Nos publications

Mise à jour août 2024

Title Authors Year Trier par ordre croissant Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Innate immunity as orchestrator of bone marrow homing for hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells Ratajczak MZ, Kim C, Ratajczak J, Janowska-Wieczorek A 2013 Complement Therapeutics Researchers Basic research
ResearchUnit: What if the shelf life of red blood cells was less than 42 days? Blake J 2013 website Other Other
Storage of red blood cells affects membrane composition, microvesiculation, and in vitro quality Almizraq R, Tchir JD, Holovati JL, Acker JP 2013 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Therapeutic cells via functional modification: Influence of molecular properties of polymer grafts on in vivo circulation, clearance, immunogenicity and antigen protection Chapanian R, Constantinescu I, Medvedev N, Scott MD, Brooks DE 2013 Biomacromolecules Researchers Basic research
Adhesion Molecules. Ni H 2013 Mechanisms in Hematology Researchers Basic research
ATRP synthesis of poly(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl choline phosphate): a multivalent universal biomembrane adhesive Yu X, Yang X, Horte S, Kizhakkedathu JN, Brooks DE 2013 Chem Commun Researchers Basic research
Importance of factors influencing the decision to proceed with cord blood transplantation in adults: results of a web-based survey of the Canadian transplant community Chan JY, Tay J, Allan DS 2013 Bone Marrow Transplant Health care providers Clinical research
Polymer Brushes Hadjesfandiari N, Bajgai MP, Yu K, Brooks DE, Kizhakkedathu JN 2013 Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology Researchers Basic research
A blinded study of bone marrow examinations in patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia Mahabir VK, Ross C, Popovic S, Sur ML, Bourgeois J, Lim W, George JN, Wang G, Cook RJ, Toltl LJ, Nazi I, Kelton JG, Arnold DM 2013 Eur J Haematol Health care providers Clinical research
Characterization of SHP-1 protein tyrosine phosphatase transcripts, protein isoforms and phosphatase activity in epithelial cancer cells Evren S, Wan S, Ma XZ, Fahim S, Mody N, Sakac D, Jin T, Branch DR 2013 Genomics Researchers Basic research
Disulfide linked pyrazole derivatives inhibit phagocytosis of opsonized blood cells Purohit MK, Scovell I, Neschadim A, Katsman Y, Branch DR, Kotra LP 2013 Bioorg Med Chem Lett Researchers Basic research
Isolated bone marrow Hodgkin Lymphoma in a human immunodeficiency virus-negative patient: a second case Cacoub L, Touati S, Yver M, Frayfer J, Abarah W, Andre-Kerneis E, Branch DR, Forceville X, Fouillard L 2013 Leuk Lymphoma Health care providers Clinical research
Preoperative Autologous Donation Lesley P, Clarke G 2013 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Approach to the diagnosis and management of drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia Arnold DM, Nazi I, Warkentin TE, Smith JW, Toltl LJ, George JN, Kelton JG 2013 Transfus Med Rev Health care providers Clinical research
Monoclonal versus polyclonal anti-D in the treatment of ITP Lazarus AH 2013 Expert Opin Biol Ther Researchers Basic research
ResearchUnit: What is the risk of a transfusion-transmitted infection? O'Brien S 2013 website Other Other
The Manufacture of Platelet Products Devine DV, Serrano K 2013 Platelet Transfusion Therapy Health care providers Other
An official American Thoracic Society/International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation/Society of Critical Care Medicine/Association of Organ and Procurement Organizations/United Network of Organ Sharing Statement: ethical and policy considerations in organ donation after circulatory determination of death Gries CJ, White DB, Truog RD, Dubois J, Cosio CC, Dhanani S, Chan KM, Corris P, Dark J, Fulda G, Glazier AK, Higgins R, Love R, Mason DP, Nakagawa TA, Shapiro R, Shemie S, Tracy MF, Travaline JM, Valapour M, West L, Zaas D, Halpern SD, American Thoracic Society Health Policy Committee 2013 Am J Respir Crit Care Med Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Attitudes toward Reciprocity Systems for Organ Donation and Allocation for Transplantation Burkell JA, Chandler JA, Shemie SD 2013 J Health Polit Policy Law Researchers Other
Cellular immune dysfunction in immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) McKenzie CGJ, Guo L, Freedman J, Semple JW 2013 Br J Haematol Researchers Basic research
CXCR4 transfection of cord blood mesenchymal stromal cells with the use of cationic liposome enhances their migration toward stromal cell-derived factor-1 Marquez-Curtis LA, Gul-Uludag H, Xu P, Chen J, Janowska-Wieczorek A 2013 Cytotherapy Researchers Basic research
Ice recrystallization inhibitors: from biological antifreezes to small molecules Capicciotti CJ, Doshi M, Ben RN 2013 Recent developments in the study of recrystallization Researchers Basic research
Red Cell, Platelet and White Cell Antigens Webert KE, Arnold DM, Chan HWH, Smith JW, Heddle NM, Kelton JG 2013 Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology Health care providers Other
A systematic evaluation of laboratory testing for drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia Arnold DM, Kukaswadia S, Nazi I, Esmail A, Dewar L, Smith JW, Warkentin TE, Kelton JG 2013 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research
Bacterial growth in red blood cell units exposed to uncontrolled temperatures: challenging the 30-minute rule Ramirez-Arcos S, Perkins H, Kou Y, Mastronardi C, Kumaran D, Taha M, Yi QL, McLaughlin N, Kahwash E, Lin Y, Acker J 2013 Vox Sang Regulators New or improved product or process
