Nos publications

Mise à jour août 2024

Title Authors Year Trier par ordre croissant Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Autologous stem cell transplantation for stiff person syndrome: two cases from the Ottawa blood and marrow transplant program Sanders S, Bredeson C, Pringle CE, Martin L, Allan D, Bence-Bruckler I, Hamelin L, Hopkins HS, Sabloff M, Sheppard D, Tay J, Huebsch L, Atkins HL 2014 JAMA Neurol Health care providers Clinical research
Prophylactic platelet transfusions: should they be a treatment of the past? Zeller MP, Al-Habsi KS, Heddle NM 2014 Curr Opin Hematol Health care providers Clinical research
Successful treatment with oseltamivir phosphate in a patient with chronic immune thrombocytopenia positive for anti-GPIb/IX autoantibody Shao L, Wu Y, Zhou H, Qin P, Ni H, Peng J, Hou M 2014 Platelets Health care providers Clinical research
A fresh look at measuring quality in blood components Devine DV, Chen D 2014 ISBT Sci Ser Blood operators Other
Alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor M358R reduces thrombin generation when displayed on the surface of cells expressing tissue factor Gierczak RF, Pepler L, Bhagirath V, Liaw PC, Sheffield WP 2014 Thromb Res Researchers Basic research
Designing ice recrystallization inhibitors: from antifreeze (glyco)proteins to small molecules Balcerzak AK, Capicciotti CJ, Briard JG, Ben RN 2014 RSC Adv Researchers Basic research
Migration, proliferation and differentiation of cord blood mesenchymal stromal cells treated with histone deacetylase inhibitor valproic acid Marquez-Curtis LA, Qiu Y, Xu A, Janowska-Wieczorek A 2014 Stem Cells Int Researchers Basic research
ResearchUnit: Pathogen Inactivation for Safer Blood Transfusion: What are the Limitations? Schubert P 2014 website Other Other
Acute hemolysis after intravenous immunoglobulin amid host factors of ABO-mismatched bone marrow transplantation, inflammation, and activated mononuclear phagocytes Michelis FV, Branch DR, Scovell I, Bloch E, Pendergrast J, Lipton JH, Cserti-Gazdewich CM 2014 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
CD44 antibody-mediated amelioration of murine immune thrombocytopenia (ITP): mouse background determines the effect of FcgammaRIIb genetic disruption Crow AR, Amash A, Lazarus AH 2014 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Enhancement of biological reactions on cell surfaces via macromolecular crowding Chapanian R, Kwan DH, Constantinescu I, Shaikh FA, Rossi NA, Withers SG, Kizhakkedathu JN 2014 Nat Commun Researchers Basic research
Stability of relevant plasma protein activities in cryosupernatant plasma units during refrigerated storage for up to 5 days postthaw Bhakta V, Jenkins C, Ramirez-Arcos S, Sheffield WP 2014 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
A 13-question approach to resolving serological discrepancies in the transfusion medicine laboratory Yudin J, Heddle NM 2014 Lab Med Health care providers Clinical research
Changing trends in blood transfusion: an analysis of 244,013 hospitalizations Shehata N, Forster A, Lawrence N, Rothwell DM, Fergusson D, Tinmouth A, Wilson K 2014 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Effect of sirolimus on malignancy and survival after kidney transplantation: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data Knoll GA, Kokolo MB, Mallick R, Beck A, Buenaventura CD, Ducharme R, Barsoum R, Bernasconi C, Blydt-Hansen TD, Ekberg H, Felipe CR, Firth J, Gallon L, Gelens M, Glotz D, Gossmann J, Guba M, Morsy AA, Salgo R, Scheuermann EH, Tedesco-Silva H, Vitko S, Watson C, Fergusson DA 2014 BMJ Health care providers Clinical research
Levofloxacin for BK virus prophylaxis following kidney transplantation: a randomized clinical trial Knoll GA, Humar A, Fergusson D, Johnston O, House AA, Kim SJ, Ramsay T, Chasse M, Pang X, Zaltzman J, Cockfield S, Cantarovich M, Karpinski M, Lebel L, Gill JS 2014 JAMA Health care providers Clinical research
