Our Research Publications

Updated November 2023

Title Authors Year Sort ascending Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Determining staffing requirements for blood donor clinics: the Canadian Blood Services experience Blake JT, Shimla S 2014 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
Donor criteria for men who have sex with men: a Canadian perspective Goldman M, Lapierre D, Lemay L, Devine D, Sher G 2014 Transfusion Blood operators Benchmarking and standard setting
ResearchUnit: Protecting our life blood: iron deficiency in Canadian blood donors Goldman M 2014 Blood.ca website Other Other
The Fanconi anemia pathway has a dual function in Dickkopf-1 transcriptional repression Huard CC, Tremblay CS, Magron A, Levesque G, Carreau M 2014 PNAS Researchers Basic research
A pH and thermosensitive choline phosphate-based delivery platform targeted to the acidic tumor microenvironment Yu X, Yang X, Horte S, Kizhakkedathu JN, Brooks DE 2014 Biomaterials Researchers Basic research
Cell-matrix interactions of Factor IX (FIX)-engineered human mesenchymal stromal cells encapsulated in RGD-alginate vs. Fibrinogen-alginate microcapsules Sayyar B, Dodd M, Marquez-Curtis L, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Hortelano G 2014 Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol Researchers Basic research
Impact of ethnicity on human umbilical cord blood banking: a systematic review Akyurekli C, Chan JY, Elmoazzen H, Tay J, Allan DS 2014 Transfusion Researchers Clinical research
Phage Display of the Serpin Alpha-1 Proteinase Inhibitor Randomized at Consecutive Residues in the Reactive Centre Loop and Biopanned with or without Thrombin Scott BM, Matochko WL, Gierczak RF, Bhakta V, Derda R, Sheffield WP 2014 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Therapeutic Effect of IVIG on Inflammatory Arthritis in Mice Is Dependent on the Fc Portion and Independent of Sialylation or Basophils Campbell IK, Miescher S, Branch DR, Mott PJ, Lazarus AH, Han D, Maraskovsky E, Zuercher AW, Neschadim A, Leontyev D, McKenzie BS, Kasermann F 2014 J Immunol Researchers Basic research
Transfusion-related acute lung injury after transfusion of pooled immune globulin: a case report Quest GR, Gaal H, Clarke G, Nahirniak S 2014 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Antibody specific for the glycophorin A complex mediates intravenous immune globulin-resistant anemia in a murine model Chen X, Ghaffar H, Jen CC, Lazarus AH 2014 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Growth factor independence 1b (gfi1b) is important for the maturation of erythroid cells and the regulation of embryonic globin expression Vassen L, Beauchemin H, Lemsaddek W, Krongold J, Trudel M, Moroy T 2014 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Polymeric Nanoparticle-Mediated Silencing of CD44 Receptor in CD34+ Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Gul-Uluda H, Valencia-Serna J, Kucharski C, Marquez-Curtis LA, Jiang X, Larratt L, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Uluda H 2014 Leukemia Res Researchers Basic research
RhD Specific Antibodies Are Not Detectable in HLA-DRB1(*)1501 Mice Challenged with Human RhD Positive Erythrocytes Bernardo L, Denomme GA, Shah K, Lazarus AH 2014 Adv Hematol Researchers Basic research
Severe platelet desialylation in a patient with glycoprotein Ib/IX antibody-mediated immune thrombocytopenia and fatal pulmonary hemorrhage Li J, Callum JL, Lin Y, Zhou Y, Zhu G, Ni H 2014 Haematologica Researchers Clinical research
The effects of lysine analogs during pelvic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis Breau RH, Kokolo MB, Punjani N, Cagiannos I, Beck A, Niznick N, Buenaventura C, Cowan J, Knoll G, Momoli F, Morash C, Ruzicka M, Schachkina S, Tinmouth A, Xie HY, Fergusson DA 2014 Transfus Med Rev Health care providers Clinical research
