Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Structure-activity relationships of pyrazole derivatives as potential therapeutics for immune thrombocytopenias Purohit MK, Chakka SK, Scovell I, Neschadim A, Bello AM, Salum N, Katsman Y, Bareau MC, Branch DR, Kotra LP 2014 Bioorg Med Chem Researchers Basic research
Anfibatide, a novel GPIb complex antagonist, inhibits platelet adhesion and thrombus formation in vitro and in vivo in murine models of thrombosis Lei X, Reheman A, Hou Y, Zhou H, Wang Y, Marshall AH, Liang C, Dai X, Li BX, Vanhoorelbeke K, Ni H 2014 Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Comparative efficacy of blood cell immunocamouflage by membrane grafting of methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) and polyethyloxazoline Kyluik-Price DL, Li L, Scott MD 2014 Biomaterials Researchers Basic research
Plasma fibronectin supports hemostasis and regulates thrombosis Wang Y, Reheman A, Spring CM, Kalantari J, Marshall AH, Wolberg AS, Gross PL, Weitz JI, Rand ML, Mosher DF, Freedman J, Ni H 2014 J Clin Invest Researchers Basic research
Short daily versus conventional hemodialysis for hypertensive patients: a randomized cross-over study Zimmerman DL, Ruzicka M, Hebert P, Fergusson D, Touyz RM, Burns KD 2014 PLoS One Health care providers Clinical research
Understanding why patients with immune thrombocytopenia are deeply divided on splenectomy Wang KK, Charles C, Heddle NM, Arnold E, Molnar L, Arnold DM 2014 Health Expect Health care providers Clinical research
First analysis of 10-year trends in national factor concentrates usage in haemophilia: data from CHARMS, the Canadian Hemophilia Assessment and Resource Management System Traore AN, Chan AKC, Webert KE, Heddle N, Ritchie B, St-Louis J, Teitel J, Lillicrap D, Iorio A, Walker I 2014 Haemophilia Health care providers Clinical research
Mixed field reactions in ABO and Rh typing chimerism likely resulting from twin haematopoiesis Sharpe C, Lane D, Cote J, Hosseini-Maaf B, Goldman M, Olsson ML, Hult AK 2014 Blood Transfus Health care providers Clinical research
Acquired peanut hypersensitivity following platelet transfusion Ponnampalam A, Growe G, Loftus P, Chipperfield K, Bigham M 2014 Transfus Med Health care providers Clinical research
Counting platelets at transfusion threshold levels: impact on the decision to transfuse. A BEST Collaborative - UK NEQAS(H) International Exercise Lozano M, Mahon A, van der Meer PF, Stanworth S, Cid J, Devine D, Fung MK, de la Salle B, Heddle NM, on behalf of Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion Collaborative 2014 Vox Sang Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Different doses of prophylactic platelet transfusion for preventing bleeding in patients with haematological disorders after chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation (Protocol) Estcourt LJ, Stanworth S, Doree C, Trivella M, Hopewell S, Murphy MF, Tinmouth A 2014 Cochrane Database Syst Rev Researchers Clinical research
How to succeed in research during medical training: a qualitative study Alak A, Jerzak KJ, Quirt JA, Lane SJ, Miller PA, Haider S, Arnold DM 2014 Clin Invest Med Health care providers Clinical research
Internal medicine resident knowledge of transfusion medicine: results from the BEST-TEST international education needs assessment Haspel RL, Lin Y, Mallick R, Tinmouth A, Cid J, Eichler H, Lozano M, van de Watering L, Fisher PB, Ali A, Parks E 2014 Transfusion Health care providers Other
ResearchUnit: Dodging disinfection: biofilm-forming skin bacteria can resist disinfectants Ramirez-Arcos S 2014 Blood.ca website Other Other
Transfusion-related lung injury in children: a case series and review of the literature Lieberman L, Petraszko T, Yi QL, Hannach B, Skeate R 2014 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Does intravenous contrast-enhanced computed tomography cause acute kidney injury? Protocol of a systematic review of the evidence Kayibanda JF, Hiremath S, Knoll GA, Fergusson D, Chow BJ, Shabana W, Akbari A 2014 Syst Rev Researchers Clinical research
Evaluation of a universal point-of-issue assay for bacterial detection in buffy coat platelet components Ramirez-Arcos S, Kou Y, Perkins H 2014 Vox Sang Blood operators New or improved product or process
In reply to 'dialysis vintage could confound survival trends in ESRD patients' van Walraven C, Manuel D, Knoll G 2014 Am J Kidney Dis Health care providers Other
p38MAPK is involved in apoptosis development in apheresis platelet concentrates after riboflavin and ultraviolet light treatment Chen Z, Schubert P, Culibrk B, Devine DV 2014 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Postdonation Information and Blood Component Retrievals: Realigning Blood Center and Hospital Actions Based on Risk Assessment Eder AF, Goldman M 2014 Transfus Med Rev Blood operators Other
Sustained expression of coagulation Factor IX by modified cord blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells Dodd M, Marquez-Curtis L, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Hortelano G 2014 J Gene Med Researchers Basic research
The efficacy and safety of plasma exchange in patients with sepsis and septic shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis Rimmer E, Houston BL, Kumar A, Abou-Setta AM, Friesen C, Marshall JC, Rock G, Turgeon AF, Cook DJ, Houston DS, Zarychanski R 2014 Crit Care Health care providers Clinical research
