Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Dengue virus binding and replication by platelets Simon AY, Sutherland MR, Pryzdial ELG 2015 Blood Researchers Basic research
Cord blood clinical processing, cryopreservation, and storage Elmoazzen H, Holovati JL 2015 Methods in Molecular Biology Other Other
Fibronectin orchestrates thrombosis and hemostasis Wang Y, Carrim N, Ni H 2015 Oncotarget Researchers Other
Incidence of gammopathies in long-term plasmapheresis donors at Canadian Blood Services Palmer DS, Scalia V, O'Toole J, Welch C, Yi Q, Goldman M 2015 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Preoperative Autologous Blood Donation: Waning Indications in an Era of Improved Blood Safety Vassallo R, Goldman M, Germain M, Lozano M, For the BEST Collaborative 2015 Transfus Med Rev Health care providers Other
ResearchUnit: Platelets vs. blood vessels: what causes bleeding fetuses and newborns with FNAIT? Ni H 2015 Blood.ca website Other Other
An investigation of red blood cell concentrate quality during storage in paediatric-sized polyvinylchloride bags plasticized with alternatives to di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) Serrano K, Levin E, Chen D, Hansen A, Turner TR, Kurach J, Reidel A, Boecker WF, Acker JP, Devine DV 2015 Vox Sang Researchers Basic research
Current trends in clinical studies of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Pilon S, Jedrysiak D, Sheppard D, Bredeson CN, Tay J, Allan DS 2015 Biol Blood Marrow Transplant Health care providers Clinical research
Epigenetic regulation of endothelial-cell-mediated vascular repair Fraineau S, Palii CG, Allan DS, Brand M 2015 FEBS J Researchers Other
Extended storage and glucose exhaustion are associated with apoptotic changes in platelets stored in additive solution Johnson L, Schubert P, Tan S, Devine DV, Marks DC 2015 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
The Canadian Choosing Wisely campaign: the Canadian Hematology Society's top five tests and treatments Hillis CM, Schimmer AD, Couban S, Crowther MA 2015 Ann Hematol Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Vancomycin Arnold DM 2015 Reactions Weekly Health care providers Other
Microfluidic cell-phoresis enabling high-throughput analysis of red blood cell deformability and biophysical screening of antimalarial drugs Santoso AT, Deng X, Lee J-H, Matthews K, Duffy SP, Islamzada E, McFaul SM, Myrand-Lapierre M-E, Ma H 2015 Lab Chip Researchers New or improved product or process
Multiplexed fluidic plunger mechanism for the measurement of red blood cell deformability Myrand-Lapierre ME, Deng X, Ang RR, Matthews K, Santoso AT, Ma H 2015 Lab Chip Researchers New or improved product or process
Outbreak of shigellosis in a homeless shelter with healthcare worker transmission - British Columbia, April 2015 Murti M, Louie K, Bigham M, Hoang LMN 2015 Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol Health care providers Clinical research
Severe bleeding events in adults and children with primary immune thrombocytopenia: a systematic review Neunert C, Noroozi N, Norman G, Buchanan GR, Goy J, Nazi I, Kelton JG, Arnold DM 2015 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research
Surveillance Report 2014 O'Brien SF 2015 Blood.ca website Other Other
The platelet serotonin-release assay Warkentin TE, Arnold DM, Nazi I, Kelton JG 2015 Am J Hematol Health care providers Clinical research
Bioorthogonal phase-directed copper-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition (PDCuAAC) coupling of selectively cross-linked superoxide dismutase dimers produces a fully active bis-dimer Siren EM, Singh S, Kluger R 2015 Org Biomol Chem Researchers Basic research
Fibronectin: extra domain brings extra risk? Wang Y, Ni H 2015 Blood Researchers Other
Hemostatic Disorders Poon MC, Goodyear MD, Lee A 2015 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Other
New RHD variant alleles Garcia F, Rodriguez M-A, Goldman M, Azcarate M-N, Rodriguez M-I, Muniz-Diaz E, Puente F, Alshatti H, Haimila K, Molano A, Garaizar A, Ochoa-Garay G 2015 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Quality of red blood cells washed using a second wash sequence on an automated cell processor Hansen AL, Turner TR, Kurach JDR, Acker JP 2015 Transfusion Health care providers New or improved product or process
The role of inflammation in intravenous immune globulin-mediated hemolysis Pendergrast J, Willie-Ramharack K, Sampson L, Laroche V, Branch DR 2015 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
A phase-II sequential case-series study of all patients presenting to four plasma exchange centres with presumed relapsed/refractory thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura treated with rituximab Clark WF, Rock G, Barth D, Arnold DM, Webert KE, Yenson PR, Kelton JG, Li L, Foley SR, members of the Canadian Apheresis G 2015 Br J Haematol Health care providers Clinical research
Dicer cleavage by calpain determines platelet microRNA levels and function in diabetes Elgheznawy A, Shi L, Hu J, Wittig I, Laban H, Pircher J, Mann A, Provost P, Randriamboavonjy V, Fleming I 2015 Circ Res Researchers Basic research
Effect of a thrombopoietin receptor agonist on use of intravenous immune globulin in patients with immune thrombocytopenia Zeller MP, Heddle NM, Kelton JG, Hamilton K, Wang G, Sholapur N, Carruthers J, Hsia C, Blais N, Toltl L, Hamm C, Pearson M-A, Arnold DM 2015 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Fully automated decomposition of raman spectra into individual Pearson's type VII distributions applied to biological and biomedical samples Schulze HG, Atkins CG, Devine DV, Blades MW, Turner RF 2015 Appl Spectrosc Researchers Basic research
