Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Système Diego : l’anticorps anti-Dia Meunier D, Peng S, Clarke G 2019 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
The effect of tantalum incorporation on the physical and chemical properties of ternary silicon–calcium–phosphorous mesoporous bioactive glasses Mendonca A, Rahman MS, Alhalawani A, Rodriguez O, Gallant RC, Ni H, Clarkin OM, Towler MR 2019 J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater Researchers Basic research
Trends and outcomes in multicomponent blood transfusion: an 11-year cohort study of a large multisite academic center Perelman I, Saidenberg E, Tinmouth A, Fergusson D 2019 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Comparative pharmacokinetics of two extended half-life FVIII concentrates (Eloctate and Adynovate) in adolescents with hemophilia A: Is there a difference? Carcao MD, Chelle P, Clarke E, Kim L, Tiseo L, Morfini M, Hossain T, Rand ML, Brown C, Edginton AN, Lillicrap D, Iorio A, Blanchette VS 2019 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
Fractionated blood products and associated pathogen safety Bigham M 2019 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Major reductions in unnecessary aspartate aminotransferase and blood urea nitrogen tests with a quality improvement initiative Strauss R, Cressman A, Cheung M, Weinerman A, Waldman S, Etchells E, Zahirieh A, Tartaro P, Tezmovitz J, Callum J 2019 BMJ Quality & Safety Health care providers Clinical research
Rapport de surveillance 2018 O'Brien S 2019 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Transfusion Camp: a prospective evaluation of a transfusion education program for multispecialty postgraduate trainees Lin Y, Tilokee E, Chargé S, Alam A, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Lau W, Lee C, Lieberman L, Nixon P, Owens W, Pavenski K, Pendergrast J, Saidenberg E, Shehata N, Skeate R, Yi Q-L, Conrad D, Dudebout J, Hsia CC, Murphy M, Prokopchuk-Gauk O, Shah A, Solh Z, Trudeau J, Zeller MP, Callum J 2019 Transfusion Health care providers Other
American Society of Hematology 2019 guidelines for sickle cell disease: cardiopulmonary and kidney disease Liem RI, Lanzkron S, T DC, DeCastro L, Desai AA, Ataga KI, Cohen RT, Haynes J, Osunkwo I, Lebensburger JD, Lash JP, Wun T, Verhovsek M, Ontala E, Blaylark R, Alahdab F, Katabi A, Mustafa RA 2019 Blood Adv Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Not all red cell concentrate units are equivalent: international survey of processing and in vitro quality data Shih AW, Apelseth TO, Cardigan R, Marks DC, Bégué S, Greinacher A, de Korte D, Seltsam A, Shaz BH, Wikman A, Barty RL, Heddle NM, Acker JP, The QMiP Investigators on behalf of the Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion Collaborative 2019 Vox Sang Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Sélection des donneurs, dépistage des maladies transmissibles et réduction des agents pathogènes Goldman M, Drews S, Devine D 2019 Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Acquired Thrombocytopenia Warkentin TE, Mithoowani S, Arnold DM 2019 Concise Guide to Hematology Other Other
Changing the deferral for men who have sex with men - an improved model to estimate HIV residual risk Davison KL, Gregoire Y, Germain M, Custer B, O'Brien SF, Steele WR, Pillonel J, Seed CR 2019 Vox Sang Blood operators New or improved product or process
Ironing out frequent blood donation Devine DV 2019 Lancet Haematol Researchers New or improved product or process
Système Diego : l’anticorps anti-Wra Meunier D, Peng S, Clarke G 2019 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Safety of blood donation by individuals over age 70 and their contribution to the blood supply in five developed countries: a BEST Collaborative group study Goldman M, Germain M, Gregoire Y, Vassallo RR, Kamel H, Bravo M, Irving DO, Di Angelantonio E, Steele WR, O'Brien SF, for the Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion Collaborative (BEST) Investigators 2019 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
