Nos publications

Mise à jour août 2024

Title Authors Year Trier par ordre croissant Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Effect on gene expression of three allelic variants in GATA motifs of ABO, RHD, and RHCE regulatory elements Fennell K, Hoffman R, Yoshida K, Iwamoto S, Govender L, Vather K, Sookraj A, Jentsch U, Pambrun C, McAuley C, Keller M, Ochoa-Garay G 2017 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Microfluidic analysis of red blood cell deformability as a means to assess hemin-induced oxidative stress resulting from Plasmodium falciparum intraerythrocytic parasitism Matthews K, Duffy SP, Myrand-Lapierre M-E, Ang RR, Li L, Scott MD, Ma H 2017 Integr Biol Researchers Basic research
Our older population: donors as well as recipients? Goldman M, O'Brien S 2017 ISBT Sci Ser Health care providers Clinical research
Point of care ultrasound in haemophilia: Building a strong foundation for clinical implementation Lawson W, Uy M, Strike K, Iorio A, Stein N, Koziol L, Chan A 2017 Haemophilia Health care providers Clinical research
The effect of rituximab on anti-platelet autoantibody levels in patients with immune thrombocytopenia Arnold DM, Vrbensky JR, Karim N, Smith JW, Liu Y, Ivetic N, Kelton JG, Nazy I 2017 Br J Haematol Health care providers Clinical research
Two cases of the variant RHD* DAU5 allele associated with maternal alloanti-D Duncan J, Nahirniak S, Onell R, Clarke G 2017 Immunohematology Health care providers Clinical research
Vox Sanguinis international forum on platelet cryopreservation: summary Cohn CS, Dumont LJ, Lozano M, Marks D, Johnson L, Ismay S, Bondar N, T'Sas F, Yokoyama APH, Kutner JM, Acker J, Bohonek M, Sailliol A, Martinaud C, Poglod R, Antoniewicz-Papis J, Lachert E, Pun P, Lu J, Cid J, Guijarro F, Puig L, Gerber B, Alberio L, Schanz U, Buser A, Noorman F, Zoodsma M, van der Meer PF, de Korte D, Wagner S, O'Neill M 2017 Vox Sang Blood operators New or improved product or process
A highly purified form of staphylococcal protein A alleviates murine immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) Kapur R, Catalina MD, Aslam R, Speck ER, Francovitch RF, Semple JW 2017 Br J Haematol Researchers Basic research
Alternative methods of blood donor skin disinfection Ramirez-Arcos S, Taha M, Kou Y, Goldman M 2017 website Blood operators New or improved product or process
Circular of Information for the use of human blood components: Red Blood Cells, Leukocytes Reduced (LR) Jenkins C 2017 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Platelet desialylation correlates with efficacy of first-line therapies for immune thrombocytopenia Tao L, Zeng Q, Li J, Xu M, Wang J, Pan Y, Wang H, Tao Q, Chen Y, Peng J, Hou M, Jansen AJG, Ni H, Zhai Z 2017 J Hematol Oncol Researchers Clinical research
Using pharmacokinetics to individualize hemophilia therapy Iorio A 2017 Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program Health care providers Clinical research
An international survey on the role of the hospital transfusion committee Yazer MH, Lozano M, Fung M, Kutner J, Murphy MF, Oveland Apelseth T, Poglod R, Selleng K, Tinmouth A, Wendel S, Yahalom V, on behalf of the BEST Collaborative 2017 Transfusion Health care providers New or improved product or process
Blood and clots quizlet 5: Should I screen my patient for occult cancer after unprovoked VTE? Tseng E, Shih A, de Wit K, Chan T 2017 CanadiEM website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Cell-based therapy using umbilical cord blood for novel indications in regenerative therapy and immune modulation: an updated systematic scoping review of the literature Rizk M, Aziz J, Shorr R, Allan DS 2017 Biol Blood Marrow Transplant Researchers Clinical research
Early gamma-irradiation and subsequent storage of red cells in SAG?M additive solution potentiate energy imbalance, microvesiculation and susceptibility to stress?induced apoptotic cell death Qadri S, Chen D, Schubert P, Devine D, Sheffield W 2017 Vox Sang Researchers Basic research