Alzheimer Disease in a Mouse Model: MR Imaging–guided Focused Ultrasound Targeted to the Hippocampus Opens the Blood-Brain Barrier and Improves Pathologic Abnormalities and Behavior Burgess A, Dubey S, Yeung S, Hough O, Eterman N, Aubert I, Hynynen K 2014 Radiology Researchers Basic research
Fibronectin-Alginate microcapsules improve cell viability and protein secretion of encapsulated Factor IX-engineered human mesenchymal stromal cells Sayyar B, Dodd M, Marquez-Curtis L, Janowska-Wieczorek A, Hortelano G 2014 Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol Researchers Basic research
Increasing efficiency in protein-protein coupling: subunit-directed acetylation and phase-directed CuAAC ("click coupling") in the formation of hemoglobin bis-tetramers Wang A, Kluger R 2014 Biochemistry Researchers Basic research
Quality of red blood cells washed using an automated cell processor with and without irradiation Hansen AL, Turner TR, Yi QL, Acker JP 2014 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
ResearchUnit: Red cell irradiation - time for a change? Serrano K 2014 Blood.ca website Other Other
TAILS N-terminomics of human platelets reveals pervasive metalloproteinase-dependent proteolytic processing in storage Prudova A, Serrano K, Eckhard U, Fortelny N, Devine DV, Overall CM 2014 Blood Researchers Basic research
The fibrinogen but not the Factor VIII content of transfused plasma determines its effectiveness at reducing bleeding in coagulopathic mice Eltringham-Smith LJ, Lei X, Reheman A, Lambourne MD, Pryzdial EL, Ni H, Sheffield WP 2014 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
The size-dependent efficacy and biocompatibility of hyperbranched polyglycerol in peritoneal dialysis Du C, Mendelson AA, Guan Q, Chapanian R, Chafeeva I, da Roza G, Kizhakkedathu JN 2014 Biomaterials Researchers Basic research
Adhesion of anaerobic bacteria to platelet containers Kumaran D, Kalab M, Rood IGH, de Korte D, Ramirez-Arcos S 2014 Vox Sang Blood operators Basic research
External validation of a risk assessment model for venous thromboembolism in the hospitalised acutely-ill medical patient (VTE-VALOURR) Mahan CE, Liu Y, Turpie AG, Vu JT, Heddle N, Cook RJ, Dairkee U, Spyropoulos AC 2014 Thromb Haemost Health care providers Clinical research
How safe is safe enough, who decides and how? From a zero-risk paradigm to risk-based decision making Menitove JE, Leach Bennett J, Tomasulo P, Katz LM 2014 Transfusion Blood operators Other
Opinion: 'Family veto' dilemma and organ donation Toews M, Caulfield T 2014 Edmonton Journal Other Other
Phenotype matching for sickle cell patients: a review and recommendations for transfusion practice Skeate R, Goldman M 2014 Blood.ca website Health care providers Other
Allogeneic platelet transfusions prevent murine T-cell–mediated immune thrombocytopenia Guo L, Yang L, Speck ER, Aslam R, Kim M, McKenzie CGJ, Lazarus AH, Ni H, Hou M, Freedman J, Semple JW 2014 Blood Researchers Basic research
Characterization of the growth dynamics and biofilm formation of Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated from contaminated platelet units Ali H, Greco-Stewart VS, Jacobs MR, Yomtovian RA, Rood IG, de Korte D, Ramirez-Arcos S 2014 J Med Microbiol Blood operators Basic research
gT-S195A thrombin reduces the anticoagulant effects of dabigatran in vitro and in vivo Sheffield WP, Lambourne MD, Eltringham-Smith LJ, Bhakta V, Arnold DM, Crowther MA 2014 J Thromb Haemost Researchers Basic research
Low pertussis toxin antibody levels in two regional cohorts of Canadian pregnant women Bigham M, Konrad S, Van Buynder P, Van Buynder J, Isaac-Renton J, ElSherif M, Halperin SA 2014 Vaccine Health care providers Clinical research
The effects of rejuvenation during hypothermic storage on red blood cell membrane remodeling Kurach JDR, Almizraq R, Bicalho B, Acker JP, Holovati JL 2014 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
A method to measure permeability of red blood cell membrane to water and solutes using intrinsic fluorescence Zhurova M, Olivieri A, Holt A, Acker JP 2014 Clin Chim Acta Researchers Basic research