Evaluating the 4-hour and 30-minute rules: effects of room temperature exposure on red blood cell quality and bacterial growth Ramirez-Arcos S, Mastronardi C, Perkins H, Kou Y, Turner T, Mastronardi E, Hansen A, Yi QL, McLaughlin N, Kahwash E, Lin Y, Acker J 2013 Transfusion Regulators New or improved product or process
Nonheparin anticoagulants for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Kelton JG, Arnold DM, Bates SM 2013 N Engl J Med Health care providers Clinical research
Using simulation to evaluate a blood supply network in the Canadian maritime provinces Blake J, Hardy M 2013 J Enterp Inf Manag Researchers New or improved product or process
Co-stimulation with LPS or Poly I:C markedly enhances the anti-platelet immune response and severity of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia Li C, Chen P, Vadasz B, Ma L, Zhou H, Lang S, Freedman J, Ni H 2013 Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Process improvement by eliminating mixing of whole blood units after an overnight hold prior to component production using the buffy coat method Mastronardi C, Schubert P, Levin E, Bhakta V, Yi QL, Hansen A, Stewart T, Jenkins C, Lefresne W, Sheffield W, Acker JP 2013 J Blood Transfus Blood operators New or improved product or process
ResearchUnit: What is the utility of selecting platelets by cross-matching? Shehata N 2013 website Other Other
Scanning the future of transfusion medicine Devine D, Dzik WH, Szczepiorkowski ZM 2013 Practical Transfusion Medicine, 4th edition Health care providers Other
The cellular pathophysiology of immune thrombocytopenia Semple JW 2013 ISBT Sci Ser Researchers Basic research
Thermal reversal of polyvalent choline phosphate, a multivalent universal biomembrane adhesive Yu X, Zou Y, Horte S, Janzen J, Kizhakkedathu JN, Brooks DE 2013 Biomacromolecules Researchers Basic research
Adjudication of bleeding outcomes in an international thromboprophylaxis trial in critical illness Arnold DM, Lauzier F, Rabbat C, Zytaruk N, Barlow Cash B, Clarke F, Heels-Ansdell D, Guyatt G, Walter SD, Davies A, Cook DJ, PROTECT Investigators on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Clinical Trials Group 2013 Thromb Res Researchers Clinical research
Challenges in the management of the blood supply Williamson LM, Devine DV 2013 Lancet Blood operators Other
A case of vertical transmission of Chagas Disease contracted via blood transfusion in Canada Fearon MA, Scalia V, Huang M, Dines I, Ndao M 2013 Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol Health care providers Clinical research
FcgRIIa proteolysis as a diagnostic biomarker for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Nazi I, Arnold DM, Smith JW, Horsewood P, Moore JC, Warkentin TE, Crowther MA, Kelton JG 2013 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Quality of red blood cells washed using the ACP 215 cell processor: assessment of optimal pre- and postwash storage times and conditions Hansen A, Yi QL, Acker JP 2013 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Amelioration of Murine Passive Immune Thrombocytopenia by IVIg and a Therapeutic Monoclonal CD44 Antibody Does Not Require the Myd88 Signaling Pathway Crow AR, Yu H, Han D, Lazarus AH 2013 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Donor hemovigilance Goldman M 2013 Blood Transfus Health care providers Other
Expert approaches to common bleeding and thrombotic problems, part II Hayward CP, Webert KE 2013 Semin Thromb Hemost Health care providers Other
Mesenchymal stromal cells derived from umbilical cord blood migrate in response to complement C1q Qiu Y, Marquez-Curtis LA, Janowska-Wieczorek A 2012 Cytotherapy Researchers Basic research
Decreased indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression in dendritic cells and role of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-expressing dendritic cells in immune thrombocytopenia Xu SQ, Wang CY, Zhu XJ, Dong XY, Shi Y, Peng J, Qin P, Sun JZ, Guo C, Ni H, Hou M 2012 Ann Hematol Researchers Basic research
Tissue factor and glycoprotein C on herpes simplex virus type 1 are protease-activated receptor 2 cofactors that enhance infection Sutherland MR, Ruf W, Pryzdial EL 2012 Blood Researchers Basic research
Influence of architecture of high molecular weight linear and branched polyglycerols on their biocompatibility and biodistribution Imran ul-haq M, Lai BF, Chapanian R, Kizhakkedathu JN 2012 Biomaterials Researchers Basic research
Preserving and using germplasm and dissociated embryonic cells for conserving Caribbean and Pacific coral Hagedorn M, Carter V, Martorana K, Paresa MK, Acker J, Baums IB, Borneman E, Brittsan M, Byers M, Henley M, Laterveer M, Leong JA, McCarthy M, Meyers S, Nelson BD, Petersen D, Tiersch T, Uribe RC, Woods E, Wildt D 2012 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Transfusion reactions: a comparative observational study of blood components produced before and after implementation of semiautomated production from whole blood Semple E, Bowes-Schmidt A, Yi QL, Shimla S, Devine DV 2012 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
An analysis of the bias in red blood cell hemolysis measurement using several analytical approaches Acker JP, Croteau IM, Yi QL 2012 Clin Chim Acta Researchers New or improved product or process
Expert approaches to common bleeding and thrombotic problems-part I Hayward CP, Webert KE 2012 Semin Thromb Hemost Health care providers Other