Research. Education. Discovery.

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Our Research, Education, and Discovery Blog is a showcase for our work as well as the basic science behind what we do. Here we invite readers to explore the worlds of transfusion and transplantation science and learn more about how our research leads to improved everyday practices and ultimately – and most importantly – better outcomes for patients. 

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387 News items showing
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Open funding opportunities from Canadian Blood Services

Jeudi, octobre 28, 2021
Several competitive training and funding programs to support graduate fellowships and educational and research projects are open for applications until November 15! Read on to learn more about these opportunities and hear about past recipients.
CBR-SBME Research Day attendees, including summer student participants (some pictured), who each gave a brief presentation on their summer research projects.
A spotlight on summer student research

Lundi, octobre 18, 2021
The University of British Columbia’s Centre for Blood Research-School of Biomedical Engineering (CBR-SBME) Research Day celebrates the progress and accomplishments of summer students. It takes place every August, at the conclusion of the CBR-SBME Summer Studentship Program, which is supported in part by Canadian Blood Services. In this post, two Summer Student Program alumni describe the 2021 virtual event.
Screen shot from Chapter 11
Updated resource for health-care professionals: massive hemorrhage and emergency transfusion

Mardi, octobre 05, 2021
The latest evidence on managing patients with massive hemorrhage, a major cause of potentially preventable deaths, is now available in a recently updated chapter of Canadian Blood Services’ Clinical Guide to Transfusion.
The ThermoFisher array.
International collaboration on the cusp of delivering a new, more precise way to type blood

Mercredi, septembre 29, 2021
A powerful collaboration between blood services, research institutions and industry leaders promises to advance blood transfusion therapy to new levels of precision and safety.
A woman speaking at a podium
Latest transfusion medicine trainees begin their studies

Mardi, septembre 28, 2021
The transfusion medicine traineeship support administered by Canadian Blood Services was recently renamed to honour Dr. Elianna Saidenberg — an expert in hematopathology and transfusion medicine and an inspirational physician and educator — who passed away in late 2019.
2020 Surveillance Report shows blood supply remained above target in first year of pandemic

Jeudi, septembre 16, 2021
Canadian Blood Services recently published its annual Surveillance Report, a summary of monitoring efforts related to transmissible infection testing in donors; possible transfusion-transmitted infections in recipients; and new, emerging pathogens. Surveillance also includes monitoring of donor safety.

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