Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Mouse Models of Rheumatoid Arthritis for Studies on Immunopathogenesis and Preclinical Testing of Fc Receptor-Targeting Biologics Lewis BJB, Branch DR 2020 Pharmacology Researchers Basic research
A stressful predicament for blood bankers! Branch DR 2020 Transfus Med Blood operators Basic research
Centre for Innovation Annual Progress Report 2019-2020 Levy I, Pambrun C 2020 Blood.ca website Other Other
COVID-19 Case-Age Distribution: Correction for Differential Testing by Age Fisman D, Greer A, Hillmer M, O'Brien S, Drews SJ, Tuite A 2020 medRxiv Researchers Clinical research
Influenza Vaccine Does Not Increase the Risk of Coronavirus or Other Noninfluenza Respiratory Viruses: Retrospective Analysis From Canada, 2010–2011 to 2016–2017 Skowronski DM, Zou M, Clarke Q, Chambers C, Dickinson JA, Sabaiduc S, Olsha R, Gubbay JB, Drews SJ, Charest H, Winter A-L, Jassem A, Murti M, Krajden M, De Serres G 2020 Clin Infect Dis Health care providers Clinical research
Perioperative oral eltrombopag versus intravenous immunoglobulin in patients with immune thrombocytopenia: a non-inferiority, multicentre, randomised trial Arnold DM, Heddle NM, Cook RJ, Hsia C, Blostein M, Jamula E, Sholzberg M, Lin Y, Kassis J, Larratt L, Tinmouth A, Amini S, Schipperus M, Lim W, Vishnu P, Warner M, Carruthers J, Li N, Lane S, Kelton JG 2020 Lancet Haematol Health care providers Clinical research
Transitioning to Full Field Digital Mammography in Nova Scotia: Using Interrupted Time Series Methods to Study the Impact of Technology Change on Mammography Volumes Brydon M, Kephart G, Payne JI, Blake J 2020 J Med Imaging Radiat Sci Researchers New or improved product or process
Circulare d'information utilisation de composants sanguins humains: Cellules progénitrices hématopoïétiques de sang de cordon ombilical Jenkins C 2020 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Antiviral anticoagulation Pryzdial ELG, Sutherland MR, Lin BH, Horwitz M 2020 Res Pract Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Dépistage et prise en charge de la thrombopénie fœtale et néonatale allo-immune Meunier D, Clarke G 2020 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Jumelage de patients atteints d’anémie falciforme selon le phénotype et période de conservation du sang : examen et recommandations aux fins transfusionnelles Morin P-A, Skeate R, Clarke G 2020 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
A simple protein-based surrogate neutralization assay for SARS-CoV-2 Abe KT, Li Z, Samson R, Samavarchi-Tehrani P, Valcourt EJ, Wood H, Budylowski P, Dupuis Ii AP, Girardin RC, Rathod B, Wang J, Barrios-Rodiles M, Colwill K, McGeer A, Mubareka S, Gommerman JL, Durocher Y, Ostrowski M, McDonough KA, Drebot MA, Drews SJ, Rini JM, Gingras AC 2020 JCI Insight Researchers New or improved product or process
Vox Sanguinis International Forum on Donor Incentives Zeller MP, Ellingham D, Devine D, Lozano M, Lewis P, Zhiburt E, van der Linde L, Goldman M, Nakamura A, Inoue S, Takikawa M, Nakajima K, Turek P, Rehacek V, Sakashita AM, Kutner JM, Karim FA, Hindawi S, Jayasekara SBA, Merz E-M, Gross S, Woimant G, Djoudi R, Byabazaire KD, Irving DO, Abdrakhmanova S, Khalykova A, Yilmaz S, Oruc NE, Huaynalaya IP, Ramirez LAS, Chuhriiev A 2020 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Corrigendum to "Comparison of mammalian and bacterial expression library screening to detect recombinant alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor variants with enhanced thrombin inhibitory capacity" [J. Biotechnol. 208 (2015) 54-62] Gierczak RF, Bhakta V, Xie M, Sheffield WP 2020 J Biotechnol Researchers Basic research
Blood donors Armstrong B, Reviewer for Second Edition: Goldman M 2020 ISBT Sci Ser Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
The Effect of Age and Type of Media on Growth Kinetics of Human Amniotic Fluid Stem cells Borzou B, Mehrabani D, Zare S, Zamani-Pereshkaft M, Acker JP 2020 Biopreserv Biobank Researchers Basic research
HIT: still stringing us along Warkentin TE 2020 Blood Researchers Clinical research
MSM Research Program: Knowledge synthesis interim report Walsh G, Haw J, Chargé S 2020 Blood.ca website Other Other
