Research. Education. Discovery.

Our Research, Education, and Discovery Blog is a showcase for our work as well as the basic science behind what we do. Here we invite readers to explore the worlds of transfusion and transplantation science and learn more about how our research leads to improved everyday practices and ultimately – and most importantly – better outcomes for patients. 

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401 News items showing
D is also for Development
D is also for Development!

Friday, February 22, 2019
Welcome to our new R.E.D. blog series where we focus on our Centre for Innovation development projects to give you a glimpse into the future of blood banking... our future!
blood bags
New way to check the quality of blood before opening the bag

Thursday, February 14, 2019
As part of a larger ongoing effort to develop non-invasive technologies to monitor blood products during storage, researchers have developed a new technique to assess the quality of blood without breaching the sterility of blood bags.
Stories worth Sharing: Highlights from our partners: Thrombomodulin: Old protein with new functions and hope

Friday, February 08, 2019
This week, we highlight work from one of our partners, the Centre for Blood Research. Wayne Zhao describes a review by Dr. Ed Conway, Centre for Blood Research director and adjunct scientist at the Centre for Innovation. This review describes the many roles of thrombomodulin, a protein involved in blood coagulation.
Research Unit
Research Unit: What's in a bag of plasma?

Thursday, January 24, 2019
In this study, Dr. William Sheffield and Craig Jenkins from the Centre for Innovation tested levels and activities of important plasma factors for coagulation in recovered plasma. They found that the way in which plasma is manufactured from whole blood impacts the composition of recovered plasma.
kidney matching pieces
National organ sharing leads to 500 kidney transplants for highly sensitized patients

Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Five hundred kidney transplants made possible through national highly sensitized patient program
C4I prog report article
Annual progress report highlights the Centre for Innovation’s impactful research, development, education and training

Thursday, January 10, 2019
#WeDoResearch! Through our Centre for Innovation, our engaged network of scientists, medical experts, partners, and collaborators conduct and disseminate high quality, impactful research for the benefit of Canadian patients and the Canadian healthcare system.


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