Obtain cord blood products for research

Investigators can obtain fresh unprocessed and frozen processed cord blood units. The processes for distribution of cord blood products for research follow a rigorous ethical and legal framework, with oversight from Canadian Blood Services independent Research Ethics Board.

Obtain cord blood products for research FAQ

What cord blood products are available through the Cord Blood for Research Program?​

​​How does the Cord Blood for Research Program recruit and consent donors?

The consent for research is obtained by Canadian Blood Services’ Cord Blood Bank as part of the bank’s collection process, not by investigators. The research option is presented to women delivering at our Partnered Collection Site hospitals within the Permission to Collect Form. Only cord blood products that do not meet the criteria for storage in the Cord Blood Bank but still contain enough cells for meaningful research are available for distribution to researchers.​

How does an investigator obtain cord blood products from the Cord Blood for Research Program?

Investigators who require cord blood products for research must have their study approved by Canadian Blood Services Research Ethics Program and have signed a material transfer agreement. Investigators must submit an application consisting of Application Form Part A and Part B1.​

How does an investigator order blood products from the Blood4Research Program?​

Before ordering products, an investigator must have obtained approval from Canadian Blood Services Research Ethics Program (see above). Investigators with approved studies will be provided with an order form and instructions for ordering.​

Should demand for cord blood products for research exceed supply, distribution of cord blood products for research will be prioritized to those research projects that promote advances in the fields of transfusion, cellular therapies, and transplantation medicine.