Hospital Engagement Community

The Hospital Engagement Community is open to all Transfusion Medicine Lab (Blood Bank) technical staff from organizations which are customers of Canadian Blood Services. It provides a venue for Canadian Blood Services to engage technical staff collectively to complement other bi-lateral conversations. The community covers a range of logistical and technical topics. 

The community is guided by a group of 18 Medical Laboratory Technologists and Transfusion Medicine Laboratory staff from a wide range of organization sizes, professional roles, and geographic location. This group meets to provide input on which topics are prioritized for discussion, and how those discussions are organized. 

The Hospital Engagement Community’s objectives are to: 

  • Provide a pan-Canadian mechanism for discussion regarding issues impacting hospitals’ work. 
  • Provide Canadian Blood Services with a timely understanding of the impact potential changes to CBS operations might create for hospitals. 
  • Enhance the opportunity for substantive hospital-based input into Canadian Blood Services’ planning and decision-making regarding activities and policies impacting hospitals’ work. 

For more information about the Hospital Engagement Community, please email