Osmotic parameters of red blood cells from umbilical cord blood Zhurova M, McGann LE, Acker JP 2014 Cryobiology Researchers Basic research
Physician registration for deceased organ donation Li AH, Dixon S, Prakash V, Kim SJ, Knoll GA, Lam NN, Garg AX 2014 JAMA Health care providers Other
A generic modelling framework to evaluate network blood management policies: The Canadian Blood Services experience Blake JT, Hardy M 2014 Oper Res Health Care Blood operators New or improved product or process
Evaluation of selective screening of donors for antibody to Trypanosoma cruzi: seroprevalence of donors who answer no to risk questions O'Brien SF, Scalia V, Goldman M, Fan W, Yi QL, Huang M, Ndao M, Fearon MA 2014 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
Iron deficiency in Canadian blood donors Goldman M, Uzicanin S, Scalia V, O'Brien SF 2014 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Regulatory decisions pertaining to aprotinin may be putting patients at risk Hebert PC, Fergusson DA, Hutton B, Mazer CD, Fremes S, Blajchman M, MacAdams C, Wells G, Robblee J, Bussieres J, Teoh K 2014 CMAJ Regulators Other
ResearchUnit: Plasma Fibronectin: Keeping the Delicate Balance between Bleeding and Clotting Ni H 2014 website Other Other
Association of autoantibody specificity and response to intravenous immunoglobulin G therapy in immune thrombocytopenia: a multicentre cohort study Peng J, Ma SH, Liu J, Hou Y, Liu XM, Niu T, Xu RR, Guo CS, Wang XM, Cheng YF, Ni H, Hou M 2014 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research
c-Src and Pyk2 protein tyrosine kinases play protective roles in early HIV-1 infection of CD4+ T cell lines McCarthy SDS, Jung D, Sakac D, Branch DR 2014 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Researchers Basic research
Novel treatments for immune thrombocytopenia Shih A, Nazi I, Kelton JG, Arnold DM 2014 Presse Med Health care providers Clinical research
Prevention of Thrombogenesis from Whole Human Blood on Plastic Polymer by Ultrathin Monoethylene Glycol Silane Adlayer Fedorov K, Blaszykowski C, Sheikh S, Reheman A, Romaschin A, Ni H, Thompson M 2014 Langmuir Researchers Basic research
Microfluidic analysis of red blood cell deformability Guo Q, Duffy SP, Matthews K, Santoso AT, Scott MD, Ma H 2014 J Biomech Researchers Basic research
Osmotic tolerance limits of red blood cells from umbilical cord blood Zhurova M, Lusianti RE, Higgins AZ, Acker JP 2014 Cryobiology Researchers Basic research
ResearchUnit: How do Special Forces Operations access quality blood products for military personnel? Acker JP 2014 website Other Other
A Guide to Reporting Adverse Transfusion Events Canadian Blood Services 2014 website Health care providers Other
Hemoglobin Area and Time Index Above 90 g/L are Associated with Improved 6-Month Functional Outcomes in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Griesdale DE, Sekhon MS, Menon DK, Lavinio A, Donnelly J, Robba C, Sekhon IS, Taylor A, Henderson WR, Turgeon AF, Gupta AK 2014 Neurocrit Care Health care providers Clinical research
Predicting kidney transplantation outcomes using proteinuria ascertained from spot urine samples versus timed urine collections Talreja H, Akbari A, White CA, Ramsay TO, Hiremath S, Knoll G 2014 Am J Kidney Dis Health care providers Clinical research
Synthesis and evaluation of linear CuAAC-oligomerized antifreeze neo-glycopeptides van der Wal S, Capicciotti CJ, Rontogianni S, Ben RN, Liskamp RMJ 2014 MedChemComm Researchers Basic research
