Research. Education. Discovery.

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Our Research, Education, and Discovery Blog is a showcase for our work as well as the basic science behind what we do. Here we invite readers to explore the worlds of transfusion and transplantation science and learn more about how our research leads to improved everyday practices and ultimately – and most importantly – better outcomes for patients. 

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401 News items showing
Norman Bethune Symposium 2018
Looking back to look forward: Bethune’s legacy of innovation celebrated at the 2018 Norman Bethune Symposium

Jeudi, mai 17, 2018
On April 10th, 2018, the Centre for Blood Research presented its 8th Annual Norman Bethune Symposium. This event honours Canadian physician, Dr. Norman Bethune, who in the 1930s spearheaded the implementation of the earliest practical mobile blood collection and distribution systems. During his...
lifetime achievement award
James Kreppner Award goes to University of Saskatchewan’s Alana Cattapan

Mercredi, mai 09, 2018
Alana Cattapan, assistant professor in the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy (JSGS) at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) has been awarded the Canadian Blood Services’ James Kreppner Award ($43,275) to study the issues related to the commercialization of blood and tissue in...
Dr. Pryzdial searching for trout
Meet the Researcher: Dr. Ed Pryzdial

Vendredi, mai 04, 2018
This week, we chat with Prof. Ed Pryzdial, a scientist with Canadian Blood Services' Centre for Innovation, and associate director of the Centre for Blood Research at the University of British Columbia.
lab work
Grow your lab science toolkit with The Objective Lens podcast

Vendredi, avril 27, 2018
National Medical Laboratory Week 2018, also known as Lab Week, is one campaign that CSMLS energetically promotes to inspire lab professionals to share their professional lives with the public. This year, Lab Week is from April 22-28.
1000 kidney transplants
1,000 kidney transplants for Canadian patients!

Mercredi, avril 25, 2018
Today, we’re celebrating the 1000th kidney transplant made possible through the national Highly Sensitized Patient and Kidney Paired Donation programs. Congratulations Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation community! Your collaboration in creating these national programs demonstrates that Canadian patients benefit when we work together.
National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week with a pair of hands cupping a green ribbon.
Celebrating 30 years of memories thanks to an organ donor

Lundi, avril 23, 2018
April 22-28 marks National Organ and Tissue Donation Week in Canada — a week dedicated to raising awareness about the critical needs of patients across the country.

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