Nos publications

Mise à jour août 2024

Title Authors Year Trier par ordre croissant Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Medication use in Canadian blood donors Goldman M, Miller O, O'Brien SF 2023 Vox Sang Blood operators Clinical research
FAQ : plasma traité au solvant-détergent (Octaplasma) Mack J, Gordon I, Romans R, Webert K, Ning S, Zeller M 2023 website Health care providers New or improved product or process
Circular of information for the use of human blood components: Plasma Components Stewart T 2023 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
First Report of Successful Laser Warming for Frozen Gonadal Tissues and Oocytes in the Domestic Cat Model Rowlison T, Nagashima J, Acker J, Ben R, Daly J, Hagedorn, Comizzoli P 2023 Biopreserv Biobank Researchers Basic research
Emotional Labor of Nurses and Phlebotomists in a New Source Plasma Collection Site During the COVID-19 Pandemic Holloway K 2023 Glob Qual Nurs Res Researchers Ethical, legal & social implications research
Perivascular niche cells sense thrombocytopenia and activate hematopoietic stem cells in an IL-1 dependent manner Luis TC, Barkas N, Carrelha J, Giustacchini A, Mazzi S, Norfo R, Wu B, Aliouat A, Guerrero JA, Rodriguez-Meira A, Bouriez-Jones T, Macaulay IC, Jasztal M, Zhu G, Ni H, Robson MJ, Blakely RD, Mead AJ, Nerlov C, Ghevaert C, Jacobsen SEW 2023 Nat Commun Researchers Basic research
HLA-haplotype redundancy and rareness in Canadian Blood Services' Stem Cell Registry and Cord Blood Bank: Novel metrics for optimizing utility Bailey AJM, Blake J, Ganz K, Seftel MD, Allan DS 2023 Transfusion Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Humoral and Cellular Response of Transplant Recipients to a Third Dose of mRNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Bailey AJM, Maganti HB, Cheng W, Shorr R, Arianne Buchan C, Allan DS 2023 Transplantation Researchers Basic research
A Survey of Patient Experience in CML: American and Canadian Perspectives Hillis C, Flynn KE, Goldman EH, Moreira-Lucas TS, Visentini J, Dorman S, Ballinger R, Byrnes HF, De Palma A, Barbier V, Machado L, Atallah E 2023 Patient Prefer Adherence Researchers Clinical research
Improved access yet inequitable experience: gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men’s views of more inclusive criteria for source plasma donation Vesnaver E, Butler-Foster T, Goldman M, Gibson E, Palumbo A, Lapierre D, Hill NE, MacDonagh R, Rubini KA, Bridel W, Miguel G, Rosser A, MacPherson P, Randall T, Osbourne-Sorrell W, O’Brien SF, Otis J, Greaves M, Al-Bakri TB, Germain M, Orvis S, Clapperton AT, Reid M, Labrecque M, Devine D, Presseau J 2023 BMC Public Health Blood operators MSM research
Malattia emolitica del neonato (MEN): incompatibilità ABO International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines 2023 General public Other
SARS-CoV-2 RBD and Its Variants Can Induce Platelet Activation and Clearance: Implications for Antibody Therapy and Vaccinations against COVID-19 Ma X, Liang J, Zhu G, Bhoria P, Shoara AA, MacKeigan DT, Khoury CJ, Slavkovic S, Lin L, Karakas D, Chen Z, Prifti V, Liu Z, Shen C, Li Y, Zhang C, Dou J, Rousseau Z, Zhang J, Ni T, Lei X, Chen P, Wu X, Shaykhalishahi H, Mubareka S, Connelly KA, Zhang H, Rotstein O, Ni H 2023 Research Researchers Clinical research
Unexpected difficulty in performance of a monocyte monolayer assay when using RBCs from a patient with sickle cell disease Lipman T, Bienz MN, Pendergrast J, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Branch DR 2023 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin induces platelet mitophagy and promotes thrombosis in Kawasaki disease Fu L, MacKeigan DT, Gong Q, Che D, Xu Y, Pi L, Sun C, Yu H, Chen K, Zhou H, Jiang Z, Wang Z, Zhang L, Cerenzia EG, Ni H, Gu X 2023 Brit J Haem Researchers Clinical research
Transfusion Camp: Successes and challenges in scaling and expanding a transfusion medicine education program Lin Y, Khandelwal A, Kapitany C, Chargé S 2023 Transfus Apher Sci Health care providers Education research
Prevalence of selected bleeding and thrombotic events in persons with hemophilia versus the general population: A scoping review Shapiro AD, Hardesty BM, Peyvandi F, Iorio A 2023 Res Pract Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