Whole blood treated with riboflavin and ultraviolet light: quality assessment of all blood components produced by the buffy coat method Schubert P, Culibrk B, Karwal S, Serrano K, Levin E, Bu D, Bhakta V, Sheffield WP, Goodrich RP, Devine DV 2014 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Coinfusion of dextrose-containing fluids and red blood cells does not adversely affect in vitro red blood cell quality Keir AK, Hansen AL, Callum J, Jankov RP, Acker JP 2014 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Prevention of transfusion-transmitted cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection: Standards of care Lieberman L, Devine DV, Reesink HW, Panzer S, Wong J, Raison T, Benson S, Pink J, Leitner GC, Horvath M, Compernolle V, Scuracchio PSP, Wendel S, Delage G, Nahirniak S, Dongfu X, Krusius T, Juvonen E, Sainio S, Cazenave JP, Guntz P, Kientz D, Andreu G, Morel P, Seifried E, Hourfar K, Lin CK, O'Riordan J, Raspollini E, Villa S, Rebulla P, Flanagan P, Teo D, Lam S, Ang AL, Lozano M, Sauleda S, Cid J, Perreira A, Ekermo B, Niederhauser C, Waldvogel S, Fontana S, Desborough MJ, Pawson R, Li M, Kamel H, Busch M, Qu L, Triulzi D 2014 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Implementation and public acceptability: lessons from food irradiation and how they might apply to pathogen reduction in blood products Heddle NM, Lane SJ, Sholapur N, Arnold E, Newbold B, Eyles J, Webert KE 2014 Vox Sang Blood operators Other
Plant food anthocyanins inhibit platelet granule secretion in hypercholesterolaemia: Involving the signalling pathway of PI3K–Akt Song F, Zhu Y, Shi Z, Tian J, Deng X, Ren J, Andrews MC, Ni H, Ling W, Yang Y 2014 Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Surveillance Report 2012 O'Brien SF 2014 website Other Other
Biofilm-forming skin microflora bacteria are resistant to the bactericidal action of disinfectants used during blood donation Taha M, Kalab M, Yi QL, Landry C, Greco-Stewart V, Brassinga AK, Sifri CD, Ramirez-Arcos S 2014 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
Emergency Transfusion Young D 2014 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Other
Iron status in Canadian Blood Services Donors Goldman M 2014 website Blood operators Clinical research
Missed opportunities for prevention of perinatal transmission of hepatitis B: a retrospective cohort study van Schalkwyk J, Nourmoussavi M, Massey A, Gustafson R, Brodkin E, Petric M, Krajden M, Dobson S, Buxton J, Bigham M, Pick N, Schreiber R, Sherlock CH, Money D, Yoshida EM 2014 Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol Health care providers Clinical research
Within-individual mean corpuscular volume variation Cembrowski G, Topping K, Clarke G 2014 Arch Pathol Lab Med Health care providers Other
Hope for the Best, but Prepare for the Worst Blake J, Nemergut EC 2014 Anesth Analg Researchers New or improved product or process
Perioperative transfusion-related acute lung injury: The Canadian Blood Services experience Alam A, Huang M, Yi Q-L, Lin Y, Hannach B 2014 Transfus Apher Sci Health care providers Other
Therapeutic Apheresis Pavenski K 2014 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Bacterial contamination in platelet concentrates Pietersz RNI, Reesink HW, Panzer S, Oknaian S, Kuperman S, Gabriel C, Rapaille A, Lambermont M, Deneys V, Sondag D, Rami­rez-Arcos S, Goldman M, Delage G, Bernier F, Germain M, Vuk T, Georgsen J, Morel P, Naegelen C, Bardiaux L, Cazenave JP, Dreier J, Vollmer T, Knabbe C, Seifried E, Hourfar K, Lin CK, Spreafico M, Raffaele L, Berzuini A, Prati D, Satake M, de Korte D, van der Meer PF, Kerkhoffs JL, Blanco L, Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Svard-Nilsson AM, McDonald CP, Symonds I, Moule R, Brailsford S, Yomtovian R, Jacobs MR 2014 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Effectiveness and safety of thiotepa as conditioning treatment prior to stem cell transplant in patients with central nervous system lymphoma Kokolo MB, Fergusson D, O'Neill J, Tay J, Tinmouth AT, Stewart D, Bredeson C 2014 Leuk Lymphoma Researchers Clinical research