Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Heterodimeric Protein Surface-Coupling Platform: Immobilization of Conformation Switchable and Functional αIIbβ3 Integrin Neves MAD, Slavkovic S, Wang Y, Pasman Y, Shoara AA, Gallant RC, Zhu G, Benvenuto P, Johnson PE, Thompson M, Ni H 2023 Adv Mater Interfaces Researchers Basic research
Mythbusters: Small Volume Blood Collection Tubes Siegal D, Callum J, Sztainert T 2023 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Intraoperative Blood Management Strategies for Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery: The Ottawa Intraoperative Transfusion Consensus Lenet T, McIsaac DI, Hallet JH, Jerath A, Lalu MM, Nicholls SG, Presseau J, Tinmouth A, Verret M, Wherrett CG, Fergusson DA, Martel G 2023 JAMA Netw Open Researchers Clinical research
Comparison of automated solid phase versus manual saline indirect antiglobulin test methodology for non-ABO antibody titration: Implications for perinatal antibody monitoring Niu S, Vetsch M, Beaudin L, Bodnar M, Clarke G 2023 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Nutrient supplementation of culture media improves the detection of Cutibacterium acnes in platelet components by an automated culture system Kumaran D, Ramirez-Arcos S 2023 Vox Sang Researchers Basic research
Assessment of the soluble proteins HMGB1, CD40L and CD62P during various platelet preparation processes and the storage of platelet concentrates: The BEST collaborative study Cognasse F, Hamzeh Cognasse H, Eyraud MA, Prier A, Arthaud CA, Tiberghien P, Begue S, de Korte D, Gouwerok E, Greinacher A, Aurich K, Noorman F, Dumont L, Kelly K, Cloutier M, Bazin R, Cardigan R, Huish S, Smethurst P, Devine D, Schubert P, Johnson L, Marks DC, Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion Collaborative 2023 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Chapter 2. Blood components Gupta A, Bigham M 2023 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
The transfusion-associated dyspnea prospective observation and laboratory assessment study: a protocol for investigating and disambiguating cardiopulmonary and high-grade febrile transfusion reactions in adults McVey M, Saeed S, Siddiqui R, Armali C, Kron A, Branch D, Brinc D, Zhang L, Shehata N, Pavenski K, Gupta A, Lin Y, Lieberman L, Pendergrast J, Callum J, Cserti-Gazdewich C 2023 Int J Clin Trials Health care providers Clinical research
Sommaire des réactions transfusionnelles indésirables 2018-2023 Yan M 2023 Blood.ca website Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Hämolytische Erkrankung des Neugeborenen (Morbus haemolyticus neonatorum; MHN) durch Rhesus (Rh)-Antikörper und andere Nicht-ABO-Antikörper International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines 2023 ICTMG.org General public Other
Using analytical methods and simulation to estimate the magnitude of errors in calculations for recovery in washed red blood cells Blake JT, Acker JP, Mastronardi C 2023 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies, and Application Researchers Basic research
Risk factors for T-cell lymphopenia in frequent platelet donors: The BEST collaborative study Kaufman RM, Marks DC, Flamand Y, Acker JP, Brown BL, Olafson C, Marschner S, Pandey S, Papari M, Petraszko T, Serrano K, Ward D, Bazin R, for the Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion Collaborative 2023 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Climate change and parasitic risk to the blood supply Drews SJ, Wendel S, Leiby DA, Tonnetti L, Ushiro-Lumb I, O'Brien SF, Lieshout-Krikke RW, Bloch EM, the International Society of Blood Transfusion Working Party Parasite Subgroup 2023 Transfusion Blood operators Clinical research
FAQ: Information for health professionals ordering granulocyte concentrates Stepien J, Robert M-H 2023 Blood.ca website Health care providers New or improved product or process
Cold-stored platelets for acute bleeding in cardiac surgical patients: a narrative review Lu J, Karkouti K, Peer M, Englesakis M, Spinella PC, Apelseth TO, Scorer TG, Kahr WHA, McVey M, Rao V, Abrahamyan L, Lieberman L, Mewhort H, Devine DV, Callum J, Bartoszko J 2023 Can J Anaesth Researchers Clinical research
