Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Hemostatic Disorders and Hereditary Angioedema Poon MC, Goodyear MD, Rydz N, Lee A 2018 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Other
Raman spectroscopy of stored red blood cell concentrate within sealed transfusion blood bags Vardaki MZ, Atkins CG, Schulze HG, Devine DV, Serrano K, Blades MW, Turner RFB 2018 Analyst Researchers New or improved product or process
Blood and clots series: My patient has a pulmonary embolism. Should I screen them for cancer? Tseng E 2018 CanadiEM website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Comorbidities in persons with haemophilia aged 60 years or more compared with age-matched people from the general population Marchesini E, Oliovecchio E, Coppola A, Santagostino E, Radossi P, Castaman G, Valdre L, Santoro C, Tagliaferri A, Ettorre C, Zanon E, Barillari G, Cantori I, Caimi TM, Sottilotta G, Iorio A, Mannucci PM 2018 Haemophilia Health care providers Clinical research
Le déficit en IgA Goldman M 2018 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Platelet-activating antibodies are detectable at the earliest onset of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, with implications for the operating characteristics of the serotonin-release assay Warkentin TE, Arnold DM, Kelton JG, Sheppard JI, Smith JW, Nazy I 2018 Chest Researchers Clinical research
Proceedings of the Food and Drug Administration's public workshop on new red blood cell product regulatory science 2016 Vostal JG, Buehler PW, Gelderman MP, Alayash AI, Doctor A, Zimring JC, Glynn SA, Hess JR, Klein H, Acker JP, Spinella PC, D'Alessandro A, Palsson B, Raife TJ, Busch MP, McMahon TJ, Intaglietta M, Swartz HM, Dubick MA, Cardin S, Patel RP, Natanson C, Weisel JW, Muszynski JA, Norris PJ, Ness PM 2018 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Modelling the Need for New Blood Donors Following a Change in Deferral Period Blake J 2018 Industrial Engineering and Operations Management I Researchers Clinical research
American Society of Hematology 2018 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Cuker A AG, Chong BH, Cines DB, Greinacher A, Gruel Y, Linkins LA, Rodner SB, Selleng S, Warkentin TE, Wex A, Mustafa RA, Morgan RL, Santesso N 2018 Blood Adv Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Assessing opportunities and challenges for establishing a national program to distribute cord blood for research Isasi R, Mastronardi C, Golder M, Allan D, Walker M, Halpenny M, Yang L, Elmoazzen H, Chargé S 2018 Transfusion Researchers Other
GM-CSF and IL-4 are not involved in IVIG-mediated amelioration of ITP in mice: a role for IL-11 cannot be ruled out Lewis BJB, Leontyev D, Neschadim A, Blacquiere M, Branch DR 2018 Clin Exp Immunol Researchers Basic research
The importance of iron for whole blood donors: a Canadian perspective Pambrun C, Goldman M 2018 Blood.ca website Health care providers Other
ResearchUnit: Plasma: what's in the bag? Sheffield W, Jenkins C 2018 Blood.ca website Researchers Basic research
A brief survey of clinicians' perceptions of parent preferences for involvement in obstetrical and perinatal management decisions in haemophilia Lucier KJ, Movilla RV, Parvizian MK, Siddiqui R, Gabriele EH, Bourque M, MacIsaac J, Moorehead PC, Chan AK, Heddle NM, Lane SJ 2018 Haemophilia Health care providers Clinical research
Fostamatinib for the treatment of adult persistent and chronic immune thrombocytopenia: Results of two phase 3, randomized, placebo?controlled trials Bussel J, Arnold DM, Grossbard E, Mayer J, Treliski J, Homenda W, Hellmann A, Windyga J, Sivcheva L, Khalafallah AA, Zaja F, Cooper N, Markovtsov V, Zayed H, Duliege AM 2018 Am J Hematol Health care providers Clinical research
