Nos publications

Mise à jour août 2024

Title Authors Year Trier par ordre croissant Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Encapsulation of factor IX-engineered mesenchymal stem cells in fibrinogen-alginate microcapsules enhances their viability and transgene secretion Sayyar B, Dodd M, Wen J, Ma S, Marquez-Curtis L, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Hortelano G 2012 J Tissue Eng Researchers Basic research
Evidence for a novel mechanism independent of myocardial iron in beta-thalassemia cardiac pathogenesis Stoyanova E, Cloutier G, Felfly H, Lemsaddek W, Ah-Son N, Trudel M 2012 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Immunocamouflage of latex surfaces by grafted methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) (mPEG): proteomic analysis of plasma protein adsorption Le Y, Li L, Wang D, Scott MD 2012 Sci China Life Sci Researchers Basic research
Solving the dilemma of prevention of red cell alloimmunization Branch DR 2012 Immunotherapy Researchers Other
Safety of cell therapy with mesenchymal stromal cells (SafeCell): a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials Lalu MM, McIntyre L, Pugliese C, Fergusson D, Winston BW, Marshall JC, Granton J, Stewart DJ, Canadian Critical Care Trials Group 2012 PLoS One Researchers Clinical research
The cell motility modulator Slit2 is a potent inhibitor of platelet function Patel S, Huang YW, Reheman A, Pluthero FG, Chaturvedi S, Mukovozov IM, Tole S, Liu GY, Li L, Durocher Y, Ni H, Kahr WH, Robinson LA 2012 Circulation Researchers Basic research
Vascular endothelial dysfunction in beta-thalassemia occurs despite increased eNOS expression and preserved vascular smooth muscle cell reactivity to NO Stoyanova E, Trudel M, Felfly H, Lemsaddek W, Garcia D, Cloutier G 2012 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Cationic liposome-mediated CXCR4 gene delivery into hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells: implications for clinical transplantation and gene therapy Gul-Uludag H, Xu P, Marquez-Curtis LA, Xing J, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Chen J 2012 Stem Cells Dev Researchers Basic research
Leaving nothing to chance: how to randomize a clinical trial Toltl LJ, Arnold DM 2012 Transfusion Researchers Other
Membrane Type-1 Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Its Upregulation by Tumor Necrosis Factor-? Marquez-Curtis LA, Shirvaikar N, Turner AR, Mirza I, Surmawala A, Larratt LM, Janowska-Wieczorek A 2012 Cancers Researchers Basic research
Strict anaerobic Staphylococcus saccharolyticus isolates recovered from contaminated platelet concentrates fail to multiply during platelet storage Ali H, Rood IG, de Korte D, Ramirez-Arcos S 2012 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Verotoxin A subunit protects lymphocytes and T cell lines against X4 HIV infection in vitro Shi PL, Binnington B, Sakac D, Katsman Y, Ramkumar S, Gariepy J, Kim M, Branch DR, Lingwood C 2012 Toxins (Basel) Researchers Basic research
Evaluating the role of IL-11, a novel cytokine in the IL-6 family, in a mouse model of spinal cord injury Cho N, Nguyen DH, Satkunendrarajah K, Branch DR, Fehlings MG 2012 J Neuroinflammation Researchers Basic research
Prothrombin complex concentrates reduce blood loss in murine coagulopathy induced by warfarin, but not in that induced by dabigatran etexilate Lambourne MD, Eltringham-Smith LJ, Gataiance S, Arnold DM, Crowther MA, Sheffield WP 2012 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
The potential utility of methoxypoly(ethylene glycol)-mediated prevention of rhesus blood group antigen RhD recognition in transfusion medicine Wang D, Toyofuku WM, Scott MD 2012 Biomaterials Researchers Basic research
Acquired hemophilia A Webert KE 2012 Semin Thromb Hemost Health care providers Other
Preparation of blood products for transfusion: is there a best method? Devine DV, Serrano K 2012 Biologicals Blood operators Other
Decreased indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression in dendritic cells and role of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-expressing dendritic cells in immune thrombocytopenia Xu SQ, Wang CY, Zhu XJ, Dong XY, Shi Y, Peng J, Qin P, Sun JZ, Guo C, Ni H, Hou M 2012 Ann Hematol Researchers Basic research
Mesenchymal stromal cells derived from umbilical cord blood migrate in response to complement C1q Qiu Y, Marquez-Curtis LA, Janowska-Wieczorek A 2012 Cytotherapy Researchers Basic research
