
Are you tapped into all the research and education news?

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
If you’re already a subscriber to our Research and Education Round Up, thank you! You’re one of almost 700 readers interested in the latest transfusion and transplantation news, publications and events from Canadian Blood Services’ Medical Services and Innovation research and education network. If you already know the value of the Round Up, please tell your colleagues. They just might thank you. Published since 2015, our monthly newsletter collects the latest news, events and opportunities of interest to our transfusion and transplantation community. Professional development and education

Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: enhancing expertise in transfusion and transplantation science

Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Centre for Innovation funding programs like the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program enable experts in the fields of transfusion and transplantation medicine to deepen their understanding of the blood system while making vital steps towards a safer, more effective and responsive system for Canada. This program provides postdoctoral fellows with salary support to conduct their research and a supplementary research allowance which can be used towards purchasing materials, supplies, and other services needed to ensure a successful project.

Unique fellowship brings academic expertise to an organizational challenge

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Health systems impact fellow Dr. Jennie Haw digs into social aspects of cord blood banking

Encouraging meaningful careers in STEM – Part 2

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
To encourage more young people to consider careers in science, technology, engineering and math, and in honour of Ada Lovelace Day 2017, we are pleased to share profiles of women in these essential fields at Canadian Blood Services. We chose these stories in particular because they share a common theme of both perseverance and flexibility. They represent just a sampling of the convergence of skills, abilities and professional backgrounds that support Canada’s national blood system, its related activities, and the patients it serves. Part One shares words of wisdom from the field of Science and

Encouraging meaningful careers in STEM – Part 1

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
To encourage more young people to consider careers in science, technology, engineering and math, and in honour of Ada Lovelace Day 2017, we are pleased to share profiles of women in these essential fields at Canadian Blood Services.

Working today toward a better tomorrow

Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Innovation150 series: As Canada celebrates 150 years we look back on Canadian innovations in transfusion and transplantation medicine over the years. A series of posts feature remarkable Canadian progress - past, present and future. Part 1: Dr. Lawrence Bruce Robertson and blood transfusion in the trenches of World War I Part 2: Wartime Service and Canadian Transfusion Medicine Part 3: Meet Canada's Blood-Typing Pioneers In our first three #innovation150 posts on this blog, we brought readers back in time to the early days of Canadian transfusion medicine born out of wartime need during WW I

Cord blood matters – take time to learn more

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
July marks Cord Blood Awareness Month in certain places around the world. In homage to this important campaign we collected a few related stories from the RED archives and share a bit more information about why Cord Blood matters. Cord blood stem cells can be used in the treatment of more than 80 different diseases and disorders. By donating their baby’s cord blood, parents have the power to help patients living with diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, aplastic anemia, and sickle cell disease. Researchers continue to explore the possibilities of using cord blood in many other treatments. At

Kidney Paired Donation – powerful program reaches significant milestone

Tuesday, June 20, 2017
500 transplants made possible thanks to the selflessness of living organ donors and kidney paired exchange

A transplant journey: Meet Centre for Innovation's Everad Tilokee

Friday, April 28, 2017
Every day in Canada, more than 4,600 people are waiting for news that a donor has been found. Everad Tilokee shares his transplant journey during National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week.

A Q&A with Dr. David Allan

Wednesday, April 12, 2017
As medical director stem cells at Canadian Blood Services, a scientist in the Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research at The Ottawa Hospital and associate professor at the University of Ottawa, Dr. David Allan possesses a wealth of knowledge about clinical practice and research directions in blood- and bone marrow-based cellular therapies. He is also the current recipient of Canadian Blood Services’ Kenneth J. Fyke Award, which supports health services and policy research to promote the development of evidence-based Canadian practices and policies in transfusion, blood stem cell transplantation