Nos publications

Mise à jour août 2024

Title Authors Year Trier par ordre croissant Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Système MNS : l’anticorps anti-M Clarke G, Côté J, Lane D 2019 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Test-retest properties of the Patient Reported Outcomes, Burdens and Experiences (PROBE) questionnaire and its constituent domains Chai-Adisaksopha C, Skinner MW, Curtis R, Frick N, Nichol MB, Noone D, O'Mahony B, Page D, Stonebraker J, Thabane L, Crowther MA, Iorio A 2019 Haemophilia Researchers Clinical research
Acellular pertussis vaccine effectiveness and waning immunity in Alberta, Canada: 2010–2015, a Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) study Bell CA, Russell ML, Drews SJ, Simmonds KA, Svenson LW, Schwartz KL, Kwong JC, Mahmud SM, Crowcroft NS 2019 Vaccine Health care providers Clinical research
High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin for the treatment and prevention of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: a review Warkentin TE 2019 Expert Rev Hematol Health care providers Clinical research
Modulating Intracellular Ice Growth with Cell-Permeating Small-Molecule Ice Recrystallization Inhibitors Poisson JS, Acker JP, Briard JG, Meyer JE, Ben RN 2019 Langmuir Researchers Basic research
ResearchUnit: Sex-mismatched red blood cell transfusions and mortality Zeller M 2019 website Health care providers Clinical research
Using pharmacokinetics for tailoring prophylaxis in people with hemophilia switching between clotting factor products: A scoping review Yu JK, Iorio A, Edginton AN, Wapps co?investigators 2019 Res Pract Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
Biofilm-associated accumulation-associated protein (Aap): A contributing factor to the predominant growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis in platelet concentrates Alabdullatif M, Ramirez-Arcos S 2019 Vox Sang Researchers New or improved product or process
International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines 2019 website Other Other
Compliance with time-based deferrals for men who have sex with men O'Brien SF, Osmond L, Fan W, Yi Q-L, Goldman M 2019 Transfusion Researchers MSM research
Bacterial safety of blood components - a congress review of the ISBT transfusion-transmitted infectious diseases working party, bacterial subgroup Ramirez-Arcos S, McDonald C, Deol P, Kreuger AL, Patel N, Pidcoke H, Prax M, Seltsam A, Stassinopoulos A, The ISBT Transfusion-Transmitted Infectious Diseases Working Party Subgroup on Bacteria 2019 ISBT Sci Ser Researchers Other
Donor selection, donor testing and pathogen reduction Goldman M, Drews S, Devine D 2019 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Striking the balance: protecting data privacy in research Ward R 2019 website Health care providers Other
Drug-induced immune haemolytic anaemias Branch DR 2019 ISBT Sci Ser Researchers Basic research
Evidence-Based Minireview: The role of IV iron in management of patients with iron-deficiency anemia presenting to the emergency department Ramos JG, Zeller MP 2019 Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program Health care providers Clinical research
Label-Free Analysis of Red Blood Cell Storage Lesions Using Imaging Flow Cytometry Pinto RN, Sebastian JA, Parsons MJ, Chang TC, Turner TR, Acker JP, Kolios MC 2019 Cytom Part A Researchers New or improved product or process
Prevalence of Red Blood Cell Major Blood Group Antigens and Phenotypes among Omani Blood Donors Al-Riyami AZ, Al-Marhoobi A, Al-Hosni S, Al Mahrooqi S, Schmidt M, O'Brien SF, Al-Khabori M 2019 Oman Med J Researchers Clinical research
Système Rhésus : l’anticorps anti-Cw Meunier D, Peng S, Clarke G 2019 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Critical developments of 2018: A review of the literature from selected topics in transfusion. A committee report from the AABB's Clinical Transfusion Medicine Committee Cohn CS, Allen ES, Cushing MM, Dunbar NM, Friedman DF, Goel R, Harm SK, Heddle N, Hopkins CK, Klapper E, Perumbeti A, Ramsey G, Raval JS, Schwartz J, Shaz BH, Spinella PC, Pagano MB 2019 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Modulating the T Lymphocyte Immune Response via Secretome Produced miRNA: From Tolerance Induction to the Enhancement of the Anticancer Response Scott M, Wang D, Toyofuku W, Yang X 2019 Cells of the Immune System Researchers Basic research
A retrospective study of the added value of parallel titers compared with serial titers Lin Y, Cohen R, Buckstein J, Callum J, Lieberman L 2019 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Using population-wide administrative and laboratory data to estimate type- and subtype-specific influenza vaccine effectiveness: a surveillance protocol Scott AN, Buchan SA, Kwong JC, Drews SJ, Simmonds KA, Svenson LW 2019 BMJ Open Researchers Clinical research
