Nos publications

Mise à jour août 2024

Title Authors Year Trier par ordre croissant Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Circular of information for the use of human blood components: Red blood cells, leukocytes reduced (LR) Jenkins C 2021 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Determining Optimal Treatment to Correct Preoperative Anemia and Reduce Perioperative Allogeneic Blood Transfusions in Cardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study Peel JK, Trudeau J, Tano R, Jadunandan S, Callum J, Moussa F, Lin Y 2021 J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth Health care providers Clinical research
A homogeneous split-luciferase assay for rapid and sensitive detection of anti-SARS CoV-2 antibodies Yao Z, Drecun L, Aboualizadeh F, Kim SJ, Li Z, Wood H, Valcourt EJ, Manguiat K, Plenderleith S, Yip L, Li X, Zhong Z, Yue FY, Closas T, Snider J, Tomic J, Drews SJ, Drebot MA, McGeer A, Ostrowski M, Mubareka S, Rini JM, Owen S, Stagljar I 2021 Nat Commun Researchers New or improved product or process
Releasates of riboflavin/UV-treated platelets: Microvesicles suppress cytokine-mediated endothelial cell migration/proliferation Schubert P, Culibrk L, Culibrk B, Conway EM, Goodrich RP, Devine DV 2021 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Effect of Convalescent Plasma on Organ Support–Free Days in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial Writing Committee for the REMAP-CAP Investigators 2021 JAMA Health care providers Clinical research
Converting factor and nonfactor usage into a single metric to facilitate benchmarking the resources consumed for haemophilia care across jurisdictions and over time Stonebraker JS, O'Mahony B, Noone D, Iorio A 2021 Haemophilia Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Blood shortages planning in Canada: The National Emergency Blood Management Committee experience during the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic Prokopchuk-Gauk O, Petraszko T, Nahirniak S, Doncaster C, Levy I 2021 Transfusion Regulators Benchmarking and standard setting
Concentré de recherche: Précision et efficacité accrues dans la gestion des réserves de sang Li N 2021 website Health care providers New or improved product or process
Examining prescribing practices with respect to oral iron supplementation for post-partum anemia: a retrospective review Iancu AM, Buckstein J, Melamed N, Lin Y 2021 J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med Health care providers Clinical research
Evaluation of the sexual health in people living with hemophilia Germini F, Chai-Adisaksopha C, Pete D, Curtis R, Frick N, Nichol MB, Noone D, O'Mahony B, Page D, Stonebraker JS, Thabane L, Crowther MA, Skinner MW, Iorio A 2021 Haemophilia Researchers Clinical research
Chapter 4: Clinical transfusion procedures Clarke G, Al-Riyami AZ, Roxby D 2021 Educational Modules on Clinical Use of Blood Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
ResearchUnit: Platelet Transfusion in Children with Cancer Barty R 2021 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Evaluation of riboflavin and ultraviolet light treatment against Klebsiella pneumoniae in whole blood-derived platelets: A pilot study Alabdullatif M, Osman IE, Alrasheed M, Ramirez-Arcos S, Alyousef M, Althawadi S, Alhumiadan H 2021 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
