National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week

Support for organ donation surges during April awareness month

April 22-28 is National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week This week we remind Canadians to talk with their friends, family and loved ones to ensure their organ donation wishes and decisions are understood.

Still a critical need for donors on the 20th anniversary of National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week For those who are waiting for a lifesaving transplant, organ or tissue donation is top of mind. For the rest of us - less so. As part of this year’s National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week (NOTDAW), Canadian Blood Services along with provincial organ donation organizations across the country are asking Canadians to answer the call and register to be a donor. “Every day in Canada, more than 4,600 people are waiting for news that a donor has been found. But sadly, each year

Canadians encouraged to register to give life through organ or tissue donation (OTTAWA) – As part of this year’s National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week, Canadian Blood Services, along with organ donation organizations across Canada, is encouraging Canadians to take three important steps: make the decision to donate organs and tissues, register their intent to donate, and have open and frank conversations with loved ones about organ donation. Approximately 4,500 Canadians are waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant and many more are waiting for tissue transplants. One organ donor

Canada needs more donors: “48 in 48” registration drive planned Ottawa, Ontario – As part of National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week (April 19-25 th, 2015), Canadian Blood Services, along with several organ donation organizations across the country, is taking part in a 48 hour registration drive between April 20-22. Called “#48in48 for organ donation”, the initiative’s goal is to collectively register 48,000 new donors in 48 hours. While the number of donors in many provinces has increased over the past several years, it still does not meet the increasing need. Approximately, one of

We honour and commemorate the heroes who helped save or improve the lives of so many Canadians April 23, 2012 (Toronto, ON) - Sue Thompson has no words to express the depth of her gratitude to two heart donors and their families. Her son Robbie is alive today thanks to those donors. Robbie Thompson and his mom, Sue Thompson celebrating his 14th birthday. This week, Canadian Blood Services celebrates National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week. From Apr. 23-28, we honour and commemorate organ and tissue donors and their families who helped save or improve the lives of many more Canadians