Our Research Publications

Updated August 2024

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Providing vital guidance in a time of crisis: COVID-19 research support Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Impact of lower concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide on cryopreservation of autologous hematopoietic stem cells: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled clinical studies Bennett B, Hanotaux J, Pasala AR, Hasan T, Hassan D, Shor R, Allan DS, Maganti HB 2024 Cytotherapy Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Post-Reconstitution Hemostatic Stability Profiles of Canadian and German Freeze-Dried Plasma Peng HT, Moes K, Singh K, Rhind SG, Pambrun C, Jenkins C, da Luz L, Beckett A 2024 Life Researchers Basic research
The effects of pen ink and surface disinfectants on red blood cells stored in plasticized polyvinylchloride transfusion bags Uy RJ, Serrano K, Hadjesfandiari N, Shih AW, Devine D 2024 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Red cell concentrates from teen male donors contain poor-quality biologically older cells Mykhailova O, Brandon-Coatham M, Phan C, Yazdanbakhsh M, Olafson C, Yi QL, Kanias T, Acker JP 2024 Vox Sang Researchers Basic research
Améliorer la sécurité du traitement par IgIV pour les patients Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Improving blood safety through a risk-informed approach to complex decision-making Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Antagonism of the Platelet-Activating Factor Pathway Mitigates Inflammatory Adverse Events Driven by Anti-erythrocyte Antibody Therapy in Mice Won KD, Gil Gonzalez L, Cruz-Leal Y, Pavon Oro A, Lazarus AH 2024 J Immunol Researchers Basic research
Pushing the boundaries of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: insights from cutting-edge preclinical research Hasan T, Maganti HB 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Estimated median density identifies donor age and sex differences in red blood cell biological age Mykhailova O, Brandon-Coatham M, Durand K, Olafson C, Xu A, Yi Q-L, Kanias T, Acker JP 2024 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Améliorer la sécurité et préserver les ressources en diminuant les transfusions inappropriées Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Understanding immunity in Canada: COVID-19 seroprevalence studies Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Improving safety and conserving resources by reducing unnecessary transfusions Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Use of Intravenous Albumin: A Guideline From the International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines Callum J, Skubas NJ, Bathla A, Keshavarz H, Clark EG, Rochwerg B, Fergusson D, Arbous S, Bauer SR, China L, Fung M, Jug R, Neill M, Paine C, Pavenski K, Shah PS, Robinson S, Shan H, Szczepiorkowski ZM, Thevenot T, Wu B, Stanworth S, Shehata N 2024 Chest Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Sebum Components Dampen the Efficacy of Skin Disinfectants against Cutibacterium acnes Biofilms Kumaran D, Ramirez-Arcos S 2024 Microorganisms Researchers Basic research
The selection and preparation of red cell components for intrauterine transfusion: A national survey Bodnar M, Lieberman L, Arsenault V, Berardi P, Duncan J, Lane D, Lavoie M, McCarthy J, Morrison D, Robitaille N, Shehata N, Wilson A, Clarke G, Obstetrical tC, Pediatric Transfusion Network 2024 Vox Sang Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Anemia in Hospitalized Patients: Vampirism and Other Tales Siegal D 2024 Blood.ca website Health care providers Clinical research
Guideline No. 448: Prevention of Rh D Alloimmunization Fung-Kee-Fung K, Wong K, Walsh J, Hamel C, Clarke G 2024 J Obstet Gynaecol Can Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Q&A: Restrictive or liberal transfusion strategy in myocardial infarction and anemia Carson J, Callum J, Sztainert T 2024 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Transfusion Camp Rwanda 2023: A train-the-trainer workshop establishing locally driven leadership in knowledge translation and sustainability in transfusion medicine education Nizeyimana F, Pendergrast J, Ntegerejuwampayee A, Lin Y, Kanyamuhunga A, Gashaija C, Masaisa F, Uzamukunda C, Mutuyimana G, Ndicunguye F, Gaseminari A, Mulindwa B, Muyombo T, Chargé S, Skelton T 2024 Vox Sang Health care providers Education research