A trend of dropping anti-SARS-CoV-2 plaque reduction neutralization test titers over time in Canadian convalescent plasma donors Drews SJ, Devine DV, McManus J, Mendoza E, Manguiat K, Wood H, Girardin R, Dupuis A, McDonough K, Drebot M 2021 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Recommended primary outcomes for clinical trials evaluating hemostatic blood products and agents in patients with bleeding: Proceedings of a National Heart Lung and Blood Institute and US Department of Defense Consensus Conference Spinella PC, El Kassar N, Cap AP, Kindzelski AL, Almond CS, Barkun A, Gernsheimer TB, Goldstein JN, Holcomb JB, Iorio A, Jensen DM, Key NS, Levy JH, Mayer SA, Moore EE, Stanworth SJ, Lewis RJ, Steiner ME 2021 J Trauma Acute Care Surg Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
ResearchUnit: Treating bleeding during cardiac surgery: Is prothrombin complex concentrate a substitute for plasma? Kron A 2021 website Health care providers Clinical research
The importance of evaluating differences in HES formulations used in hematopoietic progenitor cell cryopreservation Halpenny M, William N, Elmoazzen H, Giulivi A, Martin L, Perron D, Bredeson C, Hamelin L, Huebsch L, Yang L, Birch P, Acker JP 2021 Cytotherapy Blood operators New or improved product or process
Treatment-induced cerebral sinus venous thrombosis in childhood acute lymphoblastic malignancies: New risk factors to consider El-Khoury H, Saifi O, Haddad S, Chahrour M, Ghanem KM, Mubarak Y, Tamim H, Makki M, Zakka C, Chan AK, Mahfouz R, Tarek N, El-Solh H, Abboud MR, Saab R, Muwakkit SA 2021 Pediatr Blood Cancer Health care providers Clinical research
Discrete-Event Simulation to Model the Thrombolysis Process for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients at Urban and Rural Hospitals Bulmer T, Volders D, Blake J, Kamal N 2021 Front Neurol Researchers New or improved product or process
Extensive variability in platelet, bleeding, and QOL outcome measures in adult and pediatric ITP: Communication from the ISTH SSC subcommittee on platelet immunology Al-Samkari H, Cronin A, Arnold DM, Rodeghiero F, Grace RF 2021 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Filariasis and transfusion-associated risk: a literature review Drews SJ, Spencer BR, Wendel S, Bloch EM, International Society of Blood Transfusion TTID Working Party Parasite Subgroup 2021 Vox Sang Health care providers Clinical research
Stepping Stones or Second Class Donors?: a qualitative analysis of gay, bisexual, and queer men's perspectives on plasma donation policy in Canada Grace D, Gaspar M, Klassen B, Lessard D, Anand P, Brennan DJ, Lachowsky N, Adam BD, Cox J, Lambert G, Jollimore J, Hart TA 2021 BMC Public Health Blood operators MSM research
Vox Sanguinis International Forum on Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Faint and Pre-faint Adverse Reactions in Whole Blood Donors: Summary Goldman M, Townsend M, Magnussen K, Lozano M, Nissen-Meyer LS, Lee CK, Leung JN, Takanashi M, McKay J, Kvist M, Robitaille N, Deschênes J, Di Angelantonio E, McMahon A, Roberts D, Maghsudlu M, Castrén J, Tiberghien P, Woimant G, Morel P, Kamel H, Bravo M, Shinhar E, Gendelman V, Raz H, Wendel S, Fachini R, Quee F, van den Hurk K, Wiersum J, Grima K, Speedy J, Bruun M, Dunbar N 2021 Vox Sang Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Effect of cryopreservation on a rare McLeod donor red blood cell concentrate Turner TR, Clarke G, Denomme GA, Skeate R, Acker JP 2021 Immunohematology Researchers Basic research
A multisite study of pertussis vaccine effectiveness by time since last vaccine dose from three Canadian provinces: A Canadian Immunization Research Network study Savage RD, Bell CA, Righolt CH, Wilkinson K, Schwartz KL, Chen C, Bolotin S, Deeks SL, Drews SJ, Jamieson FB, Johnson C, Kwong JC, Mahmud SM, Russell ML, Simmonds KA, Svenson LW, Crowcroft NS 2021 Vaccine Researchers Clinical research