Red blood cell antibody-induced anemia causes differential degrees of tissue hypoxia in kidney and brain Mistry N, Mazer CD, Sled JG, Lazarus AH, Cahill LS, Solish M, Zhou Y-Q, Romanova N, Hare AGM, Doctor A, Fisher JA, Brunt KR, Simpson JA, Hare GMT 2018 Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol Researchers Basic research
Evaluation of a hydrogel-based diagnostic approach for the point-of-care based detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Perera S, Taheri A, Khan N, Parti R, Stefura S, Skiba P, Acker J, Martin I, Kusalik A, Dillon J-A 2018 Antibiotics Researchers New or improved product or process
Enhancing the pro-inflammatory anti-cancer T cell response via biomanufactured, secretome-based, immunotherapeutics Yang X, Kang N, Toyofuku WM, Scott MD 2018 Immunobiology Researchers Basic research
Approaches for analysis of erythroid cell parameters and hemoglobinopathies in mouse models Trudel M, Sedzro JC 2018 Methods Mol Biol Researchers Basic research
Risk of exposure to Zika virus and impact on cord blood banking and adult unrelated donors in hematopoietic cell transplantation: the Canadian Blood Services experience Adams Z, Morris G, Campbell T, Mostert K, Dibdin N, Fearon M, Elmoazzen H, Mercer D, Young K, Allan D 2018 Biol Blood Marrow Transplant Blood operators Clinical research
Splenectomy for immune thrombocytopenia: down but not out Chaturvedi S, Arnold DM, McCrae KR 2018 Blood Health care providers Clinical research
Concentré de recherche : Une façon nouvelle d'évaluer la qualité des globules rouges Acker J 2018 Blood.ca website Researchers Clinical research
Differential diagnoses for sepsis?induced disseminated intravascular coagulation: communication from the SSC of the ISTH Iba T, Levy J, Wada H, Thachil J, E. Warkentin T, Levi M, Subcommittee on Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 2018 J Thromb Haemost Other Benchmarking and standard setting
Fibronectin modulates formation of PF4/heparin complexes and is a potential factor for reducing risk of developing HIT Krauel K, Preuße P, Warkentin TE, Trabhardt C, Brandt S, Jensch I, Mandelkow M, Hammer E, Hammerschmidt S, Greinacher A 2018 Blood Researchers Basic research
Surveillance Report 2017 O'Brien S 2018 Blood.ca website Other Other
Blood coagulation dissected Pryzdial ELG, Lee FMH, Lin BH, Carter RLR, Tegegn TZ, Belletrutti MJ 2018 Transfus Apher Sci Health care providers Other
Blood and clots series: What are the risks of reversing DOAC-associated intracranial bleeding? Shih A 2018 CanadiEM website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Comparative characterisation of the biofilm-production abilities of Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated from human skin and platelet concentrates Taha M, Kohnen C, Mallya S, Kou Y, Zapata A, Ramirez-Arcos S 2018 J Med Microbiol Researchers New or improved product or process
Red blood cell antibody induced anemia causes differential degrees of tissue hypoxia in kidney and brain Mistry N, Mazer CD, Sled JG, Lazarus AH, Cahill LS, Solish M, Zhou Y-Q, Romanova N, Hare AG, Doctor A, Fisher JA, Brunt KR, Simpson JA, Hare GMT 2018 Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol Researchers Basic research
The Massive Online Needs Assessment (MONA) to inform the development of an emergency haematology educational blog series Chan TM, Jo D, Shih AW, Bhagirath VC, Castellucci LA, Yeh C, Thoma B, Tseng EK, de Wit K 2018 Perspect Med Educ Health care providers Education research
Effect of liposome treatment on hemorheology and metabolic profile of human red blood cells during hypothermic storage Da Silveira Cavalcante L, Acker J, Holovati J 2018 Biopreserv Biobank Researchers Basic research
Pathophysiology of immune thrombocytopenia Li J, Sullivan JA, Ni H 2018 Curr Opin Hematol Researchers Other
Importance du fer chez les donneurs de sang total : la perspective canadienne Pambrun C, Goldman M 2018 Blood.ca website Health care providers Other