Comprendre l’immunité au Canada : études de séroprévalence de la COVID-19 Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Introducing a new blood product to better meet the transfusion needs of the Canadian Armed Forces Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Immunoglobulin products Harding SR, Cowan J, Jennings S 2024 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Management of Pregnancies Alloimmunized with Non-Rh and Non-K Alloantibodies Jackson ME, Grabowska K, Lieberman L, Clarke G, Yan MTS, Canadian Obstetric Pediatric Transfusion N 2024 J Obstet Gynaecol Can Health care providers Clinical research
FAQ : fin du Programme de dons dirigés de la Société canadienne du sang Ning S 2024 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Comparative genome analyses of Staphylococcus aureus from platelet concentrates reveal rearrangements involving loss of type VII secretion genes Ramirez-Arcos S, Ighem-Chi S, Flint A, Weedmark K, Pagotto F 2024 Access Microbiol Researchers Basic research
Introduire un nouveau produit sanguin pour mieux répondre aux besoins transfusionnels des Forces armées canadiennes Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Prehospital Freeze-Dried Plasma in Trauma: A Critical Review Sheffield WP, Singh K, Beckett A, Devine DV 2024 Transfus Med Rev Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
International review of blood donation nucleic acid amplification testing Faddy HM, Osiowy C, Custer B, Busch M, Stramer SL, Adesina O, van de Laar T, Tsoi W-C, Styles C, Kiely P, Margaritis A, Kwon S-Y, Qiu Y, Deng X, Lewin A, Jørgensen SW, Erikstrup C, Juhl D, Sauleda S, Camacho Rodriguez BA, Coral LJCS, Gaviria García PA, Oota S, O'Brien SF, Wendel S, Castro E, Navarro Pérez L, Harvala H, Davison K, Reynolds C, Jarvis L, Grabarczyk P, Kopacz A, Łętowska M, O'Flaherty N, Young F, Williams P, Burke L, Chua SS, Muylaert A, Page I, Jones A, Niederhauser C, Vermeulen M, Laperche S, Gallian P, Sawadogo S, Satake M, Gharehbaghian A, Addas-Carvalho M, Blanco S, Gallego SV, Seltsam A, Weber-Schehl M, Al-Riyami AZ, Al Maamari K, Alawi FB, Pandey HC, Mbanya D, França RA, Charlewood R, the Virology Surveillance Risk Assessment Policy subgroups of the ISBT Working Party on Transfusion-transmitted Infectious Diseases 2024 Vox Sang Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
Comparative virulome analysis of four Staphylococcus epidermidis strains from human skin and platelet concentrates using whole genome sequencing Yousuf B, Flint A, Weedmark K, Pagotto F, Ramirez-Arcos S 2024 Access Microbiol Researchers Basic research
Making blood donation more inclusive with sexual behaviour-based screening for all donors Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Transforming research to improve therapies for trauma in the twenty-first century Juffermans NP, Gözden T, Brohi K, Davenport R, Acker JP, Reade MC, Maegele M, Neal MD, Spinella PC 2024 Crit Care Researchers New or improved product or process
Reconsidering Routine Repeat Group and Screens During Pregnancy-Personalizing Pregnancy Care Tran A, Clarke G, Callum JL, Smith G, Somerset D, Thorne J, Lieberman L 2024 J Obstet Gynaecol Can Health care providers Clinical research