How do I interpret a p value? O'Brien SF, Osmond L, Yi Q-L 2015 Transfusion Researchers Other
Megakaryopoiesis and ex vivo differentiation of stem cells into megakaryocytes and platelets Pineault N, Boisjoli GJ 2015 ISBT Sci Ser Researchers Basic research
Recommendations for standardization of laboratory testing for drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia: communication from the SSC of the ISTH Arnold DM, Curtis BR, Bakchoul T, for the Subcommittee on Platelet Immunology 2015 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Effects of pathogen reduction systems on platelet microRNAs, mRNAs, activation, and function Osman A, Hitzler WE, Meyer CU, Landry P, Corduan A, Laffont B, Boilard E, Hellstern P, Vamvakas EC, Provost P 2015 Platelets Researchers Basic research
Fatal false-negative transfusion infection involving a buffy coat platelet pool contaminated with biofilm-positive Staphylococcus epidermidis: a case report Kou Y, Pagotto F, Hannach B, Ramirez-Arcos S 2015 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Microfluidic deformability analysis of the red cell storage lesion Matthews K, Myrand-Lapierre M-E, Ang RR, Duffy SP, Scott MD, Ma H 2015 J Biomech Researchers New or improved product or process
Outcomes of both abbreviated hyper-CVAD induction followed by autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation and conventional chemotherapy for mantle cell lymphoma: a 10-year single-centre experience with literature review Alwasaidi TA, Hamadah A, Altouri S, Tay J, McDiarmid S, Faught C, Allan D, Huebsch L, Bredeson C, Bence-Bruckler I 2015 Cancer Med Health care providers Clinical research
ResearchUnit: Making the cut: protein breakdown in platelets during storage Serrano K 2015 Blood.ca website Other Other
Surveillance Report 2015 O'Brien SF 2015 Blood.ca website Other Other
BK virus prophylaxis with levofloxacin--reply Gill JS, Knoll GA, Humar A 2015 JAMA Other Other
Clinical effects of blood donor characteristics in transfusion recipients: protocol of a framework to study the blood donor-recipient continuum Chasse M, McIntyre L, Tinmouth A, Acker J, English SW, Knoll G, Forster A, Shehata N, Wilson K, van Walraven C, Ducharme R, Fergusson DA 2015 BMJ Open Researchers Other
Determining the Volume of Additive Solution and Residual Plasma in Whole Blood Filtered and Buffy Coat Processed Red Cell Concentrates Jordan A, Acker J 2015 Transfus Med Hemother Researchers New or improved product or process
Platelet microparticles are internalized in neutrophils via the concerted activity of 12-lipoxygenase and secreted phospholipase A2-IIA Duchez AC, Boudreau LH, Naika GS, Bollinger J, Belleannee C, Cloutier N, Laffont B, Mendoza-Villarroel RE, Levesque T, Rollet-Labelle E, Rousseau M, Allaeys I, Tremblay JJ, Poubelle PE, Lambeau G, Pouliot M, Provost P, Soulet D, Gelb MH, Boilard E 2015 PNAS Researchers Basic research
Transfusion Patterns in All Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit and in Those Who Die in Hospital: A Descriptive Analysis Shehata N, Forster AJ, Lawrence N, Ducharme R, Fergusson DA, Chassé M, Rothwell DM, Hébert PC, Tinmouth AT, Wilson K 2015 PLoS One Health care providers Clinical research
Further evidence that paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria is a disorder of defective cell membrane lipid rafts Ratajczak MZ, Borkowska S, Mierzejewska K, Kucia M, Mendek-Czajkowska E, Suszynska M, Sharma VA, Deptala A, Song W, Platzbecker U, Larratt L, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Maciejewski J, Ratajczak J 2015 J Cell Mol Med Researchers Basic research
A systematic review of definitions and reporting of bleeding outcome measures in haemophilia Chai-Adisaksopha C, Hillis C, Thabane L, Iorio A 2015 Haemophilia Health care providers Clinical research
Alloimmune Red Blood Cell Antibodies: Prevalence and Pathogenicity in a Canadian Prenatal Population Zwingerman R, Jain V, Hannon J, Zwingerman N, Clarke G 2015 J Obstet Gynaecol Can Health care providers Clinical research
Desialylation is a mechanism of Fc-independent platelet clearance and a therapeutic target in immune thrombocytopenia Li J, van der Wal DE, Zhu G, Xu M, Yougbare I, Ma L, Vadasz B, Carrim N, Grozovsky R, Ruan M, Zhu L, Zeng Q, Tao L, Zhai Z-m, Peng J, Hou M, Leytin V, Freedman J, Hoffmeister KM, Ni H 2015 Nat Commun Researchers Basic research
Improved Prediction of CD34+ Cell Yield before Peripheral Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Collection Using a Modified Target Value–Tailored Approach Sheppard D, Tay J, Palmer D, Xenocostas A, Doulaverakis C, Huebsch L, McDiarmid S, Tinmouth A, Mallick R, Martin L, Birch P, Hamelin L, Allan D, Bredeson C 2015 Biol Blood Marrow Transplant Health care providers New or improved product or process
Plasma and Plasma Protein Product Transfusion: A Canadian Blood Services Centre for Innovation Symposium Zeller MP, Al-Habsi KS, Golder M, Walsh GM, Sheffield WP 2015 Transfus Med Rev Health care providers Other
Reduced deformability of parasitized red blood cells as a biomarker for anti-malarial drug efficacy Deng X, Duffy SP, Myrand-Lapierre M-E, Matthews K, Santoso AT, Du Y-L, Ryan KS, Ma H 2015 Malar J Researchers New or improved product or process
A monoclonal antibody with anti-D–like activity in murine immune thrombocytopenia requires Fc domain function for immune thrombocytopenia ameliorative effects Yu X, Menard M, Seabright G, Crispin M, Lazarus AH 2015 Transfusion Researchers Basic research