Whole Blood and Apheresis Collection of Blood Components Intended for Transfusion Acker JP, Razatos A, Marks D 2023 AABB Technical Manual, 21st Edition Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Medication Deferrals in Blood Donors Goldman M, Jacquot C, Land K 2023 Transfus Med Rev Blood operators Clinical research
International Forum on Management of Blood Donors with Culture-Positive Platelet Donations: Summary Vassallo R, Kamel H, Goel R, Al-Riyami AZ, Al Muharrmi Z, Jacquot C, Ramirez-Arcos S, Khandelwal A, Goldman M, Hands K, McLintock L, Mitchell H, Wendel S, Scuracchio P, Fachini R, Pettersson SM, Bengtsson J, Brailsford SR, Tossell J, Amorim L, Lopes ME, Pêcego M, Germain M, Renaud C, Morley SL, So R, Townsend M, Hopkins C, Harritshoej LH, Erikstrup C, Gosbell IB, Levin MH, Dennington PM, Dunbar N 2023 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
FAQ: Solvent detergent (S/D) treated plasma (Octaplasma) Mack J, Gordon R, Romans R, Webert K, Ning S, Zeller M 2023 website Health care providers New or improved product or process
Circulaire d'information utilisation de composants sanguins humains: Composants plasmatiques Stewart T 2023 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Loss of Autophagy Activity during Storage of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Grafts Is Associated with Reduced Potency Maganti H, Jahan S, Patel J, Kaushal R, McGregor C, Pasha R, Pineault N 2023 Blood Researchers Basic research
Rapport d’impact annuel 2022-2023 Innovation et gestion du portefeuille Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2023 website General public Other
Transfusion thérapeutique de granulocytes Gardner E, Fernandes M, Latour C, Seftel M, Acker J, Clarke G 2023 Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Effect of Donor Sex on Recipient Mortality in Transfusion Chassé M, Fergusson DA, Tinmouth A, Acker JP, Perelman I, Tuttle A, English SW, Hawken S, Forster AJ, Shehata N, Thavorn K, Wilson K, Cober N, Maddison H, Tokessy M 2023 NEJM Researchers Clinical research
Monitoring syphilis serology in blood donors: Is there utility as a surrogate marker of early transfusion transmissible infection behavioral risk? O'Brien SF, Drews SJ, Yi Q-L, Osmond L, Tran V, Zhou HY, Goldman M 2023 Transfusion Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
What influences decisions to donate plasma? A rapid review of the literature Berger M, Easterbrook A, Holloway K, Devine D, Bansback N 2023 Vox Sang Researchers Ethical, legal & social implications research
Auditing a recently implemented massive hemorrhage protocol: feasibility of assessing pre-specified metrics and compliance Leis M, Clarfield L, Lin Y, Gupta A, Da Luz L 2023 CJEM Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
KEL1 negative red cell transfusions for females of current or future child-bearing potential: A clinical impact and feasibility study Ning S, Morin PA, Elahie A, Li N, Liu Y, Barty R, Clarke G, Zeller M, Heddle NM 2023 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Immunogenicity and safety of mixed COVID-19 vaccine regimens in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: a single-centre prospective cohort study Hitchon CA, Mesa C, Bernstein CN, Marrie RA, Card C, O’Brien SF, Kim J 2023 BMJ Open Health care providers Clinical research
Resource for Physicians: Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN): IVIG in the management of Rh- and ABO-mediated HDN Lieberman L, La Rocca U, Estcourt L, Jug R, Louw V, Muniz-Diaz E, Maier RF, Christensen R, Goel R, Sheharyar R, Delaney M, Bercovitz R, Bake J, Ramsey G, Pessoa dos Santos M, Charge S, Wolfe A, Bathla A, On behalf of the International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines (ICTMG) 2023 Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Genetically engineered transfusable platelets using mRNA lipid nanoparticles Leung J, Strong C, Badior KE, Robertson M, Wu X, Meledeo MA, Kang E, Paul M, Sato Y, Harashima H, Cap AP, Devine DV, Jan E, Cullis PR, Kastrup CJ 2023 Sci Adv Researchers New or improved product or process
