Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Cold-stored platelets are effective in an in vitro model of massive transfusion protocol assessed by rotational thromboelastometry Zhao HQ, Serrano K, Culibrk B, Chen Z, Devine DV 2022 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Assessment of bacterial growth in leukoreduced cold-stored whole blood supports overnight hold at room temperature prior to filtration: A pilot study Ramirez-Arcos S, Kou Y, Kumaran D, Culibrk B, Stewart T, Schubert P, McTaggart K 2022 Vox Sang Researchers New or improved product or process
Heterogeneity of Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccination and Safety of Second Vaccination with BNT162b2 Lindhoff-Last E, Schoenborn L, Piorkowski M, Herold J, Greinacher A, Sheppard JA, Warkentin TE 2022 Thromb Haemost Researchers Clinical research
Blood unit segments accurately represent the biophysical properties of red blood cells in blood bags but not hemolysis Islamzada E, Matthews K, Lamoureux E, Duffy SP, Scott MD, Ma H 2022 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Donor-recipient sex is associated with transfusion-related outcomes in critically ill patients Alshalani A, Uhel F, Cremer OL, Schultz MJ, de Vooght KMK, van Bruggen R, Acker JP, Juffermans NP, on behalf of the MARS Consortium 2022 Blood Adv Researchers Clinical research
Blood Donation Testing and the Safety of the Blood Supply Goldman M, Drews SJ 2022 Practical Transfusion Medicine Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
FAQ: Canadian Blood Services platelet bacterial screening Khandelwal A, Ramirez-Arcos S, Bigham M 2022 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
FAQ : Le sang total déleucocyté à la Société canadienne du sang Mack J 2022 Blood.ca website Health care providers New or improved product or process
A Portrait of Cord Blood Units Distributed for Transplantation from Canadian Blood Services’ Cord Blood Bank: First Analysis Parmar G, Green M, Mostert K, Lawless T, Dibdin N, Weiss J, Ganz K, Petraszko T, Seftel MD, Allan DS 2022 Curr Oncol Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Circulaire d'information utilisation de composants sanguins humains: Sang total Stewart T 2022 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Ex vivo enzymatic treatment converts blood type A donor lungs into universal blood type lungs Wang A, Ribeiro RVP, Ali A, Brambate E, Abdelnour-Berchtold E, Michaelsen V, Zhang Y, Rahfeld P, Moon H, Gokhale H, Gazzalle A, Pal P, Liu M, Waddell TK, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Tinckam K, Kizhakkedathu JN, West L, Keshavjee S, Withers SG, Cypel M 2022 Sci Transl Med Researchers Clinical research
Epidemiology, diagnosis and management of neonatal thrombosis: a single-center cohort study Paes B, Chan AKC, Shaik M, Patel D, Bhatt MD 2022 Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis Health care providers Clinical research
Sexual risk behavior questions: Understanding and mitigating donor discomfort Haw J, Woo H, Kohut T, Fisher W 2022 Transfusion Blood operators MSM research
Mixing study to diagnose heparin-resistance caused by functional antithrombin deficiency Bahabri A, Moffat KA, Carlino SA, Chan AKC, Bhatt MD 2022 Int J Lab Hematol Researchers Basic research
Filamin A regulates caspase-3 cleavage in platelets in a protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent manner De Silva E, Devine DV, Jan E, Roskelley CD, Kim H 2022 Biochem J Researchers Basic research
Model of Acute Liver Failure in an Isolated Perfused Porcine Liver—Challenges and Lessons Learned Hefler J, Hatami S, Thiesen A, Olafson C, Durand K, Acker J, Karvellas CJ, Bigam DL, Freed DH, Shapiro AMJ 2022 Biomedicines Researchers New or improved product or process
Chapitre 10. Les réactions transfusionnelles Laureano M, Khandelwal A, Yan M 2022 Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Coagulation and complement: Key innate defense participants in a seamless web Pryzdial ELG, Leatherdale A, Conway EM 2022 Front Immunol Researchers Basic research