Tissue factor and glycoprotein C on herpes simplex virus type 1 are protease-activated receptor 2 cofactors that enhance infection Sutherland MR, Ruf W, Pryzdial EL 2012 Blood Researchers Basic research
An analysis of the bias in red blood cell hemolysis measurement using several analytical approaches Acker JP, Croteau IM, Yi QL 2012 Clin Chim Acta Researchers New or improved product or process
Expert approaches to common bleeding and thrombotic problems-part I Hayward CP, Webert KE 2012 Semin Thromb Hemost Health care providers Other
Influence of architecture of high molecular weight linear and branched polyglycerols on their biocompatibility and biodistribution Imran ul-haq M, Lai BF, Chapanian R, Kizhakkedathu JN 2012 Biomaterials Researchers Basic research
Preserving and using germplasm and dissociated embryonic cells for conserving Caribbean and Pacific coral Hagedorn M, Carter V, Martorana K, Paresa MK, Acker J, Baums IB, Borneman E, Brittsan M, Byers M, Henley M, Laterveer M, Leong JA, McCarthy M, Meyers S, Nelson BD, Petersen D, Tiersch T, Uribe RC, Woods E, Wildt D 2012 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Transfusion reactions: a comparative observational study of blood components produced before and after implementation of semiautomated production from whole blood Semple E, Bowes-Schmidt A, Yi QL, Shimla S, Devine DV 2012 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
A prospective study measuring the development of antibodies against platelet factor 4-heparin in healthy males after exposure to heparins Kelton JG, Warkentin TE, Moore JC, Arnold DM, Nazi I, Arepally GM, Roach JM, Fier I 2012 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research
Changes in coagulation factor activity and content of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in frozen plasma units during refrigerated storage for up to five days after thawing Sheffield WP, Bhakta V, Mastronardi C, Ramirez-Arcos S, Howe D, Jenkins C 2012 Transfusion Health care providers New or improved product or process
Thrombin generates previously unidentified C5 products that support the terminal complement activation pathway Krisinger MJ, Goebeler V, Lu Z, Meixner SC, Myles T, Pryzdial EL, Conway EM 2012 Blood Researchers Basic research
Reduction of thrombus size in murine models of thrombosis following administration of recombinant alpha1-proteinase inhibitor mutant proteins Sheffield WP, Eltringham-Smith LJ, Bhakta V, Gataiance S 2012 Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
SHP-1 protein tyrosine phosphatase associates with the adaptor protein CrkL Evren S, Ma XZ, Sakac D, Branch DR 2012 Exp Hematol Researchers Basic research
Toward a prophylaxis against fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: induction of antibody-mediated immune suppression and prevention of severe clinical complications in a murine model Tiller H, Killie MK, Chen P, Eksteen M, Husebekk A, Skogen B, Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Ni H 2012 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Donor motivation in Xi'an, China: comparison with Canadian donors O'Brien SF, Shao ZJ, Osmond L, Yi QL, Li CY, An QX 2012 Vox Sang Blood operators Other
Influence of polymer architecture on antigens camouflage, CD47 protection and complement mediated lysis of surface grafted red blood cells Chapanian R, Constantinescu I, Rossi NA, Medvedev N, Brooks DE, Scott MD, Kizhakkedathu JN 2012 Biomaterials Researchers Basic research
The impact of increasing the upper age limit of donation on the eligible blood donor population in Canada Fan W, Yi QL, Xi G, Goldman M, Germain M, O'Brien SF 2012 Transfus Med Blood operators New or improved product or process
Impact of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) on Laboratory Services Patel SN, Gubbay JB, Bastien N, Booth T, Charest H, Chernesky M, Couillard M, Drews S, Garceau R, Gubbay J, Guercio S, Fearon M, Fonseca K, Hatchette T, Horsman G, Larke B, Li Y, Majury A, Ouellette O, Petric M, Ratnam S, Sevenhuysen C, Van Caeseele P 2012 National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases: Evidence Reviews on Pandemic H1N1 Health care providers Other
Selective testing for Trypanosoma cruzi: the first year after implementation at Canadian Blood Services O'Brien SF, Scalia V, Goldman M, Fan W, Yi QL, Dines IR, Huang M, Ndao M, Fearon MA 2012 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
