Nos publications

Mise à jour août 2024

Title Authors Year Trier par ordre croissant Journal Link to Article Intended Audience Purpose
Immunocamouflaged RBC for alloimmunized patients Scott M, Toyofuku W, Yang X, Raj M, Kang N 2017 Transfusion Medicine and Scientific Developments Researchers Basic research
Target plasma factor levels for personalized treatment in haemophilia: a Delphi consensus statement Iorio A, Iserman E, Blanchette V, Dolan G, Escuriola Ettingshausen C, Hermans C, Negrier C, Oldenburg J, Reininger A, Rodriguez-Merchan C, Spannagl M, Valentino LA, Young G, Steinitz-Trost KN, Gringeri A 2017 Haemophilia Health care providers Clinical research
Utilisation des produits sanguins CMV négatifs Ryan J 2017 website Health care providers Benchmarking and standard setting
Eryptosis in health and disease: A paradigm shift towards understanding the (patho)physiological implications of programmed cell death of erythrocytes Qadri SM, Bissinger R, Solh Z, Oldenborg PA 2017 Blood Rev Researchers Basic research
Moonlighting glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is required for efficient hepatitis C virus and dengue virus infections in human Huh-7.5.1 cells Raj M, Langley M, McArthur SJ, Jean F 2017 J Gen Virol Researchers Basic research
ResearchUnit: Where is the blood going? Understanding red blood cell utilization to inform policies Zeller M, Heddle N, Devine D 2017 website Other Other
The clinical significance of platelet microparticle-associated microRNAs Provost P 2017 Clin Chem Lab Med Researchers Basic research
Transfusion-related immunomodulation: review of the literature and implications for pediatric critical illness Muszynski JA, Spinella PC, Cholette JM, Acker JP, Hall MW, Juffermans NP, Kelly DP, Blumberg N, Nicol K, Liedel J, Doctor A, Remy KE, Tucci M, Lacroix J, Norris PJ, for the Pediatric Critical Care Blood Research Network 2017 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Concentré de recherche: Comment se comportent les bactéries lors de la fabrication des plaquettes? Ramirez-Arcos S 2017 website Researchers Basic research
Low-dose antithymocyte globulin for graft-versus-host-disease prophylaxis in matched unrelated allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Bryant A, Mallick R, Huebsch L, Allan D, Atkins H, Anstee G, Sabloff M, Scrivens N, Maze D, Bredeson C, Kekre N 2017 Biol Blood Marrow Transplant Health care providers Clinical research
Nanoformulated water-soluble paclitaxel to enhance drug efficacy and reduce hemolysis side effect Gu W, Chen J, Patra P, Yang X, Gu Q, Wei L, Acker J, Kong B 2017 J Biomater Appl Researchers Basic research
p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase regulates mitochondrial function and microvesicle release in riboflavin- and ultraviolet light–treated apheresis platelet concentrates Chen Z, Schubert P, Bakkour S, Culibrk B, Busch MP, Devine DV 2017 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
ResearchUnit: Natural killers: when cells go wrong Ni H 2017 website Other Other
Survey for bacterial testing of platelet components in Latin America Ramirez-Arcos S, McDonald CP, Benjamin RJ, for the ISBT Working Party Transfusion Transmitted Infectious Diseases Bacterial Subgroup 2017 ISBT Sci Ser Blood operators New or improved product or process
Assessing the efficacy of a single-unit red blood cell transfusion policy at a multisite transfusion service using a computerized retrospective audit Covello TPC, Quinn JG, Kumar-Misir A, Watson S, Almohammadi M, Crocker BD, Conrad DM, Tennankore K, Sadek I, Kahwash E, Cheng CK 2016 ISBT Sci Ser Blood operators Clinical research
Donor iron policy: from research to practice O'Brien SF 2016 Transfusion Researchers New or improved product or process