45 - Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia Kaplan C, Bertrand G, Ni H 2019 Platelets (Fourth Edition) Researchers New or improved product or process
Translating red cell "omics" into new perspectives in transfusion medicine: mining the gems in the data mountains Spitalnik SL, Devine DV 2019 Transfusion Researchers Other
Gay and bisexual men’s views on reforming blood donation policy in Canada: a qualitative study Grace D, Gaspar M, Lessard D, Klassen B, Brennan DJ, Adam BD, Jollimore J, Lachowsky NJ, Hart TA 2019 BMC Public Health Researchers Other
Management of iron deficiency Ning S, Zeller MP 2019 Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program Health care providers Clinical research
Réduction des agents pathogènes dans les produits de fractionnement Bigham M 2019 Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Massive hemorrhage protocol survey: Marked variability and absent in one-third of hospitals in Ontario, Canada Chin V, Cope S, Yeh CH, Thompson T, Nascimento B, Pavenski K, Callum J 2019 Injury Health care providers Clinical research
The sensitivity and specificity of platelet autoantibody testing in immune thrombocytopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of a diagnostic test Vrbensky JR, Moore JE, Arnold DM, Smith JW, Kelton JG, Nazy I 2019 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
Assessing the Vascular Deformability of Erythrocytes and Leukocytes: From Micropipettes to Microfluidics Scott M, Mathews K, Ma H 2019 Current and Future Aspects of Nanomedicine Researchers Basic research
One step closer': Acceptability of a programme of plasma donation for fractionation from men who have sex with men Caruso J, Germain M, Godin G, Myhal G, Pronovost P, Morin M, Otis J 2019 Vox Sang Blood operators Other
Serologic assessments in acute transfusion reactions: practices and yields Cohen R, Lima A, Escorcia A, Tasmin F, Lin Y, Lieberman L, Pendergrast J, Callum J, Cserti-Gazdewich C 2019 Vox Sang Health care providers Clinical research
ResearchUnit: One in a million: Modelling rare blood flow Blake J, Clarke G 2019 Blood.ca website Researchers Clinical research
Reducing red blood cell folate testing: a case study in utilisation management Ismail O, Chin-Yee I, Gob A, Bhayana V, Rutledge A 2019 BMJ Open Quality Researchers Basic research
Children under 10 years of age were more affected by the 2018/19 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 epidemic in Canada: ?possible cohort effect following the 2009 influenza pandemic Skowronski DM, Leir S, De Serres G, Murti M, Dickinson JA, Winter A-L, Olsha R, Croxen MA, Drews SJ, Charest H, Martineau C, Sabaiduc S, Bastien N, Li Y, Petric M, Jassem A, Krajden M, Gubbay JB 2019 Euro Surveill Health care providers Clinical research
An enzymatic pathway in the human gut microbiome that converts A to universal O type blood Rahfeld P, Sim L, Moon H, Constantinescu I, Morgan-Lang C, Hallam SJ, Kizhakkedathu JN, Withers SG 2019 Nat Microbiol Researchers Basic research
Population pharmacokinetics of two recombinant human coagulation factor preparations in patients with hemophilia A Hua BL, Chelle P, Yeung C, Gu J, Zhao YQ, Iorio A 2019 Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi Researchers Clinical research
Système Kell : l’anticorps anti-Jsa Meunier D, Peng S, Clarke G 2019 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Addressing the identity crisis in healthcare: positive patient identification technology reduces wrong patient events Callum J, Etchells E, Shojania K 2019 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Patient Blood Management: Recommendations From the 2018 Frankfurt Consensus Conference Mueller MM, Van Remoortel H, Meybohm P, Aranko K, Aubron C, Burger R, Carson JL, Cichutek K, De Buck E, Devine D, Fergusson D, Folléa G, French C, Frey KP, Gammon R, Levy JH, Murphy MF, Ozier Y, Pavenski K, So-Osman C, Tiberghien P, Volmink J, Waters JH, Wood EM, Seifried E, ICC PBM Frankfurt Group 2019 JAMA Researchers Clinical research
Impact of Adopting Population Pharmacokinetics for Tailoring Prophylaxis in Haemophilia A Patients: A Historically Controlled Observational Study Stemberger M, Kallenbach F, Schmit E, McEneny-King A, Germini F, Yeung CHT, Edginton AN, von Mackensen S, Kurnik K, Iorio A 2019 Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research