Mechanism of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Phagocytosis Loriamini M, Lewis-Bakker M, Binnington B, Kotra L, Branch D 2023 J Hematol Clin Res Researchers Basic research
Immunological impact of the CD71+ RBCs: A potential immune mediator in transfusion Li W, Acker JP 2023 Transfus Apher Sci Researchers Basic research
From MPOX to the next epidemic: Words matter when talking about equity-deserving groups Butler-Foster T, Khandelwal A, Montemayor C, Miller YM, Yan MTS, Holmberg JA, Ipe TS, Accooe P, Cancelas JA 2023 Transfusion Health care providers Ethical, legal & social implications research
Serologic reactivity of unidentified specificity in antenatal testing and hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn: The BEST collaborative study Lu W, Ziman A, Yan MTS, Waters A, Virk MS, Tran A, Tang H, Shih AW, Scally E, Raval JS, Pandey S, Pagano MB, Shan H, Moore C, Morrison D, Cormack O, Fitzgerald J, Duncan J, Corean J, Clarke G, Yazer M 2023 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Chapter 14. Therapeutic apheresis Oliver M, Patriquin C 2023 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Immunoglobulin utilization in Canada: a comparative analysis of provincial guidelines and a scoping review of the literature Harmon M, Riazi K, Callum J, Arnold DM, Barty R, Sidhu D, Heddle NM, MacLeod L, Li N 2023 Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Plasma traité au solvant-détergent (Octaplasma) Ning S, Blais-Normandin I, Tordon B, Mack J, Webert K 2023 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia: new insights and hypotheses Branch DR 2023 Curr Opin Hematol Researchers Clinical research
Airway Adiporon Reduces Edema in a Rat Model of Prolonged Cold Ischemia and Normothermic Ex Situ Lung Perfusion Himmat S, Ma IJ, Wang X, Forgie K, Hatami S, da Silva GMA, Acker JP, Dyck JR, Freed D, Nagendran J 2023 JHLT Open Researchers Basic research
Comparison of automated solid phase versus manual saline indirect antiglobulin test methodology for non-ABO antibody titration: Implications for perinatal antibody monitoring Niu S, Vetsch M, Beaudin L, Bodnar M, Clarke G 2023 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Proof of concept for detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins in platelet concentrates as a novel safety mitigation strategy Chi SI, Yousuf B, Paredes C, Bearne J, McDonald C, Ramirez-Arcos S 2023 Vox Sang Researchers New or improved product or process
The von Willebrand factor-binding aptamer rondaptivon pegol as a treatment for severe and nonsevere hemophilia A Ay C, Kovacevic KD, Kraemmer D, Schoergenhofer C, Gelbenegger G, Firbas C, Quehenberger P, Jilma-Stohlawetz P, Gilbert JC, Zhu S, Beliveau M, Koenig F, Iorio A, Jilma B, Derhaschnig U, Pabinger I 2023 Blood Health care providers Clinical research
Data for assessing red blood cell deformability from microscopy images using deep learning Lamoureux ES, Islamzada E, Wiens MVJ, Matthews K, Duffy SP, Ma H 2023 Data Brief Researchers New or improved product or process
Summary of adverse transfusion reactions 2018-2023 Yan M 2023 Blood.ca website Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Hämolytische Erkrankung des Neugeborenen (Morbus haemolyticus neonatorum; MHN): ABO-Unverträglichkeit International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines 2023 ICTMG.org General public Other
Assessment of stored red blood cells through lab-on-a-chip technologies for precision transfusion medicine Isiksacan Z, D’Alessandro A, Wolf SM, McKenna DH, Tessier SN, Kucukal E, Gokaltun AA, William N, Sandlin RD, Bischof J, Mohandas N, Busch MP, Elbuken C, Gurkan UA, Toner M, Acker JP, Yarmush ML, Usta OB 2023 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Researchers Basic research
Sickle cell disease and the need for blood: Barriers to donation for African, Caribbean, and Black young adults in Canada Haw J, Walrond J, Jayachandran J, Dordunoo D, Eche-Ameh H, Muwhen U, Phiri P, Rastogi J, Tinga B 2023 Transfusion Researchers Ethical, legal & social implications research