Concentré de recherche : Plasma : c'est dans la poche Sheffield W, Jenkins C 2018 Blood.ca website Researchers Basic research
Neutropenia and monocytopenia in recurrent anaphylactoid reactions after red blood cell transfusions in a woman with immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency and anti-IgA Warkentin TE, Morin P-A, Heddle NM 2018 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Bacterial neuraminidase-mediated erythrocyte desialylation provokes cell surface aminophospholipid exposure Qadri SM, Donkor DA, Nazy I, Branch DR, Sheffield WP 2018 Eur J Haematol Researchers Basic research
Microfluidic determination of lymphocyte vascular deformability: effects of intracellular complexity and early immune activation Kang N, Guo Q, Islamzada E, Ma H, Scott MD 2018 Integr Biol Researchers Basic research
Timing of gamma irradiation and blood donor sex influences in vitro characteristics of red blood cells de Korte D, Thibault L, Handke W, Harm SK, Morrison A, Fitzpatrick A, Marks DC, Yi QL, Acker JP 2018 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
Two-year follow-up of donors in a large national study of ferritin testing Goldman M, Uzicanin S, Osmond L, Yi Q-L, Scalia V, O'Brien SF 2018 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Protocol for a phase III, non-inferiority, randomised comparison of a new fibrinogen concentrate versus cryoprecipitate for treating acquired hypofibrinogenaemia in bleeding cardiac surgical patients: the FIBRES trial Karkouti K, Callum J, Rao V, Heddle N, Farkouh ME, Crowther MA, Scales DC 2018 BMJ Open Researchers Clinical research
Investigations for fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: communication from the SSC of the ISTH Petermann R, Bakchoul T, Curtis BR, Mullier F, Miyata S, Arnold DM, Subcommittee on platelet immunology 2018 J Thromb Haemost Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Transfusion de plaquettes, l'allo-immunisation et la prise en charge de l'état réfractaire aux plaquettes Zeller M, Petraszko T 2018 Guide de la pratique transfusionnelle Health care providers Other
ResearchUnit: Improving the usefulness of a laboratory tool to match donors and patients Acker J, Branch D 2018 Blood.ca website Other Other
Chloride and other electrolyte concentrations in commonly available 5% albumin products Lai AT, Zeller MP, Millen T, Kavsak P, Szczeklik W, Elahie A, Alhazzani W, D'Aragon F, Jaeschke R, Lamontagne F, Karachi T, Cook D, Meade M, Rochwerg B, on behalf of The Canadian Critical Care Trials Group 2018 Crit Care Med Health care providers Clinical research
Rapport de surveillance 2017 O'Brien S 2018 Blood.ca website Other Other
Red blood cells, still vital after all these years: Commentary on Canadian Blood Services' International Symposium 2017 Qadri SM, Donkor DA, Yan M, Ning S, Branch DR, Seghatchian J, Sheffield WP 2018 Transfus Apher Sci Researchers Other
Megakaryocyte apoptosis in immune thrombocytopenia Vrbensky JR, Nazy I, Toltl LJ, Ross C, Ivetic N, Smith JW, Kelton JG, Arnold DM 2018 Platelets Researchers Basic research
Autoantibodies to thrombopoietin and the thrombopoietin receptor in patients with immune thrombocytopenia Nazy I, Kelton JG, Moore JC, Clare R, Horsewood P, Smith JW, Ivetic N, D'Souza V, Li N, Arnold DM 2018 Br J Haematol Health care providers Clinical research
Blood and clots series: Which antithrombotic therapy should I start for my patient with acute VTE? Tseng E 2018 CanadiEM website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Impact of organizational interventions on reducing inappropriate intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) usage: A systematic review and meta-analysis Diep C, Shih AW, Jamula E, Heddle NM, Parvizian M, Hillis CM 2018 Transfus Apher Sci Health care providers Clinical research