ResearchUnit: Evaluating infusion pump safety for red blood cell transfusions Wolfe A 2022 Blood.ca website Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Retention of hemostatic and immunological properties of frozen plasma and COVID-19 convalescent apheresis fresh-frozen plasma produced and freeze-dried in Canada Sheffield WP, Bhakta V, Howell A, Jenkins C, Serrano K, Johnson N, Lin Y-CJ, Colwill K, Rathod B, Greenberg B, Gingras A-C, Evans DH, Flaumenhaft E, Beckett A, Drews SJ, Devine DV 2022 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Comparison of Neutrophil Function in Granulocyte Concentrates From Prednisone- and G-CSF-Treated Donors: Effect of Stimulant, Leukapheresis and Storage Murru A, Allard M-È, Paré G, Vaillancourt M, Boyer L, Cayer M-P, Vitry J, Landry P, Labrecque M-M, Robitaille N, Branch DR, Girard M, Fernandes MJ 2022 Front Med Researchers Basic research
Comparative 6-Month Wild-Type and Delta-Variant Antibody Levels and Surrogate Neutralization for Adults Vaccinated with BNT162b2 versus mRNA-1273 Grunau B, Golding L, Prusinkiewicz MA, Asamoah-Boaheng M, Armour R, Marquez AC, Jassem AN, Barakauskas V, O’Brien SF, Drews SJ, Haig S, Lavoie PM, Goldfarb DM 2022 Microbiol Spectr Researchers Clinical research
The impact of donor ferritin testing on blood availability in Canada Blake JT, O'Brien SF, Goldman M 2022 Vox Sang Blood operators New or improved product or process
Preservation and Storage of Cells for Therapy: Current Applications and Protocols Acker JP, Bondarovych M, Brunotte R, Buriak IA, Fuller BJ, Glasmacher B, Goltsev AM, Gregor J, Gryshkov O, Herrity K, Honegrová B, Hunt CJ, Jandová M, Johnstone BH, Kilbride P, Lánská M, Mann J, Měřička P, Musall KG, Mutsenko V, Mykhailova O, Petrenko Y, Radocha J, Sherry AM, Stacey GN, Štěrba L, Vokurková D, William N, Woods EJ 2022 Cell Engineering and Regeneration Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
FAQ: Donor high titre isohemagglutinin (anti-A/anti-B) testing at Canadian Blood Services Bodnar M, Bienz M, Clarke G 2022 Blood.ca website Health care providers New or improved product or process
International guidelines regarding the role of IVIG in the management of Rh- and ABO-mediated haemolytic disease of the newborn Lieberman L, Lopriore E, Baker JM, Bercovitz RS, Christensen RD, Crighton G, Delaney M, Goel R, Hendrickson JE, Keir A, Landry D, La Rocca U, Lemyre B, Maier RF, Muniz-Diaz E, Nahirniak S, New HV, Pavenski K, Dos Santos MCP, Ramsey G, Shehata N, International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines 2022 Brit J Haem Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
The response of a human haematopoietic cell line to trehalose-loaded liposomes and their effect on post-thaw membrane integrity Scott KL, William N, Acker JP 2022 Cryobiology Researchers Basic research
Recognizing Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Iba T, Levy JH, Warkentin TE 2022 Crit Care Med Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
A scalable serology solution for profiling humoral immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination Colwill K, Galipeau Y, Stuible M, Gervais C, Arnold C, Rathod B, Abe KT, Wang JH, Pasculescu A, Maltseva M, Rocheleau L, Pelchat M, Fazel-Zarandi M, Iskilova M, Barrios-Rodiles M, Bennett L, Yau K, Cholette F, Mesa C, Li AX, Paterson A, Hladunewich MA, Goodwin PJ, Wrana JL, Drews SJ, Mubareka S, McGeer AJ, Kim J, Langlois M-A, Gingras A-C, Durocher Y 2022 medRxiv Researchers New or improved product or process
The Effect of Sex-Mismatched Red Blood Cell Transfusion on Endothelial Cell Activation in Critically Ill Patients Alshalani A, van Manen L, Boshuizen M, van Bruggen R, Acker JP, Juffermans NP 2022 Transfus Med Hemother Researchers Clinical research
Systematic Scoping Review of Studies Reporting Unexpected Donor-Derived Abnormalities from Recipients of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A Proposed Framework for Donor Disclosure Candeliere J, Kirkham AM, Shorr R, Morris G, Berardi P, Seftel MD, Allan DS 2022 Cell Ther Transplant Health care providers New or improved product or process
Le dépistage bactériologique des plaquettes à la Société canadienne du sang Khandelwal A, Ramirez-Arcos S, Bigham M 2022 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Understanding pulse oximetry in hematology patients: Hemoglobinopathies, racial differences, and beyond Patterson S, Sandercock N, Verhovsek M 2022 Am J Hematol Health care providers Clinical research