Non-invasive spectroscopy of transfusable red blood cells stored inside sealed plastic blood-bags Buckley K, Atkins CG, Chen D, Schulze HG, Devine DV, Blades MW, Turner RFB 2016 Analyst Researchers New or improved product or process
Quantification of Cell-Free DNA in Red Blood Cell Units in Different Whole Blood Processing Methods Shih AW, Bhagirath VC, Heddle NM, Acker JP, Liu Y, Eikelboom JW, Liaw PC 2016 J Blood Transfus Blood operators Basic research
ResearchUnit: Searching for safer red blood cell bags for pediatric recipients Serrano K, Acker J 2016 website Other Other
Blood bag plasticizers influence red blood cell vesiculation rate without altering the lipid composition of the vesicles Bicalho B, Serrano K, dos Santos Pereira A, Devine D, Acker J 2016 Transfus Med Hemother Researchers Basic research
Effect of liposome-treated red blood cells in an anemic rat model da Silveira Cavalcante L, Feng Q, Chin-Yee I, Acker JP, Holovati JL 2016 J Liposome Res Researchers Basic research
Optimal conditions for the performance of a monocyte monolayer assay Tong TN, Burke-Murphy E, Sakac D, Pendergrast J, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Laroche V, Branch DR 2016 Transfusion Researchers Basic research
Platelets are versatile cells: New discoveries in hemostasis, thrombosis, immune responses, tumor metastasis and beyond Xu XR, Zhang D, Oswald BE, Carrim N, Wang X, Hou Y, Zhang Q, Lavalle C, McKeown T, Marshall AH, Ni H 2016 Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci Researchers Basic research
Subarachnoid hemorrhage admissions retrospectively identified using a prediction model English SW, McIntyre L, Fergusson D, Turgeon A, dos Santos MP, Lum C, Chassé M, Sinclair J, Forster A, van Walraven C 2016 Neurology Health care providers Clinical research
The mechanism and modulation of complement activation on polymer grafted cells Leung VL, Kizhakkedathu JN 2016 Acta Biomater Researchers Basic research
Antigen modulation as a potential mechanism of anti-KEL immunoprophylaxis in mice Liu J, Santhanakrishnan M, Natarajan P, Gibb DR, Eisenbarth SC, Tormey CA, Siddon AJ, Stowell SR, Branch DR, Hendrickson JE 2016 Blood Researchers Basic research
Bacterial survival and distribution during buffy coat platelet production Taha M, Kalab M, Yi QL, Maurer E, Jenkins C, Schubert P, Ramirez-Arcos S 2016 Vox Sang Researchers New or improved product or process
Bridging anticoagulation for interruption of warfarin in a patient with atrial fibrillation Tseng E, Crowther MA, Hillis CM 2016 CMAJ Health care providers Clinical research
Microparticles as biomarkers of lung disease - enumeration in biological fluids using lipid bilayer microspheres McVey MJ, Spring C, Semple JW, Maishan M, Kuebler WM 2016 Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol Researchers Basic research
QSAR accelerated discovery of potent ice recrystallization inhibitors Briard JG, Fernandez M, De Luna P, Woo TK, Ben RN 2016 Sci Rep Researchers Basic research
Assessing the influence of component processing and donor characteristics on quality of red cell concentrates using quality control data Jordan A, Chen D, Yi QL, Kanias T, Gladwin MT, Acker JP 2016 Vox Sang Researchers Basic research
CMV Seronegative, irradiated, and washed blood components Prokopchuk-Gauk O, Solh Z 2016 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Other
Enhanced Nitrite Reductase Activity and Its Correlation with Oxygen Affinity in Hemoglobin Bis-Tetramers Wang A, Kluger R 2016 Biochemistry Researchers Basic research
Hepatoprotective effects of Poly-[hemoglobin-superoxide dismutase-catalase-carbonic anhydrase] on alcohol-damaged primary rat hepatocyte culture in vitro Jiang W, Bian Y, Wang Z, Chang TMS 2016 Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol Researchers New or improved product or process
