Research. Education. Discovery.

Our Research, Education, and Discovery Blog is a showcase for our work as well as the basic science behind what we do. Here we invite readers to explore the worlds of transfusion and transplantation science and learn more about how our research leads to improved everyday practices and ultimately – and most importantly – better outcomes for patients. 

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401 News items showing
Icon of two hands holding a stylized heart
Organ donation after circulatory death (DCD) e-learning module now available

Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The third module of Canadian Clinical Guide to Organ Donation just launched.
Dr. Jennie Haw, a social scientist at Canadian Blood Services' Centre for Education
Cord Blood Awareness Month: Q&A with researcher Jennie Haw

Thursday, July 16, 2020
Dr. Jennie Haw is a scientist at Canadian Blood Services’ Centre for Innovation. As a sociologist, she’s interested in understanding how health and health systems relate to the individual and society. As we celebrate Cord Blood Awareness Month this July, we sat down with Dr. Haw to talk about her research and its impact on cord blood banking.
Screenshot of COVID-19 FAQ for health care workers
COVID-19 resources for health-care professionals

Thursday, June 25, 2020
Did you know that there’s a wealth of information available on the Canadian Blood Services’ Professional Education website to help transfusion medicine health-care professionals as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic?
Red blood cells hanging to filter at a Canadian Blood Services production facility.
Call for applications! Research funding to optimize blood product use and to train next-generation researchers

Friday, June 19, 2020
The 2020 competitions for two of the Centre for Innovation’s most important and impactful research and training funding programs are now open. The Blood Efficiency Accelerator Program supports projects that improve the use of blood products. The Postdoctoral Fellowship Program offers salary support for young investigators undertaking full-time research training in a Canadian research laboratory affiliated with Canadian Blood Services.
Ed Pryzdial
Tipping the balance: research finds new links between viral infections and coagulation

Thursday, June 04, 2020
Two recent studies from the laboratory of Canadian Blood Services senior scientist Dr. Ed Pryzdial shed light on how viruses interact with the blood coagulation system. These interactions may give viruses an advantage in their ability to infect, but they also provide new avenues to explore in the quest to find effective antivirals.
Dr. Alan Lazarus
Canadian Blood Services scientist Alan Lazarus honoured by the Canadian transfusion community

Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Ortho Award is presented each year at the Canadian Society for Transfusion Medicine annual meeting to honour an individual member who has provided a major service or innovation in transfusion medicine. Congratulations to Canadian Blood Services scientist Dr. Alan Lazarus who is the 2020 recipient.


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