Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Predicting kidney transplantation outcomes using proteinuria ascertained from spot urine samples versus timed urine collections Talreja H, Akbari A, White CA, Ramsay TO, Hiremath S, Knoll G 2014 Am J Kidney Dis Health care providers Clinical research
Coinfusion of dextrose-containing fluids and red blood cells does not adversely affect in vitro red blood cell quality Keir AK, Hansen AL, Callum J, Jankov RP, Acker JP 2014 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Prevention of transfusion-transmitted cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection: Standards of care Lieberman L, Devine DV, Reesink HW, Panzer S, Wong J, Raison T, Benson S, Pink J, Leitner GC, Horvath M, Compernolle V, Scuracchio PSP, Wendel S, Delage G, Nahirniak S, Dongfu X, Krusius T, Juvonen E, Sainio S, Cazenave JP, Guntz P, Kientz D, Andreu G, Morel P, Seifried E, Hourfar K, Lin CK, O'Riordan J, Raspollini E, Villa S, Rebulla P, Flanagan P, Teo D, Lam S, Ang AL, Lozano M, Sauleda S, Cid J, Perreira A, Ekermo B, Niederhauser C, Waldvogel S, Fontana S, Desborough MJ, Pawson R, Li M, Kamel H, Busch M, Qu L, Triulzi D 2014 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Surveillance Report 2012 O'Brien SF 2014 Blood.ca website Other Other
Implementation and public acceptability: lessons from food irradiation and how they might apply to pathogen reduction in blood products Heddle NM, Lane SJ, Sholapur N, Arnold E, Newbold B, Eyles J, Webert KE 2014 Vox Sang Blood operators Other
Plant food anthocyanins inhibit platelet granule secretion in hypercholesterolaemia: Involving the signalling pathway of PI3K–Akt Song F, Zhu Y, Shi Z, Tian J, Deng X, Ren J, Andrews MC, Ni H, Ling W, Yang Y 2014 Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Within-individual mean corpuscular volume variation Cembrowski G, Topping K, Clarke G 2014 Arch Pathol Lab Med Health care providers Other
Biofilm-forming skin microflora bacteria are resistant to the bactericidal action of disinfectants used during blood donation Taha M, Kalab M, Yi QL, Landry C, Greco-Stewart V, Brassinga AK, Sifri CD, Ramirez-Arcos S 2014 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
Emergency Transfusion Young D 2014 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Other
Iron status in Canadian Blood Services Donors Goldman M 2014 Blood.ca website Blood operators Clinical research
Missed opportunities for prevention of perinatal transmission of hepatitis B: a retrospective cohort study van Schalkwyk J, Nourmoussavi M, Massey A, Gustafson R, Brodkin E, Petric M, Krajden M, Dobson S, Buxton J, Bigham M, Pick N, Schreiber R, Sherlock CH, Money D, Yoshida EM 2014 Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol Health care providers Clinical research
Therapeutic Apheresis Pavenski K 2014 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Hope for the Best, but Prepare for the Worst Blake J, Nemergut EC 2014 Anesth Analg Researchers New or improved product or process
Perioperative transfusion-related acute lung injury: The Canadian Blood Services experience Alam A, Huang M, Yi Q-L, Lin Y, Hannach B 2014 Transfus Apher Sci Health care providers Other
Red blood cell transfusion in patients with traumatic brain injury: a systematic review protocol Boutin A, Chasse M, Shemilt M, Lauzier F, Moore L, Zarychanski R, Lacroix J, Fergusson DA, Desjardins P, Turgeon AF 2014 Syst Rev Researchers Other
Surveillance Report 2013 O'Brien SF 2014 Blood.ca website Other Other
The Platelet as a physiological objection in the circulation Marshall AH, Wang Y, Reheman A, Chen P, Zhu G, Ni H 2014 Pathobiology of human disease: a dynamic encyclopedia of disease mechanisms Researchers Basic research