Trombocitopenia Fetal Neonatal Aloimune: Informacao ao paciente International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines 2019 website Other Other
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (Chap. 26). Warkentin TE 2019 Consultative Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Fourth Edition Other Benchmarking and standard setting
Bonnes pratiques en matière de transfusion de plaquettes Romans R 2019 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Platelet clinical best practices Romans R 2019 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Surveillance Report 2018 O'Brien S 2019 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Immunotherapy: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the really ugly Branch DR 2019 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
An international external quality assessment for laboratory diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Eekels JJM, Althaus K, Bakchoul T, Kroll H, Kiefel V, Nazy I, Lee LS, Sachs U, Warkentin TE, Greinacher A 2019 J Thromb Haemost Researchers New or improved product or process
Anti-Lewis Peng S, Meunier D 2019 website Health care providers Clinical research
Laboratory diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Warkentin TE 2019 Int J Lab Hematol Health care providers Clinical research
Proceedings of the Food and Drug Administration public workshop on pathogen reduction technologies for blood safety 2018 Atreya C, Glynn S, Busch M, Kleinman S, Snyder E, Rutter S, AuBuchon J, Flegel W, Reeve D, Devine D, Cohn C, Custer B, Goodrich R, Benjamin RJ, Razatos A, Cancelas J, Wagner S, Maclean M, Gelderman M, Cap A, Ness P 2019 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Système Rhésus : l’anticorps anti-V Meunier D, Peng S, Clarke G 2019 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Vein to Vein: A Summary of the Blood System in Canada Chargé S 2019 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Contextual factors influencing donor recruitment and cord blood collection: perspectives of frontline staff of the Canadian Blood Services' Cord Blood Bank Haw J, Polzer J, Devine DV 2019 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Advance in the Management of Sepsis-Induced Coagulopathy and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Iba T, Levy JH, Raj A, Warkentin TE 2019 J Clin Med Health care providers Clinical research
Cryoprotection of platelets by grafted polymers Scott M, Nakane N, Maurer-Spurej E 2019 Cryopreservation - Current Advances and Evaluations Researchers Basic research
HIV Risk Factors Goldman M 2019 Screening Blood Donors with the Donor History Questionnaire Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Rh System: Anti-Cw Meunier D, Peng S, Clarke G 2019 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Using the K/BxN mouse model of endogenous, chronic, rheumatoid arthritis for the evaluation of potential immunoglobulin-based therapeutic agents, including IVIg and Fc-?TP-L309C, a recombinant IgG1 Fc hexamer Lewis BJB, Ville J, Blacquiere M, Cen S, Spirig R, Zuercher AW, Käsermann F, Branch DR 2019 BMC Immunol Researchers Basic research
Trombocitopenia Fetal/Neonatal Aloinmune (TFNA): Informacion para el paciente International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines 2019 website Other Other
Group AB cryoprecipitate hospital practices Romans R 2019 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Microvascular Thrombosis and Ischaemic Limb Losses in Critically Ill Patients Warkentin TE 2019 Hämostaseologie Researchers Clinical research
Canadian Blood Services should screen for behaviour, not sexual orientation Lachowsky NJ, Grace D 2019 Georgia Straight Other Other
Effect of Fibrinogen Concentrate vs Cryoprecipitate on Blood Component Transfusion After Cardiac Surgery: The FIBRES Randomized Clinical Trial Callum J, Farkouh ME, Scales DC, Heddle NM, Crowther M, Rao V, Hucke HP, Carroll J, Grewal D, Brar S, Bussieres J, Grocott H, Harle C, Pavenski K, Rochon A, Saha T, Shepherd L, Syed S, Tran D, Wong D, Zeller M, Karkouti K, FIBRES Research Group 2019 JAMA Health care providers Clinical research
Serologic problems associated with administration of intravenous immune globulin (IVIg) Branch DR 2019 Immunohematology Researchers Clinical research
Anti-Kpa Peng S, Meunier D 2019 website Health care providers Clinical research
Whole blood donors with antibodies Yan M 2019 website Researchers Basic research
Coenzyme Q10 Upregulates Platelet cAMP/PKA Pathway and Attenuates Integrin alpha II beta 3 Signaling and Thrombus Growth Ya F, Xu XR, Shi Y, Gallant RC, Song F, Zuo X, Zhao Y, Tian Z, Zhang C, Xu X, Ling W, Ni H, Yang Y 2019 Mol Nutr Food Res Researchers Basic research
Feasibility of photoacoustic imaging for the non-invasive quality management of stored blood bags Pinto RN, Hysi E, Bagga K, Sebastian JA, Douplik A, Acker JP, Kolios MC 2019 Vox Sang Researchers New or improved product or process