ResearchUnit: Convalescent plasma is an ineffective treatment for patients with COVID-19 Modi D 2021 website Health care providers Clinical research
GPIb? is the driving force of hepatic thrombopoietin generation Karakas D, Xu M, Ni H 2021 Res Pract Thromb Haem Researchers Basic research
Insights in ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia Greinacher A, Selleng K, Palankar R, Wesche J, Handtke S, Wolff M, Aurich K, Lalk M, Methling K, Völker U, Hentschker C, Michalik S, Steil L, Reder A, Schönborn L, Beer M, Franzke K, Büttner A, Fehse B, Stavrou EX, Rangaswamy C, Mailer RK, Englert H, Frye M, Thiele T, Kochanek S, Krutzke L, Siegerist F, Endlich N, Warkentin TE, Renné T 2021 Blood Researchers Basic research
The Virulence of S. marcescens Strains Isolated From Contaminated Blood Products Is Divergent in the C. elegans Infection Model Diamandas A, Razon MR, Ramirez-Arcos S, Brassinga AKC 2021 Front Genet Researchers Basic research
Hypothermic storage of leukoreduced red blood cells for greater than 21-days is a safe alternative to irradiation Mykhailova O, Turner TR, Olafson C, Howell A, Nahirniak SN, Wizniak J, Gerges HYN, Baldwin T, Clarke G, Acker JP 2021 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Multicenter observational study evaluating the impact of platelet transport bags on product wastage Kron A, Vijenthira S, Pendergrast J, Modi D, McLaren A, MacDonald A, Armali C, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Smith E, Quest G, Gabanowicz K, Lieberman L, Aseltine L, Sani L, Roche M, DeOliviera M, Yu P, Fazari S, Patel S, Lin Y, Kelly Z, Callum J 2021 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Magnetic resonance imaging in boys with severe hemophilia A: Serial and end-of-study findings from the Canadian Hemophilia Primary Prophylaxis Study Stimec J, Dover S, Pullenayegum E, Blanchette VS, Doria AS, Feldman BM, Carcao M, Rivard GE, Israels SJ, Chan AK, Steele M, Cloutier S, Klaassen RJ, Price VE, Sinha R, Laferriere N, Paradis E, Wu JKM, Babyn P 2021 Res Pract Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
Ex vivo hemostatic and immuno-inflammatory profiles of freeze-dried plasma Peng HT, Rhind SG, Devine D, Jenkins C, Beckett A 2021 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Research Unit: A more accurate and efficient way to manage blood demand and supply Li N 2021 website Health care providers New or improved product or process
Antibody epitopes in vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopaenia Huynh A, Kelton JG, Arnold DM, Daka M, Nazy I 2021 Nature Researchers Clinical research
Effect of unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparin on the clotting of platelet-reduced whole blood: an in-vitro study utilizing thromboelastography Chung J, Stevic I, Gantioqui J, Atkinson H, Chan AKC, Chan HHW 2021 Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis Researchers Clinical research
The association of prothrombin complex concentrates with postoperative outcomes in cardiac surgery: an observational substudy of the FIBRES randomized controlled trial Bartoszko J, Callum J, Karkouti K 2021 Can J Anaesth Researchers Clinical research
The Monocyte Monolayer Assay to Build a Personalized Pipeline of Transfusion Support in Highly Sensitized Sickle Cell Disease Vijenthira S, Nguyen J, Branch DR, Clarke G, Ward R, Saeed S, Cserti-Gazdewich C 2021 Blood Health care providers New or improved product or process
Digital Microfluidic Hemagglutination Assays for Blood Typing, Donor Compatibility Testing, and Hematocrit Analysis Sklavounos AA, Lamanna J, Modi D, Gupta S, Mariakakis A, Callum J, Wheeler AR 2021 Clin Chem Researchers New or improved product or process