Bacterial contamination in platelet concentrates Pietersz RNI, Reesink HW, Panzer S, Oknaian S, Kuperman S, Gabriel C, Rapaille A, Lambermont M, Deneys V, Sondag D, Rami­rez-Arcos S, Goldman M, Delage G, Bernier F, Germain M, Vuk T, Georgsen J, Morel P, Naegelen C, Bardiaux L, Cazenave JP, Dreier J, Vollmer T, Knabbe C, Seifried E, Hourfar K, Lin CK, Spreafico M, Raffaele L, Berzuini A, Prati D, Satake M, de Korte D, van der Meer PF, Kerkhoffs JL, Blanco L, Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Svard-Nilsson AM, McDonald CP, Symonds I, Moule R, Brailsford S, Yomtovian R, Jacobs MR 2014 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Effectiveness and safety of thiotepa as conditioning treatment prior to stem cell transplant in patients with central nervous system lymphoma Kokolo MB, Fergusson D, O'Neill J, Tay J, Tinmouth AT, Stewart D, Bredeson C 2014 Leuk Lymphoma Researchers Clinical research
Polymer brush-based approaches for the development of infection-resistant surfaces Hadjesfandiari N, Yu K, Mei Y, Kizhakkedathu JN 2014 J Mater Chem B Mater Biol Med Researchers Basic research
Proteome changes in platelets after pathogen inactivation - an interlaboratory consensus Prudent M, D'Alessandro A, Cazenave JP, Devine DV, Gachet C, Greinacher A, Lion N, Schubert P, Steil L, Thiele T, Tissot J-D, Volker U, Zolla L 2014 Transfus Med Rev Researchers Basic research
Relaxin receptor antagonist AT-001 synergizes with docetaxel in androgen-independent prostate xenografts Neschadim A, Pritzker LB, Pritzker KP, Branch DR, Summerlee AJ, Trachtenberg J, Silvertown JD 2014 Endocr Relat Cancer Researchers Basic research
The Fanconi Anemia Group C Protein Interacts with Uncoordinated 5A and Delays Apoptosis Huang F, Ben Aissa M, Magron A, Huard CC, Godin C, Levesque G, Carreau M 2014 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
A lab-on-chip for malaria diagnosis and surveillance Taylor BJ, Howell A, Martin KA, Manage DP, Gordy W, Campbell SD, Lam S, Jin A, Polley SD, Samuel RA, Atrazhev A, Stickel AJ, Birungi J, Mbonye AK, Pilarski LM, Acker JP, Yanow SK 2014 Malar J Researchers Basic research
Carbohydrate-based ice recrystallization inhibitors increase infectivity and thermostability of viral vectors Ghobadloo SM, Balcerzak AK, Gargaun A, Muharemagic D, Mironov GG, Capicciotti CJ, Briard JG, Ben RN, Berezovski MV 2014 Sci Rep Researchers Basic research
Circulatory Death Determination in Uncontrolled Organ Donors: A Panel Viewpoint Bernat JL, Bleck TP, Blosser SA, Bratton SL, Capron AM, Cornell D, Devita MA, Fulda GJ, Glazier AK, Gries CJ, Mathur M, Nakagawa TA, Shemie SD 2014 Ann Emerg Med Health care providers Other
Determining staffing requirements for blood donor clinics: the Canadian Blood Services experience Blake JT, Shimla S 2014 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
Donor criteria for men who have sex with men: a Canadian perspective Goldman M, Lapierre D, Lemay L, Devine D, Sher G 2014 Transfusion Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Management of infants born with severe neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: the role of platelet transfusions and intravenous immunoglobulin Bakchoul T, Bassler D, Heckmann M, Thiele T, Kiefel V, Gross I, Arnold DM, Ditomasso J, Smith JW, Paes B, Greinacher A 2014 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
A pH and thermosensitive choline phosphate-based delivery platform targeted to the acidic tumor microenvironment Yu X, Yang X, Horte S, Kizhakkedathu JN, Brooks DE 2014 Biomaterials Researchers Basic research
Cell-matrix interactions of Factor IX (FIX)-engineered human mesenchymal stromal cells encapsulated in RGD-alginate vs. Fibrinogen-alginate microcapsules Sayyar B, Dodd M, Marquez-Curtis L, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Hortelano G 2014 Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol Researchers Basic research
Medium conditioned with mesenchymal stromal cell-derived osteoblasts improves the expansion and engraftment properties of cord blood progenitors Dumont N, Boyer L, Emond H, Saltik BC, Pasha R, Bazin R, Mantovani D, Roy DC, Pineault N 2014 Exp Hematol Researchers Basic research
Molecular immunohematology: red cell antigen genotyping Goldman M 2014 Blood.ca website Health care providers Clinical research
