Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Degradation of red blood cell deformability during cold storage in blood bags Islamzada E, Matthews K, Lamoureux ES, Duffy SP, Scott MD, Ma H 2021 eJHaem Researchers Basic research
Patterns of joint damage in severe haemophilia A treated with prophylaxis Goren R, Pullenayegum E, Blanchette VS, Dover S, Carcao M, Israels SJ, Chan A, Rivard GE, Steele M, Cloutier S, Klaassen RJ, Sinha R, Price VE, Laferriere N, Paradis E, Wu JK, Feldman BM 2021 Haemophilia Health care providers Clinical research
Qualitative study to support the content validity of the immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) Life Quality Index (ILQI) Cooper N, Cuker A, Bonner N, Ghanima W, Provan D, Morgan M, Taylor B, D'Alessio D, Arnold D, Viana R 2021 Br J Haematol Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Convalescent plasma for adults with acute COVID-19 respiratory illness (CONCOR-1): Study protocol for an international, multicenter, randomized open-label trial Bégin P, Callum J, Heddle N, Cook R, Zeller MP, Tinmouth A, Fergusson D, Cushing MM, Glesby MJ, Chassé M, Devine DV, Robitaille N, Bazin R, Shehata N, Finzi A, McGeer A, Scales D, Schwartz L, Turgeon AF, Zarychanski R, Daneman N, Carl R, Amorim L, Gabe C, Ellis M, Jamula E, Carruthers J, Duncan J, Lucier K, Armali C, Kron A, Modi D, Auclair M-C, Avram M, Arnold DM 2021 Trials Researchers Clinical research
In Vitro Characterization and Metabolomic Analysis of Cold-Stored Platelets Zhao HW, Serrano K, Stefanoni D, D’Alessandro A, Devine DV 2021 J Proteome Res Researchers Basic research
Pathogen reduction of whole blood: Supplementing fibrinogen partly corrects clot formation in a massive transfusion model Arbaeen AF, Schubert P, Sheffield WP, Devine DV 2021 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
ResearchUnit: Perioperative treatment for patients with immune thrombocytopenia: Eltrombopag vs IVIG Arnold DM 2021 Blood.ca website Health care providers Clinical research
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Antibodies: Fraternal-Not Identical-Twins Warkentin TE 2021 Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia presenting with normal platelet count Page D, Zhu N, Sawler D, Sun HW, Turley E, Pai M, Wu C 2021 Res Pract Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
Teaching bone marrow procedures at pelvic and sternal sites: a high fidelity anatomy simulation Heather Vander M, Laureano M, Hu G, Lim W, Ross C, Wainman B, Zeller MP 2021 Can Med Educ J Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Chaptire 16: Don autologue préopératoire Foster T, Yan M 2021 Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
External qualification of the Web-Accessible Population Pharmacokinetic Service-Hemophilia (WAPPS-Hemo) models for octocog alfa using real patient data Chelle P, Hajducek D, Mahdi M, Young S, Iorio A, Silvertown J, Edginton A 2021 Res Pract Thromb Haemost Researchers New or improved product or process
Anti-inflammatory activity of CD44 antibodies in murine immune thrombocytopenia is mediated by Fc? receptor inhibition Norris PAA, Kaur G, Khan R, Zhu G, Ni H, Lazarus AH 2021 Blood Researchers Basic research
Circular of information for the use of human blood components: Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells (HPC), Cord Blood Jenkins C 2021 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
FAQ: Canadian Blood Services Platelet Bacterial Testing Khandelwal A, Ramirez-Arcos S, Bigham M 2021 Blood.ca website Health care providers Other
Platelet-activating immune complexes identified in critically ill COVID-19 patients suspected of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Nazy I, Jevtic SD, Moore JC, Huynh A, Smith JW, Kelton JG, Arnold DM 2021 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research
Selection and in vitro and in vivo characterization of a Kunitz protease inhibitor domain of protease nexin 2 variant that inhibits factor XIa without inhibiting plasmin Eltringham-Smith LJ, Bhakta V, Sheffield WP 2021 J Biotechnol Researchers Basic research
Five novel FY null alleles associated with typing discrepancies Vege S, Floch A, Lomas-Frances C, Clarke G, Westhoff CM 2021 Transfusion Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Background incidence rates of hospitalisations and emergency department visits for thromboembolic and coagulation disorders in Ontario, Canada for COVID-19 vaccine safety assessment: a population-based retrospective observational study Nasreen S, Calzavara AJ, Sundaram ME, MacDonald SE, Righolt CH, Pai M, Field TS, Zhou LW, Wilson SE, Kwong JC 2021 BMJ Open Researchers Clinical research
Plateletworks® as a Point-of-Care Test for ASA Non-Sensitivity Khan H, Jain S, Gallant RC, Syed MH, Zamzam A, Al-Omran M, Rand ML, Ni H, Abdin R, Qadura M 2021 J Pers Med Researchers New or improved product or process
Chapter 2: Blood components Gupta A, Bigham M 2021 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Prevention of transfusion-transmitted syphilis by blood operators: How much is enough when transfusion-transmission has not been identified for decades? Drews SJ 2021 Transfusion Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
GRADE Guidelines 28: Use of GRADE for the assessment of evidence about prognostic factors: rating certainty in identification of groups of patients with different absolute risks Foroutan F, Guyatt G, Zuk V, Vandvik PO, Alba AC, Mustafa R, Vernooij R, Arevalo-Rodriguez I, Munn Z, Roshanov P, Riley R, Schandelmaier S, Kuijpers T, Siemieniuk R, Canelo-Aybar C, Schunemann H, Iorio A 2020 J Clin Epidemiol Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
