HLA Disease Association – HLA-B27, HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DR, HLA-DQ Pharmacogenomic Testing – HLA-B*57:01
Laboratory service quick links
Test Catalogue
Specimen and requisition requirements
One (1) full 5-7 ml EDTA (lavender) tube mixed thoroughly by gentle agitation.
Label specimen with the required minimum information: patient’s last name, first name, PHN/ (PHIN) or hospital number or other unique identifier, date of collection, and facility name.
Complete requisition (must include):
- Patient's last name, first name, date of birth and PHN/(PHIN) or hospital number or other unique identifier
- Facility Name
- Physician/Health Care Provider name
- Phlebotomist name, classification, initial
- Date/time of collection
- Name, facility, address, contact number of individual to whom the report will be sent
Platelet Immunology Requisition (PDF)
(Electronic Fillable Form)
Pre-shipping storage
Refrigerated 1-10oC.
DO NOT open EDTA samples.
Shipping instructions
Submit samples as soon as possible after collection.
Ship in a container with an ice pack (gel pack stored at 2-8°C may be used for refrigerated samples).
Select shipping method for container to arrive at testing site within 24 hours.
Fax shipping information (way bill #) to 905-494-8149. Indicate the patient name and type of investigation on the fax.
Send to
Canadian Blood Services
Brampton Centre
National Platelet Immunology Reference Laboratory
100 Parkshore Drive
Brampton, ON L6T 5M1
Tel: 905-494-5257
Fax: 905-494-8149