Older patients with myeloma derive similar benefit from autologous transplantation Sharma M, Zhang MJ, Zhong X, Abidi MH, Akpek G, Bacher U, Callander NS, Dispenzieri A, Freytes CO, Fung HC, Gale RP, Gasparetto C, Gibson J, Holmberg LA, Kindwall-Keller TL, Klumpp TR, Krishnan AY, Landau HJ, Lazarus HM, Lonial S, Maiolino A, Marks DI, Mehta P, Mikhael Med JR, Nishihori T, Olsson R, Ramanathan M, Roy V, Savani BN, Schouten HC, Scott E, Tay J, To LB, Vesole DH, Vogl DT, Hari P 2014 Biol Blood Marrow Transplant Health care providers Clinical research
Peripheral blood monocyte-derived chemokine blockade prevents murine antibody-mediated transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) McKenzie CG, Kim M, Singh TK, Milev Y, Freedman J, Semple JW 2014 Blood Researchers Basic research
Platelet Utilization: A Canadian Blood Services Research and Development Symposium Webert KE, Alam AQ, Chargé SB, Sheffield WP 2014 Transfus Med Rev Health care providers Other
The effect of timing of gamma-irradiation on hemolysis and potassium release in leukoreduced red cell concentrates stored in SAGM Serrano K, Chen D, Hansen AL, Levin E, Turner TR, Kurach JDR, Acker JP, Devine DV 2014 Vox Sang Researchers New or improved product or process
Two-stage, in silico deconvolution of the lymphocyte compartment of the peripheral whole blood transcriptome in the context of acute kidney allograft rejection Shannon CP, Balshaw R, Ng RT, Wilson-McManus JE, Keown P, McMaster R, McManus BM, Landsberg D, Isbel NM, Knoll G, Tebbutt SJ 2014 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Antibody specific for the glycophorin A complex mediates intravenous immune globulin-resistant anemia in a murine model Chen X, Ghaffar H, Jen CC, Lazarus AH 2014 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Hyperosmolar therapy in severe traumatic brain injury: a survey of emergency physicians from a large Canadian province Berger Pelletier E, Emond M, Lauzier F, Savard M, Turgeon AF 2014 PLoS One Health care providers Other
ResearchUnit: Protecting our life blood: iron deficiency in Canadian blood donors Goldman M 2014 Blood.ca website Other Other
The Fanconi anemia pathway has a dual function in Dickkopf-1 transcriptional repression Huard CC, Tremblay CS, Magron A, Levesque G, Carreau M 2014 PNAS Researchers Basic research
Alzheimer Disease in a Mouse Model: MR Imaging–guided Focused Ultrasound Targeted to the Hippocampus Opens the Blood-Brain Barrier and Improves Pathologic Abnormalities and Behavior Burgess A, Dubey S, Yeung S, Hough O, Eterman N, Aubert I, Hynynen K 2014 Radiology Researchers Basic research
Therapeutic Effect of IVIG on Inflammatory Arthritis in Mice Is Dependent on the Fc Portion and Independent of Sialylation or Basophils Campbell IK, Miescher S, Branch DR, Mott PJ, Lazarus AH, Han D, Maraskovsky E, Zuercher AW, Neschadim A, Leontyev D, McKenzie BS, Kasermann F 2014 J Immunol Researchers Basic research
Transfusion-related acute lung injury after transfusion of pooled immune globulin: a case report Quest GR, Gaal H, Clarke G, Nahirniak S 2014 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Adhesion of anaerobic bacteria to platelet containers Kumaran D, Kalab M, Rood IGH, de Korte D, Ramirez-Arcos S 2014 Vox Sang Blood operators Basic research
External validation of a risk assessment model for venous thromboembolism in the hospitalised acutely-ill medical patient (VTE-VALOURR) Mahan CE, Liu Y, Turpie AG, Vu JT, Heddle N, Cook RJ, Dairkee U, Spyropoulos AC 2014 Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research
Impact of ethnicity on human umbilical cord blood banking: a systematic review Akyurekli C, Chan JY, Elmoazzen H, Tay J, Allan DS 2014 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Phage Display of the Serpin Alpha-1 Proteinase Inhibitor Randomized at Consecutive Residues in the Reactive Centre Loop and Biopanned with or without Thrombin Scott BM, Matochko WL, Gierczak RF, Bhakta V, Derda R, Sheffield WP 2014 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
RhD Specific Antibodies Are Not Detectable in HLA-DRB1(*)1501 Mice Challenged with Human RhD Positive Erythrocytes Bernardo L, Denomme GA, Shah K, Lazarus AH 2014 Adv Hematol Researchers Basic research