Research. Education. Discovery.

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Our Research, Education, and Discovery Blog is a showcase for our work as well as the basic science behind what we do. Here we invite readers to explore the worlds of transfusion and transplantation science and learn more about how our research leads to improved everyday practices and ultimately – and most importantly – better outcomes for patients. 

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387 News items showing
Word Cloud Lay Science Writing Competion
Winning science research writers announced

Vendredi, avril 05, 2019
The results of our first-ever Lay Science Writing Competition are in, read-on to discover who gets top-prize and what happens next.
Photo by Rupert Britton on Unsplash
50 ways to learn more about Centre for Innovation supported research

Jeudi, mars 28, 2019
We just published our 50th Research Unit. Read on to discover how you can use this trove of information to learn more about the excellent work conducted at the Canadian Blood Services Centre for Innovation.
red blood cells
Pathogen Inactivation – A Primer

Vendredi, mars 08, 2019
This primer is part I of our new series exploring the future of blood banking. Given that D is also for Development: Canadian Blood Services and the Centre for Innovation have been following the development of pathogen inactivation technologies and how they can be used to improve safety. Read-on to learn more about these technologies and their potential to shift the blood safety paradigm.
Research Unit
Research Unit: Modelling risk to ensure safety when considering changes to blood testing

Jeudi, février 28, 2019
This month’s Research Unit describes efforts by researchers to create a simulation and modelling study to understand how the risk of transfusion-transmission of HTLV would change if the screening were modified.
D is also for Development
D is also for Development!

Vendredi, février 22, 2019
Welcome to our new R.E.D. blog series where we focus on our Centre for Innovation development projects to give you a glimpse into the future of blood banking... our future!
blood bags
New way to check the quality of blood before opening the bag

Jeudi, février 14, 2019
As part of a larger ongoing effort to develop non-invasive technologies to monitor blood products during storage, researchers have developed a new technique to assess the quality of blood without breaching the sterility of blood bags.

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