A flow cytometric method for platelet counting in platelet concentrates van der Meer PF, Karssing-van Leeuwen W, Kurtz J, Spengler H-P, Blair A, Devine D, Harrison P, Lambrecht B, VandenBroeke T, de Wildt J, de Korte D, on behalf of the Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion C 2012 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound-mediated stimulation of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell viability, proliferation and differentiation in vitro Xu P, Gul-Uludag H, Ang WT, Yang X, Huang M, Marquez-Curtis L, McGann L, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Xing J, Swanson E, Chen J 2012 Biotechnol Lett Researchers Basic research
Platelet antibodies and fetal growth: maternal antibodies against fetal platelet antigen 1a are strongly associated with reduced birthweight in boys Tiller H, Killie MK, Husebekk A, Skogen B, Ni H, Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Olan P 2012 Acta Obstet Gyn Scan Health care providers Clinical research
Riboflavin and ultraviolet light treatment potentiates vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein Ser-239 phosphorylation in platelet concentrates during storage Schubert P, Culibrk B, Coupland D, Scammell K, Gyongyossy-Issa M, Devine DV 2012 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Crosstalk between Platelets and the Immune System: Old Systems with New Discoveries Li C, Li J, Li Y, Lang S, Yougbare I, Zhu G, Chen P, Ni H 2012 Adv Hematol Researchers Basic research
Herpesviruses enhance fibrin clot lysis Gershom ES, Vanden Hoek AL, Meixner SC, Sutherland MR, Pryzdial EL 2012 Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Kruppel-like factor 1 (KLF1), KLF2, and Myc control a regulatory network essential for embryonic erythropoiesis Pang CJ, Lemsaddek W, Alhashem YN, Bondzi C, Redmond LC, Ah-Son N, Dumur CI, Archer KJ, Haar JL, Lloyd JA, Trudel M 2012 Mol Cell Biol Researchers Basic research
Measures to prevent transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) Reesink HW, Lee J, Keller A, Dennington P, Pink J, Holdsworth R, Schennach H, Goldman M, Petraszko T, Sun J, Meng Y, Qian K, Rehacek V, Turek P, Krusius T, Juvonen E, Tiberghien P, Legrand D, Semana G, Muller JY, Bux J, Reil A, Lin CK, Daly H, McSweeney E, Porretti L, Greppi N, Rebulla P, Okazaki H, Sanchez-Guerrero SA, Baptista-Gonzalez HA, Martinez-Murillo C, Guerra-Marquez A, Rodriguez-Moyado H, Middelburg RA, Wiersum-Osselton JC, Brand A, van Tilburg C, Dinesh D, Dagger J, Dunn P, Brojer E, Letowska M, Maslanka K, Lachert E, Uhrynowska M, Zhiburt E, Palfi M, Berlin G, Frey BM, Puig Rovira L, Muniz-Diaz E, Castro E, Chapman C, Green A, Massey E, Win N, Williamson L, Silliman CC, Chaffin DJ, Ambruso DR, Blumberg N, Tomasulo P, Land KJ, Norris PJ, Illoh OC, Davey RJ, Benjamin RJ, Eder AF, McLaughlin L, Kleinman S, Panzer S 2012 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Establishment of the first International Repository for Transfusion-Relevant Bacteria Reference Strains: ISBT Working Party Transfusion-Transmitted Infectious Diseases (WP-TTID), Subgroup on Bacteria Stormer M, Arroyo A, Brachert J, Carrero H, Devine D, Epstein JS, Gabriel C, Gelber C, Goodrich R, Hanschmann KM, Heath DG, Jacobs MR, Keil S, de Korte D, Lambrecht B, Lee CK, Marcelis J, Marschner S, McDonald C, McGuane S, McKee M, Muller TH, Muthivhi T, Pettersson A, Radziwon P, Ramirez-Arcos S, Reesink HW, Rojo J, Rood I, Schmidt M, Schneider CK, Seifried E, Sicker U, Wendel S, Wood EM, Yomtovian RA, Montag T 2012 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Lessons learned from Trypanosoma cruzi test implementation Menitove JE, Leach-Bennett J, Sher G 2012 Transfusion Blood operators Other
Mouse background and IVIG dosage are critical in establishing the role of inhibitory Fcgamma receptor for the amelioration of experimental ITP Leontyev D, Katsman Y, Branch DR 2012 Blood Researchers Basic research
Optimization of platelet concentrate quality: Application of proteomic technologies to donor management Schubert P, Culibrk B, Karwal S, Slichter SJ, Devine DV 2012 J Proteomics Blood operators Basic research
Platelets in Thrombosis and Hemostasis: Old Topic with New Mechanisms Wang Y, Andrews M, Yang Y, Lang S, Jin JW, Cameron-Vendrig A, Zhu G, Reheman A, Ni H 2012 Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets Health care providers Basic research
Cadherin 6 has a functional role in platelet aggregation and thrombus formation Dunne E, Spring CM, Reheman A, Jin W, Berndt MC, Newman DK, Newman PJ, Ni H, Kenny D 2012 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol Researchers Basic research