Thrombospondin-1/CD47 signaling modulates transmembrane cation conductance, survival, and deformability of human red blood cells Bissinger R, Petkova-Kirova P, Mykhailova O, Oldenborg P-A, Novikova E, Donkor DA, Dietz T, Bhuyan AAM, Sheffield WP, Grau M, Artunc F, Kaestner L, Acker JP, Qadri SM 2020 Cell Signal Researchers Basic research
Blood loss from laboratory testing, anemia, and red blood cell transfusion in the intensive care unit: a retrospective study Jackson Chornenki NL, James TE, Barty R, Liu Y, Rochwerg B, Heddle NM, Siegal DM 2020 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Increased cytotoxic potential of CD8(+) T cells in immune thrombocytopenia Vrbensky JR, Arnold DM, Kelton JG, Smith JW, Jaffer AM, Larché M, Clare R, Ivetic N, Nazy I 2020 Br J Haematol Researchers Basic research
Pharmacy hydroxyurea education materials for patients with sickle cell disease: An environmental scan and assessment of accuracy Cervi A, Diamantouros A, Azzam M, Lane SJ, Sapru H, Verhovsek M 2020 Pediatr Blood Cancer Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Acquired coagulation disorders Warkentin T 2020 Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 6th edn Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated with spontaneous heparin-induced thrombocytopenia syndrome after total knee arthroplasty Hwang SR, Wang Y, Weil EL, Padmanabhan A, Warkentin TE, Pruthi RK 2020 Platelets Health care providers Clinical research
Inhibition of in vitro Ebola infection by anti-parasitic quinoline derivatives Goyal S, Binnington B, McCarthy SDS, Desmaële D, Férrié L, Figadère B, Loiseau PM, Branch DR 2020 F1000Research Researchers Basic research
Risk of transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 by transfusion: A literature review Leblanc J-F, Germain M, Delage G, O'Brien S, Drews SJ, Lewin A 2020 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Coagulation factor VIIa binds to herpes simplex virus 1-encoded glycoprotein C forming a factor X-enhanced tenase complex oriented on membranes Lin BH, Sutherland MR, Rosell FI, Morrissey JH, Pryzdial ELG 2020 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Approach to red blood cell antibody testing during pregnancy: Answers to commonly asked questions Minuk L, Clarke G, Lieberman L 2020 Can Fam Physician Health care providers Clinical research
Fetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: a systematic review of impact of HLA-DRB3*01:01 on fetal/neonatal outcome Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Fergusson DA, Kjaer M, Lieberman L, Greinacher A, Murphy MF, Bussel J, Bakchoul T, Corke S, Bertrand G, Oepkes D, Baker JM, Hume H, Massey E, Kaplan C, Arnold DM, Baidya S, Ryan G, Savoia HF, Landry D, Shehata N 2020 Blood Adv Health care providers Clinical research
L’exploration des frontières de l’hémolyse associée aux IgIV Pendergrast J, Branch D 2020 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Pre-transfusion Testing Duncan J 2020 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Stabilization of Lipid Membranes through Partitioning of the Blood Bag Plasticizer Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) Bider R-C, Lluka T, Himbert S, Khondker A, Qadri SM, Sheffield WP, Rheinstädter MC 2020 Langmuir Researchers Basic research
Vox Sanguinis International Forum on Donor Incentives: Summary Zeller MP, Ellingham D, Devine D, Lozano M, Lewis P, Zhiburt E, van der Linde L, Goldman M, Nakamura A, Inoue S, Takikawa M, Nakajima K, Turek P, Rehacek V, Sakashita AM, Kutner JM, Karim FA, Hindawi S, Jayasekara SBA, Merz EM, Gross S, Woimant G, Djoudi R, Byabazaire KD, Irving DO, Abdrakhmanova S, Khalykova A, Yilmaz S, Oruc NE, Huaynalaya IP, Ramirez LAS, Chuhriiev A 2020 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
An activator of G protein-coupled receptor and MEK1/2-ERK1/2 signaling inhibits HIV-1 replication by altering viral RNA processing Wong RW, Balachandran A, Cheung PK, Cheng R, Pan Q, Stoilov P, Harrigan PR, Blencowe BJ, Branch DR, Cochrane A 2020 PLoS Pathog Researchers Basic research
HIV residual risk in Canada under a three-month deferral for men who have sex with men O'Brien SF, Gregoire Y, Pillonel J, Steele WR, Custer B, Davison KL, Germain M, Lewin A, Seed CR 2020 Vox Sang Researchers Other