ABO blood group and COVID-19: a review on behalf of the ISBT COVID-19 working group Goel R, Bloch EM, Pirenne F, Al-Riyami AZ, Crowe E, Dau L, Land K, Townsend M, Jecko T, Rahimi-Levene N, Patidar G, Josephson CD, Arora S, Vermeulen M, Vrielink H, Montemayor C, Oreh A, Hindawi S, van den Berg K, Serrano K, So – Osman C, Wood E, Devine DV, Spitalnik SL, the ISBT COVID-19 Working Group 2021 Vox Sang Researchers Clinical research
Evaluating the appropriateness of platelet transfusions compared with evidence-based platelet guidelines: An audit of platelet transfusions at 57 hospitals Hill-Strathy M, Pinkerton PH, Thompson TA, Wendt A, Collins A, Cohen R, WO BC, Cameron T, Lin Y, Lau W, Lieberman L, Callum J 2021 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Risk analysis of transfusion of cryoprecipitate without consideration of ABO group Hadjesfandiari N, Levin E, Serrano K, Yi Q-L, Devine DV 2021 Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Circular of information for the use of human blood components: Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells (HPC) Cord Blood Stewart T 2021 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Clotting factor concentrates for preventing bleeding and bleeding-related complications in previously treated individuals with haemophilia A or B Olasupo OO, Lowe MS, Krishan A, Collins P, Iorio A, Matino D 2021 Cochrane Database Syst Rev Health care providers Clinical research
Circular of information for the use of human blood components: Platelets Jenkins C 2021 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
FcgammaRI and FcgammaRIII on splenic macrophages mediate phagocytosis of anti-glycoprotein IIb/IIIa autoantibody-opsonized platelets in immune thrombocytopenia Norris PAA, Segel GB, Burack WR, Sachs UJ, Lissenberg-Thunnissen SN, Vidarsson G, Bayat B, Cserti-Gazdewich CM, Callum J, Lin Y, Branch D, Kapur R, Semple JW, Lazarus AH 2021 Haematologica Researchers Basic research
Pragmatic, double-blind, randomised trial evaluating the impact of red blood cell donor sex on recipient mortality in an academic hospital population: the innovative Trial Assessing Donor Sex (iTADS) protocol Fergusson DA, Chassé M, Tinmouth A, Acker JP, English S, Forster AJ, Hawken S, Shehata N, Thavorn K, Wilson K, Tuttle A, Perelman I, Cober N, Maddison H, Tokessy M 2021 BMJ Open Researchers Clinical research
DNA Mediated Blood Coagulation: Extracellular DNA Accelerates Fibrinogen Polymerization By Thrombin Independent of Contact Pathway Vappala S, Straus S, Pryzdial EL, Conway E, Kizhakkedathu J 2021 Blood Researchers Basic research
Reconstituted cryopreserved platelets synthesize proteins during short-term storage and packaging a defined subset into microvesicles Schubert P, Johnson L, Culibrk B, Chen Z, Tan S, Marks DC, Devine DV 2021 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Major clinical trial finds convalescent plasma does not help patients with COVID-19 Modi D 2021 Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network December 2021 Newsletter Health care providers Clinical research
A Higher Antibody Response Is Generated With a 6- to 7-Week (vs Standard) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Vaccine Dosing Interval Grunau B, Asamoah-Boaheng M, Lavoie PM, Karim ME, Kirkham TL, Demers PA, Barakauskas V, Marquez AC, Jassem AN, O'Brien SF, Drews SJ, Haig S, Cheskes S, Goldfarb DM 2021 Clin Infect Dis Researchers Clinical research
Chapter 6: Donor selection, donor testing and pathogen reduction Drews S, Khandelwal A, Goldman M, Devine D 2021 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Estimating the impact on the inventory of implementing pathogen-reduced platelets in Canada Blake JT, McTaggart K, Couture C 2021 Transfusion Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Compliance with the massive hemorrhage protocol in trauma: a retrospective quality review Khayyat H, Callum JL, Hill-Strathy M, Strauss R, Notario L, Nathens A, da Luz L 2021 Can J Anaesth Health care providers Clinical research
Registration errors among patients receiving blood transfusions: a national analysis from 2008 to 2017 Vijenthira S, Armali C, Downie H, Wilson A, Paton K, Berry B, Wu HX, Robitaille A, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Callum J 2021 Vox Sang Health care providers Clinical research
Successful prenatal therapy for anti-CD36-mediated severe FNAIT by deglycosylated antibodies in a novel murine model Xu X, Chen D, Ye X, Xia W, Xu Y, Chen Y, Shao Y, Deng J, Ding H, Liu J, Wang J, Ni H, Fu Y, Santoso S 2021 Blood Researchers Basic research