An unsupervised learning approach to identify immunoglobulin utilization patterns using electronic health records Riazi K, Ly M, Barty R, Callum J, Arnold DM, Heddle NM, Down DG, Sidhu D, Li N 2023 Transfusion Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Cardiovascular events among recipients of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-A systematic review and meta-analysis Aghel N, Lui M, Wang V, Khalaf D, Mian H, Hillis C, Walker I, Leber B, Lipton JH, Aljama M, Lepic K, Berg T, Garcia-Horton A, Petropoulos J, Masoom H, Leong DP 2023 Bone Marrow Transplant Researchers Clinical research
Dual roles of fucoidan-GPIbα interaction in thrombosis and hemostasis: implications for drug development targeting GPIbα Shen C, Mackeigan DT, Shoara AA, Xu R, Bhoria P, Karakas D, Ma W, Cerenzia E, Chen Z, Hoard B, Lin L, Lei X, Zhu G, Chen P, Johnson PE, Ni H 2023 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Canada: a time-series study, 2020–2023 Murphy TJ, Swail H, Jain J, Anderson M, Awadalla P, Behl L, Brown PE, Charlton CL, Colwill K, Drews SJ, Gingras A-C, Hinshaw D, Jha P, Kanji JN, Kirsh VA, Lang ALS, Langlois M-A, Lee S, Lewin A, O’Brien SF, Pambrun C, Skead K, Stephens DA, Stein DR, Tipples G, Caeseele PGV, Evans TG, Oxlade O, Mazer BD, Buckeridge DL 2023 CMAJ Researchers Clinical research
Management of Pregnancies Alloimmunized with Non-Rh and Non-K Alloantibodies Jackson ME, Grabowska K, Lieberman L, Clarke G, Yan MTS, Canadian Obstetric Pediatric Transfusion Network 2023 J Obstet Gynaecol Can Health care providers Clinical research
Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of mesenchymal stromal cells to treat coronavirus disease 2019: is it too late? Kirkham AM, Bailey AJM, Shorr R, Lalu MM, Fergusson DA, Allan DS 2023 Cytotherapy Researchers Clinical research
Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for the diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenia: reply Mahamad S, Li N, Arnold DM 2023 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
White paper on pandemic preparedness in the blood supply Strengers P, O'Brien SF, Politis C, Mayr W, Seifried E, Spencer BR 2023 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
TEMRA: the CD8 subset in chronic ITP? Lazarus AH, Semple JW 2023 Blood Researchers Basic research
Rapport de surveillance O'Brien S 2023 website Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Doença hemolítica do recém-nascido (DHRN): doença por Rhesus (Rh) e outros anticorpos não-ABO International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines 2023 General public Other
Multinational comparison study of aircraft pilot healthcare avoidance behaviour Hoffman WR, Patel PK, Aden J, Willis A, Acker JP, Bjerke E, Miranda E, Luster J, Tvaryanas A 2023 Occup Med (Lond) Researchers Clinical research
Navigating imperfect policies to donate plasma: Survey on plasma donation and a pilot plasma donation program among men who have sex with men in Canada Vesnaver E, Gibson E, Goldman M, Butler-Foster T, Hill NE, Lapierre D, MacDonagh R, Rubini KA, Miguel G, Rosser A, MacPherson P, Palumbo A, Randall T, Osbourne-Sorrell W, O'Brien SF, Otis J, Greaves M, Al-Bakri TB, Reid M, Labrecque M, Germain M, Orvis S, Clapperton AT, Devine D, Presseau J 2023 Transfusion Researchers MSM research
Comparison of three dosing intervals for the primary vaccination of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162b2) on magnitude, neutralization capacity and durability of the humoral immune response in health care workers: A prospective cohort study Leong DP, Zhang A, Breznik JA, Clare R, Huynh A, Mushtaha M, Rangarajan S, Stacey H, Kim PY, Loeb M, Denburg JA, Mertz D, Chagla Z, Nazy I, Miller MS, Bowdish DME, Duong M 2023 PLoS One Researchers Clinical research
FAQ : Information destinée aux professionnels de la santé qui commandent des concentrés de granulocytes Stepien J, Robert M-H 2023 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
SARS-CoV-2 cross-sectional seroprevalence study among public school staff in Metro Vancouver after the first Omicron wave in British Columbia, Canada Watts AW, Mâsse LC, Goldfarb DM, Irvine MA, Hutchison SM, Muttucomaroe L, Poon B, Barakauskas VE, O’Reilly C, Bosman E, Reicherz F, Coombs D, Pitblado M, O’Brien SF, Lavoie PM 2023 BMJ Open Researchers Clinical research
The Specialist in Transfusion Science program Clarke G, Holovati J 2023 Immunohematology Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Plan de mejora para el proceso de inventarios de la empresa Zoomania clinica Veterinaria S.A.S Ramirez-Arcos S 2023 Tecnológico de Antioquia Researchers Basic research