Concentré de recherche: Combattre l'inflammation par l'inflammation Lazarus A 2019 Blood.ca website Researchers Clinical research
Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men Call for Equity and Evidence in Blood Donation Policy Grace D, Gaspar M, Lessard D, Klassen B, Brennan D, Adam B, Cox J, Moore D, Lambert G, Jollimore J, Lachowksy N, Hart T 2019 ENGAGE website Other Other
A regional massive hemorrhage protocol developed through a modified Delphi technique Callum JL, Yeh CH, Petrosoniak A, McVey MJ, Cope S, Thompson T, Chin V, Karkouti K, Nathens AB, Murto K, Beno S, Pendergrast J, McDonald A, MacDonald R, Adhikari NKJ, Alam A, Arnold D, Barratt L, Beckett A, Brenneman S, Chaudhry HR, Collins A, Harvey M, Lampron J, Margarido C, McFarlan A, Nascimento B, Owens W, Pai M, Rizoli S, Ruijs T, Skeate R, Skelton T, Sholzberg M, Syer K, Viveiros JL, Theriault J, Tinmouth A, Van Heest R, White S, Zeller M, Pavenski K 2019 CMAJ Open Health care providers Clinical research
Transfusion-related Acute Lung Injury in the Perioperative Patient McVey MJ, Kapur R, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Semple JW, Karkouti K, Kuebler WM 2019 Anesthesiology Health care providers Clinical research
Genomic data in prognostic models-what is lost in translation? The case of deletion 17p and mutant TP53 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Chin-Yee B, Sadikovic B, Chin-Yee I 2019 Br J Haematol Researchers Clinical research
Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia: Patient Information International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines 2019 ICTMG.org website Other Other
The association between influenza vaccination and socioeconomic status in high income countries varies by the measure used: a systematic review Lucyk K, Simmonds KA, Lorenzetti DL, Drews SJ, Svenson LW, Russell ML 2019 BMC Med Red Methodol Researchers Clinical research
Development and evaluation of a generic population pharmacokinetic model for standard half-life factor VIII for use in dose individualization McEneny-King A, Chelle P, Foster G, Keepanasseril A, Iorio A, Edginton AN 2019 J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn Researchers Clinical research
Sex-mismatched red blood cell transfusions and mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis Zeller MP, Rochwerg B, Jamula E, Li N, Hillis C, Acker JP, Runciman RJR, Lane SJ, Ahmed N, Arnold DM, Heddle NM 2019 Vox Sang Researchers Clinical research
What is the role of rapid molecular testing for seniors and other at-risk adults with respiratory syncytial virus infections? Drews SJ, Branche AR, Falsey AR, Lee N 2019 J Clin Virol Health care providers Clinical research
Concentré de recherche : Un sur un million : un modèle pour gérer les réserves de sang rare Blake J, Clarke G 2019 Blood.ca website Researchers Clinical research
A platelet viability assay (PVA) for the diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Ivetic N, Arnold D, Smith J, Huynh A, Kelton J, Nazy I 2019 Platelets Researchers Basic research
Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: recommendations for evidence-based practice, an international approach Lieberman L, Greinacher A, Murphy M, Bussel J, Bakchoul T, Corke S, Killie M, Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Bertrand G, Oepkes D, Baker J, Hume H, Massey E, Kaplan C, Arnold D, Baidya S, Ryan G, Savoia H, Landry D, Shehata N 2019 Br J Haematol Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Circulaire d'information utilisation de composants sanguins humains: Composants plasmatiques Jenkins C 2019 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Establishing the Prevalence and Prevalence at Birth of Hemophilia in Males: A Meta-analytic Approach Using National Registries Iorio A, Stonebraker JS, Chambost H, Makris M, Coffin D, Herr C, Germini F, for the Data Demographics Committee of the World Federation of Hemophilia 2019 Ann Intern Med Researchers Clinical research