Patient Engagement Forum

The Patient Engagement Forum brings together a broad cross-section of patient organizations who can better provide Canadian Blood Services with perspectives and first-hand insights and feedback on issues of importance to those that use the products and services facilitated by the organization.     

It provides a venue for Canadian Blood Services to engage patient organizations more frequently, more inclusively and in more robust ways and to help better appreciate what stakeholders are hearing from patients, what issues and concerns are emerging, and what we could be doing differently to best meet patient needs.  Topics for discussion include operational or strategic topics related to patient care identified by members and Canadian Blood Services. 

The Forum’s objectives are to: 

  • Provide patients and patient organizations with regular briefings from Canadian Blood Services on operations and priorities, with an opportunity to ask questions in response. 
  • Listen to and better understand patient perspectives and concerns. 
  • Engage Forum members on key health policy issues and directions. 
  • Involve senior Canadian Blood Services executive and board members so they hear patient organization perspectives first-hand. 

Additional Resources: 

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