Modeling unrelated blood stem cell donor recruitment using simulated registrant cohorts: Assessment of human leukocyte antigen matching across ethnicity groups Blake JT, Parmar G, Ganz K, Seftel MD, Allan DS 2023 Transfusion Health care providers New or improved product or process
Modular adjuvant-free pan-HLA-DR-immunotargeting subunit vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 elicits broad sarbecovirus-neutralizing antibody responses Kassardjian A, Sun E, Sookhoo J, Muthuraman K, Boligan KF, Kucharska I, Rujas E, Jetha A, Branch DR, Babiuk S, Barber B, Julien JP 2023 Cell Rep Researchers Basic research
Towards the crux of sex-dependent variability in red cell concentrates William N, Osmani R, Acker JP 2023 Transfus Apher Sci Researchers Basic research
The impact of biological age of red blood cell on in vitro endothelial activation markers Alshalani A, Beuger BM, Tuip-de Boer AM, van Bruggen R, Acker JP, Juffermans NP 2023 Front Physiol Researchers Basic research
The importance of iron for whole blood donors: a Canadian perspective Khandelwal A, Pambrun C, Goldman M 2023 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Chapitre 14. Aphérèse thérapeutique Oliver M, Patriquin C 2023 Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Extracellular vesicles: effectors of transfusion-related acute lung injury Kuebler WM, William N, Post M, Acker JP, McVey MJ 2023 Am J Physiol Lung Cell Researchers Clinical research
Reconsidering sickle cell trait testing of red blood cell units allocated to children with sickle cell disease Hajjaj OI, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Dumevska L, Hanna M, Lau W, Lieberman L 2023 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
How do I provide rare red cells to patients? Laureano M, Clarke G, Yan MTS 2023 Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Unique features of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia; a new anti-platelet factor 4 antibody-mediated disorder Venier LM, Clerici B, Bissola AL, Modi D, Jevtic SD, Radford M, Mahamad S, Nazy I, Arnold DM 2023 Int J Hematol Researchers Clinical research
Surveillance Report 2022 O'Brien S 2023 Blood.ca website Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
La maladie hémolytique du nouveau-né (immunisation antirhésus et anticorps non ABO) International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines 2023 ICTMG.org General public Other
Barriers and enablers to and strategies for pro-moting plasma donation: overarching protocol for three systematic reviews Etherington C, Palumbo A, Holloway K, Meyer S, Labrecque M, Rubini K, Shorr R, Welch V, Gibson E, Foster T, Haw J, Vesnaver E, Maharshi MT, O'Brien S, MacPherson P, Dogba J, Steed T, Goldman M, Presseau J 2023 PsyArXiv Researchers MSM research
Significant rosettes observed in monocyte monolayer assay due to complement-binding antibodies Sandhu G, Lipman T, Bodnar M, Bienz MN, Branch DR 2023 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Cost-effectiveness of Fibrinogen Concentrate vs Cryoprecipitate for Treating Acquired Hypofibrinogenemia in Bleeding Adult Cardiac Surgical Patients Abrahamyan L, Tomlinson G, Callum J, Carcone S, Grewal D, Bartoszko J, Krahn M, Karkouti K 2023 JAMA Surg Health care providers Clinical research
Correction of haemorrhagic shock-associated coagulopathy and impaired haemostasis by plasma, prothrombin complex concentrates or an activated protein C-targeted DNA aptamer in mice Eltringham-Smith LJ, Meixner SC, Pryzdial ELG, Sheffield WP 2023 Sci Rep Researchers Basic research
Supplemental information Modular adjuvant-free pan-HLA-DR-immunotargeting subunit vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 elicits broad sarbecovirus-neutralizing antibody responses Kassardjian A, Sun E, Sookhoo J, Muthuraman K, Boligan KF, Kucharska I, Rujas E, Jetha A, Branch DR, Babiuk S, Barber B, Julien J-P 2023 Cell Rep Researchers Basic research
Exploring the increasing need for plasma collection: Perspectives of voluntary nonremunerated donors on payment for plasma in Canada Holloway K 2023 Transfus Med Blood operators Ethical, legal & social implications research