Jeffs Journey To Remission

Hi, my name is Janelle and I am the wife to a cancer warrior named Jeff.

His journey with cancer began in late September 2022 with a diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin's anaplastic large cell lymphoma. To say we were shocked would be an understatement!! We were left in a cold sterile hospital room to digest the news after a long day of testing. Jeff had tumors growing rapidly through most of his body and one in his throat that was cutting off his oxygen supply so after consulting with the experts at Grand River Cancer Center he was rushed by Orange Ambulance to undergo an emergency tracheotomy so he could breath. He has undergone multiple rounds of chemotherapy, radiation and an autologous stem cell Transplant but has each time relapsed and very quickly!!

Now we have been offered some hope in the way of a donor stem cell transplant, it is the last remaining thing that may save my husbands life and get him to the remission he so deserves!! This is a man that has done all this with a smile on his face and has never once asked why me? There have been no days of him feeling sorry for himself, but his biggest worry has been the toll it is taking on myself and our family!! So, we are asking the big ask, the biggest most precious ask. Please donate and get those stem cells matched!! Add yourself to the Stem Cell Registry! Someday it could be you or your loved one that needs this gift!

Thank you,


Cambridge, Ontario

Stem cell recipient sitting and looking at camera