Enlargement of the WHO international repository for platelet transfusion-relevant bacteria reference strains Spindler-Raffel E, Benjamin RJ, McDonald CP, Ramirez-Arcos S, Aplin K, Bekeredjian-Ding I, de Korte D, Gabriel C, Gathof B, Hanschmann KM, Hourfar K, Ingram C, Jacobs MR, Keil SD, Kou Y, Lambrecht B, Marcelis J, Mukhtar Z, Nagumo H, Niekerk T, Rojo J, Marschner S, Satake M, Seltsam A, Seifried E, Sharafat S, Stormer M, Sussner S, Wagner SJ, Yomtovian R 2017 Vox Sang Regulators Benchmarking and standard setting
From cytokines to pragmatic designs: changing paradigms Heddle NM 2017 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Problems with precaution: the transfusion medicine experience Wilson K, Atkinson KM, Fergusson DA, Brown A, Forster A, Murphy MS, Tinmouth AT, Keelan J 2017 J Risk Res Health care providers Ethical, legal and social implications research
ResearchUnit: Using immunocamouflage to increase transplantation safety Scott M 2017 website Other Other
The association between platelet transfusions and bleeding in critically ill patients with thrombocytopenia Arnold DM, Lauzier F, Albert M, Williamson D, Li N, Zarychanski R, Doig C, McIntyre L, Freitag A, Crowther M, Saunders L, Clarke F, Bellomo R, Qushmaq I, Lopes R, Heels-Ansdell D, Webert K, Cook D 2017 Res Pract Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) Petraszko T 2017 website Health care providers Other
Hydroxyethyl starch supplemented with ice recrystallization inhibitors greatly improves cryopreservation of human red blood cells Poisson J, Briard J, Turner TR, Acker J, Ben R 2017 BioProcessing Journal Researchers Basic research
Implementation of pathogen inactivation technology: How to make the best decisions? Devine DV 2017 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
ResearchUnit: Improving outcomes for patients with autoimmune platelet disorders Arnold D 2017 website Other Clinical research
Thrombotic microangiopathies: a general approach to diagnosis and management Arnold D, Patriquin C, Nazy I 2017 CMAJ Health care providers Clinical research
Two novel ABCG2 alleles resulting in a Jr (a-) phenotype Berardi P, Cote J, Vege S, Aeschlimann J, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Westhoff CM 2017 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Vox Sanguinis International Forum on provision of granulocytes for transfusion and their clinical use Morton S, Stanworth S, Lozano M, Harrison SJ, Hong FS, Dennington P, McQuilten Z, Worel N, Compernolle V, Kutner JM, Yokoyama APH, Nahirniak S, Germain M, Hume H, Robitaille N, Wilson A, Tinmouth A, Massey E, Boulat C, Woimant G, Tiberghien P, Schulze TJ, Bux J, Pierelli L, Ballester C, Netelenbos T, West KA, Conry?Cantilena C, Eder A, Haley NR, Yazer M, Triulzi D 2017 Vox Sang Blood operators Clinical research
Alternatives in blood operations when choosing non-DEHP bags van der Meer PF, Devine DV, on behalf of the BEST Collaborative 2017 Vox Sang Blood operators New or improved product or process
Mitigation of the threat posed to transfusion by donors traveling to Zika-affected areas: a Canadian risk-based approach Germain M, Delage G, O'Brien SF, Grégoire Y, Fearon M, Devine D 2017 Transfusion Blood operators Clinical research
Pathogen inactivation treatment of plasma and platelet concentrates and their predicted functionality in massive transfusion protocols Arbaeen AF, Schubert P, Serrano K, Carter CJ, Culibrk B, Devine DV 2017 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
T Regulatory Cells and Dendritic Cells Protect Against Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury via IL-10 Kapur R, Kim M, Aslam R, McVey MJ, Tabuchi A, Luo A, Liu J, Li Y, Shanmugabhavananthan S, Speck ER 2017 Blood Researchers Basic research
Using Raman spectroscopy to assess hemoglobin oxygenation in red blood cell concentrate: an objective proxy for morphological index to gauge the quality of stored blood? Atkins CG, Schulze HG, Chen D, Devine DV, Blades MW, Turner RF 2017 Analyst Researchers New or improved product or process