Transfusion reactions: prevention, diagnosis, and treatment Delaney M, Wendel S, Bercovitz RS, Cid J, Cohn C, Dunbar NM, Apelseth TO, Popovsky M, Stanworth SJ, Tinmouth A, Van De Watering L, Waters JH, Yazer M, Ziman A 2016 Lancet Health care providers Clinical research
Defining Significant Events for Neonatal and Pediatric Transport: Results of a Combined Delphi and Consensus Meeting Process Gunz A, McNally J, Whyte H, O'Hearn K, Foster J, Parker M, Dhanani S 2016 J Pediatr Intensive Care Researchers Clinical research
Extracellular vesicles in transfusion-related immunomodulation and the role of blood component manufacturing Almizraq RJ, Seghatchian J, Acker JP 2016 Transfusion and Apheresis Science Researchers Basic research
Gender and BCR-ABL transcript type are correlated with molecular response to imatinib treatment in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia Lin HX, Sjaarda J, Dyck J, Stringer R, Hillis C, Harvey M, Carter R, Ainsworth P, Leber B, Pare G, Sadikovic B 2016 Eur J Haematol Researchers Clinical research
How we treat thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: Results of a Canadian TTP practice survey Patriquin CJ, Clark WF, Pavenski K, Arnold DM, Rock G, Foley SR, for the Canadian Apheresis Group 2016 J Clin Apher Health care providers Clinical research
International Forum regarding practices related to donor haemoglobin and iron Goldman M, Magnussen K, Gorlin J, Lozano M, Speedy J, Keller A, Pink J, Leung JNS, Chu CCY, Lee CK, Faed J, Chay J, Tan HH, Teo D, Djoudi R, Woimant G, Fillet AM, Castrén J, Miflin G, Vandewalle GC, Compernolle V, Cardenas JM, Infanti L, Holbro A, Buser A, van den Hurk K, Yahalom VJ, Gendelman V, Shinhar E, Eder AF, Steele WR, O'Neill EM, Kamel H, Vassallo R, Delage G, Lebrun A, Robillard P, Germain M, Gandhi M, West KA, Klein HG 2016 Vox Sang Blood operators Other
Optimal transfusion practices after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: a systematic scoping review of evidence from randomized controlled trials Christou G, Iyengar A, Shorr R, Tinmouth A, Saidenberg E, Maze D, Tay J, Bredeson C, Allan DS 2016 Transfusion Health care providers Clinical research
Red blood cell processing methods and in-hospital mortality: a transfusion registry cohort study Heddle NM, Arnold DM, Acker JP, Liu Y, Barty RL, Eikelboom JW, Webert KE, Hsia CC, O'Brien SF, Cook RJ 2016 Lancet Haematol Researchers Clinical research
Transfusion-transmitted malaria: is hope around the corner? O'Brien SF 2016 Lancet Researchers Other
A trial to determine whether septic shock-reversal is quicker in pediatric patients randomized to an early goal-directed fluid-sparing strategy versus usual care (SQUEEZE): study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial Parker MJ, Thabane L, Fox-Robichaud A, Liaw P, Choong K 2016 Trials Researchers Clinical research
Quality and Safety of Blood Products Ramirez-Arcos S, Marks DC, Acker JP, Sheffield WP 2016 J Blood Transfus Researchers Other
ResearchUnit: Older blood as good as new: no harmful effects of storage time before transfusion Heddle N 2016 website Other Other
A new diagnosis of Addison's disease with a twist Alhabib M, McAssey K, Parker MJ 2016 J Endocrinol Diabetes Health care providers Clinical research
Assessing the Rationale and Effectiveness of Frozen Plasma Transfusions: An Evidence-based Review Tinmouth A 2016 Hematol Oncol Clin North Am Researchers Clinical research
CD44 Antibody Inhibition of Macrophage Phagocytosis Targets Fc? Receptor– and Complement Receptor 3–Dependent Mechanisms Amash A, Wang L, Wang Y, Bhakta V, Fairn GD, Hou M, Peng J, Sheffield WP, Lazarus AH 2016 J Immunol Researchers Basic research
Coagulation factor concentrates Poon MC 2016 Clinical Guide to Transfusion Health care providers Other