An international review of the characteristics of viral nucleic acid-amplification testing (NAT) reveals a trend towards the use of smaller pool sizes and individual donation NAT Faddy HM, Osiowy C, Custer B, Busch M, Stramer SL, Dean MM, Acutt J, Viennet E, van de Laar T, Tsoi W-C, Styles C, Kiely P, Margaritis A, Kwon S-Y, Qiu Y, Deng X, Lewin A, Jørgensen SW, Erikstrup C, Juhl D, Sauleda S, Camacho Rodriguez BA, Soto Coral LJC, Gaviria García PA, Oota S, O'Brien SF, Wendel S, Castro E, Navarro Pérez L, Harvala H, Davison K, Reynolds C, Jarvis L, Grabarczyk P, Kopacz A, Łętowska M, O'Flaherty N, Young F, Williams P, Burke L, Chua SS, Muylaert A, Page I, Jones A, Niederhauser C, Vermeulen M, Laperche S, Gallian P, Satake M, Addas-Carvalho M, Blanco S, Gallego SV, Seltsam A, Weber-Schehl M, Al-Riyami AZ, Al Maamari K, Alawi FB, Pandey HC, França RA, Charlewood R, Virology t, Surveillance RA, Policy subgroups of the ISBT WP-TTID 2024 Vox Sang Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Renforcer l’inclusivité du don de sang : sélection basée sur les comportements sexuels pour tous les donneurs Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Intravenous albumin in cardiac and vascular surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis Skubas NJ, Callum J, Bathla A, Keshavarz H, Fergusson D, Wu B, Stanworth S, Shehata N 2024 Br J Anaesth Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Normal Morphology and Physiology of Human Blood Including Main Clinical Parameters and Microscopy Phan C, Brandon-Coatham M, Rahman A, Acker J 2024 The Optics of Blood: A Handbook Researchers Basic research
Prevalence of Hepatitis B in Canadian First-Time Blood Donors: Association with Social Determinants of Health O’Brien SF, Ehsani-Moghaddam B, Goldman M, Drews SJ 2024 Viruses Researchers Epidemiology research
Making IVIg treatment safer for patients Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Restrictive or liberal transfusion strategy in myocardial infarction and anemia Carson J 2024 Blood.ca website Health care providers Clinical research
Qualitative analysis of Canadian blood and plasma donors' views on expanding donor screening eligibility for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men Woo H, Fisher W, Kohut T, Haw J 2024 Transfusion Researchers MSM Social science research
FAQ: Delisting of directed donations at Canadian Blood Services Ning S 2024 Blood.ca website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Nova Scotia blood donors O'Brien SF, Deeks SL, Hatchette T, Pambrun C, Drews SJ 2024 J Assoc Med Microbiol Infect Dis Can Researchers Epidemiology research
Accuracy of venous thromboembolism ICD-10 codes: A systematic review and meta-analysis Liu B, Hadzi-Tosev M, Eisa K, Liu Y, Lucier KJ, Garg A, Li S, Xu E, Mithoowani S, Ikesaka R, Heddle NM, Rochwerg B, Ning S 2024 Thromb Res Researchers Basic research
Advancing gender inclusivity for Two-Spirit, trans, nonbinary and other gender-diverse blood and plasma donors Haw J, Butler-Foster T, Murray B, Lapierre D, Bosse J, Edwards J, Gümüşpala Ş, Jenkins C, Devor A 2024 Vox Sang Researchers Social science research
Making platelet transfusions safer through pathogen reduction Canadian Blood Services' Innovation & Portfolio Management 2024 Blood.ca website General public Other
Commentary on "Inhibition of cellular activation induced by platelet factor 4 via the CXCR3 pathway ameliorates Japanese encephalitis and dengue viral infections" Drews SJ 2024 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Epidemiology research
Comparable bacterial growth in platelet concentrates suspended in plasma and platelet additive solution and improved detection of bacterial contamination using a new generation automated culture system Kou Y, Kumaran D, Howell A, Ramirez-Arcos S 2024 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Reply to Kaestner et al.: Pioneering quantitative platforms for stored red blood cell assessment open the door for precision transfusion medicine Isiksacan Z, D’Alessandro A, McKenna DH, Tessier SN, Kucukal E, Gokaltun AA, William N, Sandlin RD, Bischof J, Mohandas N, Busch MP, Elbuken C, Gurkan UA, Toner M, Acker JP, Yarmush ML, Usta OB 2024 PNAS Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting
Alberta’s research priorities to advance organ donation and transplantation: an ecosystem-based and consensus-driven approach to strategic research planning Davoodi S, Gongal P, Delaney S, Acker J, Boulet D, Boulet T, Dijke E, Elliot J, Halloran K, Halpin A, Hartell D, Kemp L, Kramer A, Lam N, Mager D, Mokoena T, Pepper A, Powell L, Tandon P, Wilson M, Wilkins R, Woolfsmith J, West L 2024 Can Heal Pol Researchers Benchmarking and standard setting