Diagnostic accuracy of IgG-specific versus polyspecific enzyme-linked immunoassays in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis Husseinzadeh HD, Gimotty PA, Pishko AM, Buckley M, Warkentin TE, Cuker A 2017 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
Ebola virus VP35 blocks stress granule assembly Le Sage V, Cinti A, McCarthy S, Amorim R, Rao S, Daino GL, Tramontano E, Branch DR, Mouland AJ 2017 Virology Researchers Basic research
From Development to Implementation: Adjusting the Hematocrit of Deglycerolized Red Cell Concentrates to Meet Regulatory Standards Turner T, Hansen A, Kurach J, Acker JP 2017 Transfus Med Hemother Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Large scale studies assessing anti-factor VIII antibody development in previously untreated haemophilia A: what has been learned, what to believe and how to learn more Iorio A, Fischer K, Makris M 2017 Br J Haematol Researchers Clinical research
Blood Group Antigen Matching Influence on Gestational Outcomes (AMIGO) study Delaney M, Wikman A, van de Watering L, Schonewille H, Verdoes JP, Emery SP, Murphy MF, Staves J, Flach S, Arnold DM, Kaufman RM, Ziman A, Harm SK, Fung M, Eppes CS, Dunbar NM, Buser A, Meyer E, Savoia H, Abeysinghe P, Heddle N, Tinmouth A, Traore AN, Yazer MH, for the Best Collaborative 2017 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Composants sanguins négatifs pour les anti-CMV, irradiés et lavés Prokopchuk-Gauk O, Solh Z 2017 Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Fast Facts: Opt-out Consent for Organ Donation Toews M 2017 Canadian National Transplant Research Program Fast Policy Facts Other Other
Group O RBCs: where is universal donor blood being used Barty RL, Pai M, Liu Y, Arnold DM, Cook RJ, Zeller MP, Heddle NM 2017 Vox Sang Health care providers Clinical research
Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment of spleen cells from patients with immune thrombocytopenia significantly increases the percentage of myeloid-derived suppressor cells Aslam R, Burack WR, Segel GB, McVey M, Spence SA, Semple JW 2017 Br J Haematol Researchers Basic research
Plant-based food cyanidin-3-glucoside modulates human platelet glycoprotein vi signaling and inhibits platelet activation and thrombus formation Yao Y, Chen Y, Adili R, McKeown T, Chen P, Zhu G, Li D, Ling W, Ni H, Yang Y 2017 J Nutr Researchers Basic research
Proteomic analysis of red blood cells from donors exhibiting high hemolysis demonstrates a reduction in membrane?associated proteins involved in the oxidative response Chen D, Schubert P, Devine DV 2017 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Red cell transfusion-associated hemolysis in cardiac surgery: an observational cohort study Karkouti K, Callum J, Acker JP, Yip P, Rao V 2017 Anesth Analg Researchers Clinical research
ResearchUnit: It's a numbers game: improving cord blood stem cell transplantation success Pineault N 2017 website Other Other
Vox Sanguinis international forum on provision of granulocytes for transfusion and their clinical use: summary Morton S, Stanworth S, Lozano M, Harrison S, Hong F, Dennington P, McQuilten Z, Worel N, Compernolle V, Kutner J, Yokoyama A, Nahirniak S, Germain M, Hume H, Robitaille N, Wilson A, Tinmouth A, Massey E, Boulat C, Woimant G, Tiberghien P, Schulze T, Bux J, Pierelli L, Ballester C, Netelenbos T, West K, Conry-Cantilena C, Eder A, Haley N, Yazer M, Triulzi D 2017 Vox Sang Blood operators Clinical research
A large national study of ferritin testing in Canadian blood donors Goldman M, Uzicanin S, Osmond L, Scalia V, O'Brien SF 2017 Transfusion Blood operators Clinical research
Acid sphingomyelinase mediates murine acute lung injury following transfusion of aged platelets McVey MJ, Kim M, Tabuchi A, Srbely V, Japtok L, Arenz C, Rotstein O, Kleuser B, Semple JW, Kuebler WM 2017 Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol Researchers Basic research
Cardiorespiratory pathogenesis of sickle cell disease in a mouse model Ren J, Ding X, Trudel M, Greer JJ, MacLean JE 2017 Sci Rep Researchers Basic research