mykhailova O, Olafson C, Turner TR, D?Alessandro A, Acker JP 2020 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
High subzero cryofixation: A technique for observing ice within tissues Lautner L, William N, Acker JP 2020 Cryobiology Researchers New or improved product or process
The mega-importance of de novo lipogenesis in platelet production Nazy I, Arnold DM, Steinberg GR 2020 Nat Metab Researchers Basic research
A push in Alberta for "pay-for-plasma" distracts from bigger questions Cattapan A 2020 Policy Options Other Ethical, legal and social implications research
Testing and management of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia Meunier D, Clarke G 2020 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Implications of variability in cell membrane permeability for design of methods to remove glycerol from frozen-thawed erythrocytes Lahmann JM, Sanchez CC, Benson JD, Acker JP, Higgins AZ 2020 Cryobiology Researchers Basic research
Stability of 40 cytokines/chemokines in chronically ill patients under different storage conditions Binnington B, Sakac D, Yi Q, Tong TN, Parmar N, Duong TT, Yeung RSM, Pendergrast J, Branch DR 2020 Cytokine Researchers Basic research
50 years of Vox Sanguinis International Forums Lozano M, Dunbar NM, Devine DV 2020 Vox Sang Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Centre d’innovation Rapport d’étape annuel 2019-2020 Levy I, Pambrun C 2020 website Other Other
Evaluating blood product quality post expiry to mitigate blood shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada Turner TR, Olafson C, Mykhailova O, Xu A, Acker JP 2020 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process