IVIG pluripotency and the concept of Fc-sialylation: challenges to the scientist von Gunten S, Shoenfeld Y, Blank M, Branch DR, Vassilev T, Kasermann F, Bayry J, Kaveri S, Simon HU 2014 Nat Rev Immunol Researchers Other
Pathogenesis of immune thrombocytopenia Cines DB, Cuker A, Semple JW 2014 Presse Med Researchers Clinical research
Research opportunities in optimizing storage of red blood cell products Wagner SJ, Glynn SA, Welniak LA, NHLBI Working Group on Strategies to Optimize Red Blood Cell Products 2014 Transfusion Researchers Other
ResearchUnit: Research into TRALI therapies gene therapy results that are a TAD interesting! Semple J 2014 Blood.ca website Other Other
Risk of serious gastrointestinal bleeding in living kidney donors Thomas SM, Lam NN, Huang A, Nash DM, Prasad GV, Knoll GA, Koval JJ, Lentine KL, Kim SJ, Alam A, Lok CE, Treleaven DJ, Garg AX 2014 Clin Transplant Health care providers Clinical research
(+)-SJ733, a clinical candidate for malaria that acts through ATP4 to induce rapid host-mediated clearance of Plasmodium Jimenez-Diaz MB, Ebert D, Salinas Y, Pradhan A, Lehane AM, Myrand-Lapierre ME, O'Loughlin KG, Shackleford DM, Justino de Almeida M, Carrillo AK, Clark JA, Dennis AS, Diep J, Deng X, Duffy S, Endsley AN, Fedewa G, Guiguemde WA, Gomez MG, Holbrook G, Horst J, Kim CC, Liu J, Lee MC, Matheny A, Martinez MS, Miller G, Rodriguez-Alejandre A, Sanz L, Sigal M, Spillman NJ, Stein PD, Wang Z, Zhu F, Waterson D, Knapp S, Shelat A, Avery VM, Fidock DA, Gamo FJ, Charman SA, Mirsalis JC, Ma H, Ferrer S, Kirk K, Angulo-Barturen I, Kyle DE, DeRisi JL, Floyd DM, Guy RK 2014 PNAS Researchers Basic research
A plasmin-activatable thrombin inhibitor reduces experimental thrombosis and assists experimental thrombolysis in murine models Sheffield WP, Eltringham-Smith LJ, Gataiance S, Bhakta V 2014 J Thromb Thrombolysis Researchers Basic research
Cytokine profiles in mouse models of experimental immune thrombocytopenia reveal a lack of inflammation and differences in response to intravenous immunoglobulin depending on the mouse strain Leontyev D, Neschadim A, Branch DR 2014 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Effect of blood donor characteristics on transfusion outcomes: a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Chasse M, English S, McIntyre L, Knoll G, Shehata N, Forster A, Wilson K, van Walraven C, Tinmouth A, Fergusson D 2014 Syst Rev Researchers Clinical research
How to get a paper published Walsh GM, Devine DV 2014 ISBT Sci Ser Other Other
Optimal Attenuation of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis by Intravenous Immunoglobulin Requires an Intact Interleukin-11 Receptor Figueiredo CA, Drohomyrecky PC, McCarthy SDS, Leontyev D, Ma X-Z, Branch DR, Dunn SE 2014 PLoS One Researchers Basic research
Segments from red blood cell units should not be used for quality testing Kurach JDR, Hansen AL, Turner TR, Jenkins C, Acker JP 2014 Transfusion Blood operators New or improved product or process
Structure-activity relationships of pyrazole derivatives as potential therapeutics for immune thrombocytopenias Purohit MK, Chakka SK, Scovell I, Neschadim A, Bello AM, Salum N, Katsman Y, Bareau MC, Branch DR, Kotra LP 2014 Bioorg Med Chem Researchers Basic research
Antibody-Mediated Immune Suppression of Erythrocyte Alloimmunization Can Occur Independently from Red Cell Clearance or Epitope Masking in a Murine Model Yu H, Stowell SR, Bernardo L, Hendrickson JE, Zimring JC, Amash A, Uchikawa M, Lazarus AH 2014 J Immunol Researchers Basic research
Efficacy and safety of mesenchymal stromal cells in preclinical models of acute lung injury: a systematic review protocol Lalu MM, Moher D, Marshall J, Fergusson D, Mei SH, Macleod M, Griffin G, Turgeon AF, Rudnicki M, Fishman J, Avey MT, Skidmore B, Grimshaw JM, Stewart DJ, Singh K, McIntyre L 2014 Syst Rev Researchers Clinical research