The estimated risk of SARS-CoV- 2 infection via cornea transplant in Canada O’Brien SF, Lewin A, Yi Q-L, Dowling G, Fissette E, Drews SJ 2021 Cell Tissue Bank Health care providers Clinical research
Stuttering priapism in a patient with sickle cell trait treated with automated red cell exchange transfusion Ebraheem MS, Verhovsek M 2021 Blood Adv Health care providers Clinical research
International Forum on the Collection and Use of COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma: Responses Al-Riyami AZ, Burnouf T, Yazer M, Triulzi D, Kuma? LT, Sa?dur L, Pelit NB, Bazin R, Hindawi SI, Badawi MA, Patidar GK, Pandey HC, Chaurasia R, Fachini RM, Scuracchio P, Wendel S, Ang AL, Ong KH, Young P, Ihalainen J, Vierikko A, Qiu Y, Yang R, Xu H, Rahimi-Levene N, Shinar E, Izak M, Gonzalez CA, Ferrari DM, Cini PV, Aditya RN, Sharma RR, Sachdev S, Hans R, Lamba DS, Nissen-Meyer LSH, Devine DV, Lee CK, Leung JN-S, Hung IFN, Tiberghien P, Gallian P, Morel P, Al Maamari K, Al-Hinai Z, Vrielink H, So-Osman C, De Angelis V, Berti P, Ostuni A, Marano G, Nevessignsky MT, El Ekiaby M, Daly J, Hoad V, Kim S, van den Berg K, Vermeulen M, Glatt TN, Schäfer R, Reik R, Gammon R, Lopez M, Estcourt L, MacLennan S, Roberts D, Louw V, Dunbar N 2021 Vox Sang Researchers Clinical research
Administration de produits sanguins O'Reilly C 2021 Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Frequency and timing of all-cause deaths in visits involving suspected transfusion reactions, and the significance of cardiopulmonary disturbances McVey MJ, Cohen R, Arsenault V, Escorcia A, Tasmin F, Pendergrast J, Lieberman L, Lin Y, Callum J, Cserti-Gazdewich C 2021 Vox Sang Health care providers Clinical research
Stepwise Reversion of Multiply Mutated Recombinant Antitrypsin Reveals a Selective Inhibitor of Coagulation Factor XIa as Active as the M358R Variant Hamada M, Bhakta V, Andres SN, Sheffield WP 2021 Front Cardiovasc Med Researchers Basic research
International Forum on Walking Blood Bank Programmes: Responses Martinaud C, Scorer T, Lozano M, Miles A, Fitchett G, Ba A, Wikman A, Nimberger-Hansson P, Enbuske S, Bohon?k M, Devine D, Beckett AN, Mbanya D, T'Sas F, Degueldre J, Chueca M, Dedome E, Apelseth T, Strandenes G, Wendel S, Fachini R, Olszewski A, Dupont C, Glassberg E, Shinar E, Taylor AL, Corley JB, Nadarajan VS, Dunbar N 2021 Vox Sang Blood operators New or improved product or process
Novel Mechanisms of Thrombopoietin Generation: The Essential Role of Kupffer Cells Karakas D, Li J, Ni H 2021 Blood Researchers Basic research
Anti-platelet factor 4 antibodies causing VITT do not cross-react with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein Greinacher A, Selleng K, Mayerle J, Palankar R, Wesche J, Reiche S, Aebischer A, Warkentin TE, Muenchhoff M, Hellmuth JC, Keppler OT, Duerschmied D, Lother A, Rieg S, Gawaz MP, Mueller KAL, Scheer CS, Napp M, Hahnenkamp K, Lucchese G, Vogelgesang A, Flöel A, Lovreglio P, Stufano A, Marschalek R, Thiele T 2021 Blood Researchers Clinical research
Efficacy and safety of tranexamic acid in acute traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials Lawati KA, Sharif S, Maqbali SA, Rimawi HA, Petrosoniak A, Belley-Cote EP, Sharma SV, Morgenstern J, Fernando SM, Owen JJ, Zeller M, Quinlan D, Alhazzani W, Rochwerg B 2021 Intensive Care Med Researchers Clinical research
Identification of an alpha-1 antitrypsin variant with enhanced specificity for factor XIa by phage display, bacterial expression, and combinatorial mutagenesis Bhakta V, Hamada M, Nouanesengsy A, Lapierre J, Perruzza DL, Sheffield WP 2021 Sci Rep Researchers Basic research