ResearchUnit: Improving quality testing of stem cells for patients Pineault N 2020 Blood.ca website Researchers New or improved product or process
Trehalose-Based Polyethers for Cryopreservation and Three-Dimensional Cell Scaffolds Diaz-Dussan D, Peng YY, Sengupta J, Zabludowski R, Adam MK, Acker JP, Ben RN, Kumar P, Narain R 2020 Biomacromolecules Researchers Basic research
Blood Components Gupta A, Bigham M 2020 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
A comparison of methods for prediction of pharmacokinetics when switching to extended half-life products in hemophilia A patients Yu JK, Iorio A, Edginton AN 2020 Thromb Res Researchers Clinical research
Donor-dependent aging of young and old red blood cell subpopulations: Metabolic and functional heterogeneity Mykhailova O, Olafson C, Turner TR, D?Alessandro A, Acker JP 2020 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
High subzero cryofixation: A technique for observing ice within tissues Lautner L, William N, Acker JP 2020 Cryobiology Researchers New or improved product or process
The mega-importance of de novo lipogenesis in platelet production Nazy I, Arnold DM, Steinberg GR 2020 Nat Metab Researchers Basic research
A push in Alberta for "pay-for-plasma" distracts from bigger questions Cattapan A 2020 Policy Options Other Ethical, legal and social implications research
Testing and management of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia Meunier D, Clarke G 2020 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Implications of variability in cell membrane permeability for design of methods to remove glycerol from frozen-thawed erythrocytes Lahmann JM, Sanchez CC, Benson JD, Acker JP, Higgins AZ 2020 Cryobiology Researchers Basic research
Stability of 40 cytokines/chemokines in chronically ill patients under different storage conditions Binnington B, Sakac D, Yi Q, Tong TN, Parmar N, Duong TT, Yeung RSM, Pendergrast J, Branch DR 2020 Cytokine Researchers Basic research
50 years of Vox Sanguinis International Forums Lozano M, Dunbar NM, Devine DV 2020 Vox Sang Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Centre d’innovation Rapport d’étape annuel 2019-2020 Levy I, Pambrun C 2020 Blood.ca website Other Other
Evaluating blood product quality post expiry to mitigate blood shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada Turner TR, Olafson C, Mykhailova O, Xu A, Acker JP 2020 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Perinatal issues in transfusion practice Lieberman L, Clarke G, Svensson A 2020 AABB Technical Manual, 20th Edition Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Revisiting study design and methodology for pathogen reduced platelet transfusions: a round table discussion Heddle NM, Cardoso M, van der Meer PF 2020 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Transient warming affects potency of cryopreserved cord blood units Pasha R, Howell A, Turner TR, Halpenny M, Elmoazzen H, Acker JP, Pineault N 2020 Cytotherapy Researchers New or improved product or process
Evaluating the quality of red blood cell concentrates irradiated before or after cryopreservation Turner TR, Lautner L, Hill A, Howell A, Skeate R, Acker JP 2020 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Antithrombotics from Frog Skin Secretions Ni H 2020 Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
FcRn is a CD32a coreceptor that determines susceptibility to IgG immune complex-driven autoimmunity Hubbard JJ, Pyzik M, Rath T, Kozicky LK, Sand KMK, Gandhi AK, Grevys A, Foss S, Menzies SC, Glickman JN, Fiebiger E, Roopenian DC, Sandlie I, Andersen JT, Sly LM, Baker K, Blumberg RS 2020 J Exp Med Researchers Basic research
It's in Me to Give: Canadian Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men's Willingness to Donate Blood If Eligible Despite Feelings of Policy Discrimination Grace D, Gaspar M, Klassen B, Lessard D, Brennan DJ, Lachowsky NJ, Adam BD, Cox J, Lambert G, Anand P, Jollimore J, Moore D, Hart TA 2020 Qual Health Res Blood operators MSM research
The utility of a monocyte monolayer assay in the assessment of intravenous immunoglobulin–associated hemolysis Tong TN, Blacquiere M, Sakac D, Burke-Murphy E, Yi Q, Callum J, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Parmar N, Shehata N, Pavenski K, Lau W, Lin Y, Lieberman L, Branch DR, Pendergrast J 2020 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
ResearchUnit: Reducing bleeding after cardiac surgery: fibrinogen concentrate vs cryoprecipitate Karkouti K 2020 Blood.ca website Health care providers Clinical research
The use of IVIg in fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia— Principles and mechanisms Wabnitz H, Khan R, Lazarus AH 2020 Transfus Apher Sci Researchers Clinical research
Blood donation and the global COVID-19 pandemic: areas for social science research Haw J, Holloway K, Masser B, Merz E-M, Thrope R 2020 Vox Sang Researchers New or improved product or process
Comparison of short-term mortality between mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19 and influenza in a setting of sustainable healthcare system Lee J, Lee YH, Chang H-H, Choi SH, Seo H, Yoo SS, Lee SY, Cha SI, Park JY, Kim CH 2020 J Infect Health care providers Clinical research
High-dose IVIG plus cangrelor platelet "anesthesia" during urgent heparin-CPB in a patient with recent SRA-negative HIT-thrombosis with persisting platelet-activating antibodies Koster A, Nazy I, Birschmann IE, Smith JW, Sheppard JI, Warkentin TE 2020 Res Pract Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research