Canadian Blood Services Voluntarily Recalls Blood Products from Regina-area clinics

Organization takes prudent measures to uphold safety and security of blood supply

October 5, 2012, (REGINA) —Canadian Blood Services has issued a voluntary recall of blood products that were collected in Regina between October 2, 2011 and October 3, 2012. This recall is being taken after it was discovered that one part of the donor screening process in Regina was not being performed according to standard procedures in some instances.

Donor screening is just the first of several layers of safety in Canada’s blood system. Every donation is also tested for infectious diseases. “Blood products included in the recall underwent routine donor testing and all test results were negative for infectious agents prior to their release” says Dr.Ted Alport, Medical Director for Canadian Blood Services in Saskatchewan. “The risk to blood recipients is remote and this situation is not likely to cause any adverse health consequences.”

However, as an organization committed to the safety and security of the blood supply, with high quality standards, Canadian Blood Services has strict requirements for product recalls, even when the risk is remote.

We are equally committed to openness and transparency and take our accountability to Canadians seriously. This public statement is a testament to that commitment.

Canadian Blood Services has been working closely with hospitals and leveraging our national inventory to maintain adequate supply of blood products in all regions and avoid any impacts on patient care.

Canadian Blood Services cancelled all blood donor clinics in Regina and surrounding communities on Friday, October 5 to meet with all Regina-based employees to reinforce safety and quality standards and Good Manufacturing Practices. The clinic will be reopened on Saturday, October 6. We apologize for any donor inconvenience and encourage donors to continue their generous support.

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