The procoagulant envelope virus surface: contribution to enhanced infection Pryzdial EL, Sutherland MR, Ruf W 2014 Thromb Res Researchers Basic research
What should men living with haemophilia need to know? The perspectives of Canadian men with haemophilia Arnold E, Lane S, Webert KE, Chan A, Walker I, Tufts J, Rubin S, Poon MC, Heddle NM 2014 Haemophilia Health care providers Other
A thermoreversible poly(choline phosphate) based universal biomembrane adhesive Yu X, Yang X, Horte S, Kizhakkedathu JN, Brooks DE 2014 Macromol Biosci Researchers Basic research
Targeting activated platelets and fibrinolysis: hitting two birds with one stone Reheman A, Xu X, Reddy EC, Ni H 2014 Circ Res Researchers Basic research
E-selectin mediated adhesion and migration of endothelial colony forming cells is enhanced by SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 Sun J, Li Y, Graziani GM, Filion L, Allan DS 2013 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Progressive development of polycystic kidney disease in the mouse model expressing Pkd1 extracellular domain Kurbegovic A, Trudel M 2013 Hum Mol Genet Researchers Basic research
ResearchUnit: Doubling the 30-minute rule without compromising Red Blood Cells quality and safety. Ramirez-Arcos S 2013 Blood.ca website Other Other
Thrombocytopenia in the critically ill Shehata N, Fontes ML 2013 Can J Anaesth Researchers Other
Advancing risk assessment for emerging infectious diseases for blood and blood products: proceedings of a public workshop Gallagher LM, Ganz PR, Yang H, Kessler DA, O'Brien SF, Custer BS, Busch MP, Dodd RY, Stramer SL, Walderhaug MO, Forshee RA, Williams AE, Epstein JS, Anderson SA 2013 Transfusion Blood operators Other
Blood component transfusion in critically ill patients McIntyre L, Tinmouth AT, Fergusson DA 2013 Curr Opin Crit Care Health care providers Clinical research
N-ethylmaleimide activates a Cl(-)-independent component of K(+) flux in mouse erythrocytes Shmukler BE, Hsu A, Alves J, Trudel M, Rust MB, Hubner CA, Rivera A, Alper SL 2013 Blood Cells Mol Dis Researchers Basic research
Posttransplant monitoring of de novo human leukocyte antigen donor-specific antibodies in kidney transplantation Wiebe C, Nickerson P 2013 Curr Opin Organ Transplant Health care providers Clinical research
Sustained remissions of immune thrombocytopenia associated with the use of thrombopoietin receptor agonists Ghadaki B, Nazi I, Kelton JG, Arnold DM 2013 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Unraveling the IVIG mystique Branch DR 2013 Transfusion Researchers Other
What should men living with severe haemophilia need to know? The perspectives of Canadian haemophilia health care providers Lane S, Arnold E, Webert KE, Chan A, Walker I, Heddle NM 2013 Haemophilia Health care providers Other
Antigens protected functional red blood cells by the membrane grafting of compact hyperbranched polyglycerols Chapanian R, Constantinescu I, Brooks DE, Scott MD, Kizhakkedathu J 2013 J Vis Exp Researchers Basic research
Cholesterol efflux in megakaryocyte progenitors suppresses platelet production and thrombocytosis Murphy AJ, Bijl N, Yvan-Charvet L, Welch CB, Bhagwat N, Reheman A, Wang Y, Shaw JA, Levine RL, Ni H, Tall AR, Wang N 2013 Nat Med Researchers Basic research
Donor selection for recipient safety Goldman M 2013 ISBT Sci Ser Health care providers Clinical research
Activated platelets can deliver mRNA regulatory Ago2-microRNA complexes to endothelial cells via microparticles Laffont B, Corduan A, Plé H, Duchez AC, Cloutier N, Boilard E, Provost P 2013 Blood Researchers Basic research
Febrile and allergic transfusion reactions Fung MK, Heddle NM 2013 Practical Transfusion Medicine, 4th edition Health care providers Clinical research
The rationale for platelet transfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass: an observational study Zaffar N, Joseph A, Mazer CD, Nisenbaum R, Karkouti K, Tinmouth A, Peterson MD, Pavenski K, Callum J, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Shehata N 2013 Can J Anaesth Health care providers Clinical research
What to do with the queue? Reducing wait times for cancer care Blake JT, Bolland D, Dawe I 2013 Case Studies in Health Policy and Management, 2nd Edition Other Other
Exploring resource allocation and alternate clinic accessibility landscapes for improved blood donor turnout Paez A, Esita J, Newbold KB, Heddle NM, Blake JT 2013 Appl Geogr Blood operators New or improved product or process
ResearchUnit: Supporting evidence to change regulations regarding the storage of cryosupernatant plasma. Sheffield W 2013 Blood.ca website Other Other
The impact of prolonged storage of red blood cells on cancer survival Kekre N, Mallick R, Allan D, Tinmouth A, Tay J 2013 PLoS One Health care providers Clinical research
Microfluidic analysis of cellular deformability of normal and oxidatively-damaged red blood cells Kwan JM, Quan Guo Q, Kyluik-Price DL, Ma H, Scott MD 2013 Am J Hematol Researchers Basic research
The epidemiology of human T-cell lymphotropic virus types I and II in Canadian blood donors O'Brien SF, Goldman M, Scalia V, Yi QL, Fan W, Xi G, Dines IR, Fearon MA 2013 Transfus Med Blood operators Clinical research
Drugs in ITP: Mechanisms of Action Crow AR, Lazarus AH 2013 Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Researchers Other