Blood System Inventory Management Best Practices Guide Clarke G, Romans R 2020 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Concentré de recherche: Estimation de la prévalence de l’hémophilie et de l’espérance de vie Iorio A 2020 Blood.ca website Health care providers Clinical research
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply and use of blood for transfusion Stanworth SJ, New HV, Apelseth TO, Brunskill S, Cardigan R, Doree C, Germain M, Goldman M, Massey E, Prati D, Shehata N, So-Osman C, Thachil J 2020 Lancet Haematol Health care providers Clinical research
Mucosal versus systemic antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 antigens in COVID-19 patients Isho B, Abe KT, Zuo M, Jamal AJ, Rathod B, Wang JH, Li Z, Chao G, Rojas OL, Bang YM, Pu A, Christie-Holmes N, Gervais C, Ceccarelli D, Samavarchi-Tehrani P, Guvenc F, Budylowski P, Li A, Paterson A, Yun YF, Marin LM, Caldwell L, Wrana JL, Colwill K, Sicheri F, Mubareka S, Gray-Owen SD, Drews SJ, Siqueira WL, Barrios-Rodiles M, Ostrowski M, Rini JM, Durocher Y, McGeer AJ, Gommerman JL, Gingras A-C 2020 medRxiv Researchers Basic research
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Crowther M, Zawilska K, Mlynarski W, Arnold D 2020 McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Educating the next frontier of transfusionists: a transfusion camp pilot program for nurse practitioners Shih AW, Morrison D, Sekhon AS, Lin Y, Charge S, Chipperfield K, Beaveridge J 2020 Transfusion Health care providers Other
Influenza increases invasive meningococcal disease risk in temperate countries Salomon A, Berry I, Tuite AR, Drews S, Hatchette T, Jamieson F, Johnson C, Kwong J, Lina B, Lojo J, Mosnier A, Ng V, Vanhems P, Fisman DN 2020 Clin Microbiol Infect Health care providers Clinical research
Activated thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFIa) attenuates fibrin-dependent plasmin generation on thrombin-activated platelets Ni R, Neves MAD, Wu C, Cerroni SE, Flick MJ, Ni H, Weitz JI, Gross PL, Kim PY 2020 Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Challenges and key lessons from the design and implementation of an international haemophilia registry supported by a pharmaceutical company Hay CRM, Shima M, Makris M, Jiménez-Yuste V, Oldenburg J, Fischer K, Iorio A, Skinner MW, Santagostino E, von Mackensen S, Kessler CM 2020 Haemophilia Researchers Clinical research
COVID-19 versus HIT hypercoagulability Warkentin TE, Kaatz S 2020 Thromb Res Health care providers Clinical research
Inhibition of platelet phagocytosis as an in vitro predictor for therapeutic potential of RBC antibodies in murine ITP Khan R, Menard M, Jen C-C, Chen X, Norris PAA, Lazarus AH 2020 Blood Researchers Basic research
Persistence of serum and saliva antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 spike antigens in COVID-19 patients Isho B, Abe KT, Zuo M, Jamal AJ, Rathod B, Wang JH, Li Z, Chao G, Rojas OL, Bang YM, Pu A, Christie-Holmes N, Gervais C, Ceccarelli D, Samavarchi-Tehrani P, Guvenc F, Budylowski P, Li A, Paterson A, Yue FY, Marin LM, Caldwell L, Wrana JL, Colwill K, Sicheri F, Mubareka S, Gray-Owen SD, Drews SJ, Siqueira WL, Barrios-Rodiles M, Ostrowski M, Rini JM, Durocher Y, McGeer AJ, Gommerman JL, Gingras AC 2020 Sci Immunol Researchers Clinical research
Risk-assessment models for VTE and bleeding in hospitalized medical patients: an overview of systematic reviews Darzi AJ, Repp AB, Spencer FA, Morsi RZ, Charide R, Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta I, Bauer KA, Burnett AE, Cushman M, Dentali F, Kahn SR, Rezende SM, Zakai NA, Agarwal A, Karam SG, Lotfi T, Wiercioch W, Waziry R, Iorio A, Akl EA, Schünemann HJ 2020 Blood Adv Health care providers Clinical research
Coenzyme Q10 attenuates platelet integrin alpha II beta 3 signaling and platelet hyper-reactivity in ApoE-deficient mice Ya F, Xu XR, Tian Z, Gallant RC, Song F, Shi Y, Wu Y, Wan J, Zhao Y, Adili R, Ling W, Ni H, Yang Y 2020 Food Funct Researchers Basic research
Fc?RI and FC?RIII on splenic macrophages mediate phagocytosis of anti-glycoprotein IIb/III autoantibody-opsonized platelets in immune thrombocytopenia Norris PAA, Segel GB, Burack WR, Sachs UJ, Lissenberg-Thunnissen SN, Vidarsson G, Bayat B, Cserti-Gazdewich CM, Callum J, Lin Y, Branch D, Kapur R, Semple JW, Lazarus AH 2020 Haematologica Researchers Basic research